Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 285

Chapter 280 Five

The Sound of Xiaodi Accompanied by Crossing Lingbo (10)

At this moment, a famous female disciple looked at Liu Jiaming and said angrily: "Who can steal things under the eyes of the headmaster, you clearly look down on your lord, sisters, don't you?"

Many female disciples echoed one after another, and even a famous female disciple said: "Miss Yao is an extremely wealthy person, how could she do such things as committing murder or stealing secret books? Presumably it was the head of the sect who clearly observed that Cheng Shaoqing was allowed to hold the Xuanyuan Sword. , come and release Miss Yao."

All the female disciples were talking about Jian Zhen, Liu Jiaming could only laugh, and turned to Jian Zhen and said: "I also think that you two will not commit any serious crimes, but Elder Yuchi ordered me to wait here to guard, and the palm of your hand The door has not come in person, everyone must not be the master and let you go." As soon as the voice fell, he immediately took out the token given by Yuchi Dekai, and continued in a pompous manner: "This is the token given by Elder Yuchi, and the law enforcement disciple will quickly These two stopped them, and wait until the head master comes over, and everyone will make more fusses."

The law enforcement disciples were waiting to be ordered, Cheng Hongjian immediately held up the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, and said seriously: "The rules of our school, anyone who holds this sword is as if he is the head of the sect, and anyone who disobeys will be killed immediately." !"

There is indeed such a rule in the Xuanyuan School, Cheng Hongjian didn't want to give birth to Luo Mo more, that's why he said that just now, but the law enforcement disciples didn't want to violate this rule, and they were afraid of Hongjian's martial arts, so they didn't dare to bully him.

Yan Xin's disciple Su Su had some friendship with Hung-chien, when they heard this, they all offered to help each other, and some even shouted at Liu Jia's name: "We are the disciples of Elder Yan, how can you be so kind?" Using Elder Yuchi's token to make random orders, now that Brother Hung-chien has Xuanyuan Shenjian in hand, everyone should follow orders."

Seeing the situation, Liu Jiaming didn't dare to say anything, Yao Zhenzhen stopped this guy suddenly, and said to the female disciples: "Please watch over him, sisters, lest this guy try to make trouble again."

The female disciples looked at each other and smiled, and took Liu Jiaming into the house to lock him up. Cheng Hongjian then said to Yan Xin's disciples: "I have to trouble you to take care of these disciples of Elder Yuchi so that they don't want to let me go. younger sister??????"

Yan Xin's disciples immediately agreed, and some even laughed loudly: "Brother Hung-chien, just take it easy, don't say that you have a sword in your hand, everyone will only think about the friendship of these years, and they will come to help you."

Cheng Hongjian felt emotional when he heard the words, then he cupped his hands and cupped his fists, Dun He thanked Yan Xin's disciples, and went down the mountain with Yi Renjing, but seeing the pair of wings just left the main altar, Cheng Hongjian couldn't help but stop, and blurted out: " Not good." Yao Zhenzhen asked: "What?" Cheng Hongjian said: "I forgot to release the pigeons we raised??????" Just as he finished speaking, someone in the dense forest beside the road suddenly made a haha, gloomy Sen Tunnel said: "You are a traitor of this school who can't protect yourself, and you still have such leisurely thoughts."

Jian Zhen heard this and knew that there was going to be a big battle, and they would protect each other. The elder Wei Detao led his disciples to jump out of the dense forest, and Geng Yan and Kou Xun were also among them.Wei Detao only said that he was sure of his chances of winning, and immediately he held his sword and shouted: "Since Elder Ben is here, he will be captured if he is not tied up!"

Cheng Hongjian saluted respectfully, and begged: "Little sister has been wronged by others, and she begged the elders to show her respect. I am willing to go back with everyone to receive punishment?????" Yao Zhenzhen said softly: "If you want to go back, It's the two of us going back together??????"

At this moment, Geng and Kou made peace one after another, and Wei Detao said in a nonchalant way: "Master, I knew that the two of you were sworn brothers with Hung-chien, and the governor led you in ambush before, so I didn't tell the truth just now." Let me know." At the end of the conversation, he suddenly raised his head and sighed, and continued solemnly: "In this world, besides the small righteousness, there is also the great righteousness of the world. As a teacher, I have to intercede for this kid surnamed Cheng before. I entered the headmaster's room, but saw the corpses of two disciples from our sect on the ground, and the boy surnamed Cheng has long since disappeared. As a teacher, seeing this situation, I guess he will lead the little girls from the Tianzhi Gang to escape Out of the main altar, just then the governor led you and others to ambush here."

Cheng Hongjian trembled when he heard the words, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I just pinned them down, how could they die?????"

Wei Detao snorted lightly, and said: "It's clear that you killed them both with your sword, how dare you deny it at this moment." Turning to his disciples, he said: "This kid surnamed Cheng stole Xuanyuan from our sect. The Excalibur is the physical evidence of his crimes, so don't worry about small righteousness, and hurry up and kill these two evils with your teacher."

Cheng Hongjian wanted to beg again, Wei Detao didn't answer, and immediately launched a fierce move, only caring about capturing and beheading Zhenzhen.Cheng Hongjian hastily swung his sword, and fought with Elder Wei, Yao Zhenzhen held the flute to help Tan Lang, many disciples of the imperial formation bullied him one after another, and surrounded Jian Zhen.

Besides, since Wei Detao has taken refuge in the puppet court, he is eager to make great achievements, and when he learned that Jian Zhen was wronged, he was even more determined to instigate the head of the sect to kill Jian Zhen, and thus provoke a bloody storm in the world.This guy made up his mind and thought about a lot of words before he took advantage of the night and went to the head's residence.Wei Detao pushed the door open and entered, but saw that there were only two disciples of the main altar who had been restrained in the room. He immediately asked the reason, and a poisonous plan flashed in his mind, so he beheaded the two of them directly, and then hurriedly called many disciples under his command Here, wait for Jian Zhen to come down the mountain.

The two sides have fought so many times, Wei Detao observed Jian Zhen's high martial arts, and quickly ordered his disciples to line up in the "Cosmic Myriad Formation", and then jumped to the front of the formation, anxiously continued: "Hurry up and kill this elder!" Two evils!"

In the past, Wei Detao created such formations based on "Hetu" and "Luoshu", and then used them to show off in front of the world's heroes, and everyone who watched the formation was amazed.Now that Jian Zhen encountered this formation, it would be difficult to break out, if the two of them hadn't practiced martial arts to an outstanding level, they would have been unable to hold back.

Looking at the situation, Wei Detao couldn't help showing color on his face, and said to himself: "Fortunately, this kid surnamed Cheng has just left, and this elder has arrived in the head's house, and the other courtyard of the main altar is really far away from the head's residence. Otherwise, how could this elder have the time to arrange an ambush. I think it was God's favor that asked me to capture and kill these two juniors just now, so as to gain fame, and I don't have to worry about Tianzhi helping me seek revenge? ?????" Thinking of this, Deng Gan had no scruples, and shouted: "Yin and Yang are united, and the five elements are one."

Many disciples of the main altar were ordered to advance and retreat. Although Yao Zhenzhen didn't know how to break the formation, she also knew the source of what the fellow said, so she walked with Tan Lang in this way, and she could stand up to it very well. Cheng Hongjian held the Xuanyuan sword He didn't leave the sheath, but in an instant, he knocked down several disciples of the main altar.

Wei Detao was ashamed and annoyed by the situation, and anxiously shouted again: "Yin and Yang are intertwined, and the five elements are in reverse..." As soon as the words fell, many disciples of the main altar immediately followed orders.

Besides, what this guy said is based on the principles of Yi, and "Hetu" and "Luoshu" also contain the way of the world, the circle, the circle, and the universe.

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