Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 267

Chapter 260 Seven

Birds and birds combine to form wings (4)

The golden furnace in the room is warm and fumes, the fragrance is radiant and relieves depression and calms the mind. Cheng Hongjian looked at Yiren without feeling sleepy, and said to himself with pity: "I am fine now. You have worried about me for a long time, and you will go back to your room soon to rest." Let's go." Yao Zhenzhen said with a sweet smile, "I'm not tired." After speaking, seeing Tan Lang's complexion improved, she couldn't help but feel relieved, and then continued Wanyue: "The Su Hexiang in this stove circulates qi and relieves pain. It has the effect of relieving depression, I will smell it for my little brother."

Before Cheng Hongjian could say anything, Yao Zhenzhen got up and left her seat, added some spices to the stove again, and then flicked the sleeves of her clothes to help the fragrance linger, Hongjian said again: "If my little sister doesn't want to go back to the room, you can go to the room first." Come and rest for a while." After saying that, he supported and moved to the back of the bed, leaving most of it for him.

Yao Zhenzhen and the shy and handsome, followed by lying on the side delicately, whispering softly and trembling, Cheng Hongjian tossed and turned slightly, Yao Zhenzhen asked with concern: "What's wrong with little brother??????"

Cheng Hongjian stared at Yiren obsessively, and felt even more delighted. After such a short interval, he said leisurely: "How about?????? Or you should put the jade flute in the middle?????" Yao Zhenzhen asked with a wan smile, "What's the matter?" Cheng Hongjian pondered and said, "I?????? I always like to hug you, but now I want to hold you tighter. Then?????? And then I I don't know what will happen??????" At the end of the conversation, he actually took Yi Ren Xianyun's hand and spread the love.

Yao Zhenzhen breathed coquettishly and her body trembled slightly, Cheng Hongjian let go of her hand, and whispered pity: "It's all my fault, I scared you?????" Yao Zhenzhen said: "I don't know why I should be afraid , but?????? But I feel more happy??????" Cheng Hongjian said happily: "Is this really true??????"

Yao Zhenzhen snuggled up to Tan Lang again, and then said: "If you say something, you are not allowed to laugh..." Cheng Hongjian nodded in agreement, "I just don't laugh." Yao Zhenzhen said: "I I once heard that no matter how much a girl likes a man, as long as she is not married, she can't sleep with him, otherwise something will happen, but I can't ask others what happened??????" After talking, Can't help pondering for a while, then asked Tan Lang: "Little brother?????? Do you know what it is??????"

Cheng Hongjian's face became hot when he heard it, and he hesitated for a while before he said: "I can't say it well, it's not good to think about it..." Yao Zhenzhen sighed softly, and said: "I don't know why it's not good ???????"

Cheng Hongjian really couldn't find the words to answer, Yao Zhenzhen went on to say: "Although it's 'men and women can't kiss each other', but I just want to sleep with you, maybe there will be bad things, but I still... ??? Still want to??????" Cheng Hongjian couldn't help smiling, and Yao Zhenzhen shyly said: "You said it was funny??????"

Cheng Hongjian embraced Yiren, lovingly and softly said: "I'm not laughing at you, I'm so happy, and I really want to sleep with you..." Yao Zhenzhen The charming temples rubbed together, and then she whispered coquettishly: "Little brother?????? Can you hold me tighter??????"

Cheng Hongjian hugged her tightly, and now he was even more reluctant to play with him, and then he accompanied Yi Ren to sleep leisurely, sleeping together on a warm bed.

It is said that people have seven emotions, among which sadness hurts the lungs and longing hurts the spleen. Cheng Hongjian suddenly heard that all of Feng's family had been copied and beheaded by his adoptive father.These symptoms were really minor illnesses, but fortunately, Hung-chien was able to turn the corner from danger to safety with Yiren's company day and night, so after only two days, he was completely cured.

This day, Yao Sufeng led the soldiers and horses of the middle brigade, and he came to the village with rich gifts. He was about to pay a visit to Cheng Zhuo, so Jianzhen welcomed Sufeng into the house and explained all the reasons.

Yao Sufeng's face was originally radiant, but when he heard the whole story, his expression darkened, and then he comforted Hongjian and said: "My son-in-law has encountered such a change, I really feel sorry for him, and he should take better care of him in the future." After hearing Cheng Hongjian's thanks, Yao Sufeng said to his beloved daughter, "Go out and play for a while. My son-in-law and I haven't gotten along very much before. Now we have something to talk about."

Yao Zhenzhen pondered for a while, then turned to stare at Tan Lang, and said softly, "Then I'll go out first, little brother must accompany daddy well." Cheng Hongjian nodded lovingly and said: "Little sister, go quickly."

Yao Sufeng watched his beloved daughter come out of the house, exchanged pleasantries with Hung-chien, and continued, "I know your father likes to collect, and I received a gift from him a few days ago, so I also brought some antique jade wares with me this time. It must be higher than Wanguan. However, he is not on the mountain now, so I will give you all these treasures."

Hearing this, Cheng Hongjian immediately got up and declined, "Since Daddy is here, he should be filial to his son-in-law. I will never accept these treasures." Yao Sufeng laughed and said, "Why are you so polite? In fact, I also have something to ask for." Cheng Hongjian cupped his hands and said, "Daddy has something to do, just ask for it."

Yao Sufeng knocked lightly on the table, and immediately sighed: "You are a sensible person, you should know that marriage is about family status, and you have no family background, so how can you be worthy of my daughter? It's better to receive Wanguan Money is better than entering my family."

Cheng Hongjian shook his head when he heard the words, and then blurted out leisurely: "My little sister and I fall in love with each other, even if Daddy will give me all the treasures in the world, the child will not be separated from her." Only then did he continue: "I heard that Daddy also feels sorry for my little sister's mother, I think you will understand this state of mind...?????".

Yao Sufeng reminisced about the past, looked at Hung-chien again, and said, "How can my nephew be on the same level as me? The head of this sect is literary and martial arts, and he also comes from a prominent family with a lot of money, but you are at a loss." Cheng Hong Gradually cupped his hands and said: "I feel that even if you are old, you will be considered down and out, and my little sister's mother will not abandon you. After all, the so-called wealth cannot be compared with friendship??????"

Although Cheng Hongjian spoke from the bottom of his heart, and understood it with emotion and reason, Yao Sufeng said, "You are a kind of lover, I'm afraid you are still a little tender." Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard this, Said: "What do you mean by this?" Yao Sufeng said: "I see that you really like my daughter, so you are willing to give me ten thousand crowns as a gift, so you will be worthwhile. The daughter of the leader of the gang doesn't understand the truth, let me teach her I should abandon you, and my nephew will lose his life and wealth."

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