Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 266

Chapter 260 Six

Birds and birds combine to form wings (3)

Cheng Hongjian watched Zhao Meng being angry with his daughter, and couldn't help feeling tense, and hurriedly said to stop him: "Don't do that." After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands at Zhao Meng, and continued: "I can't blame her for this, it's still Ask her to take a seat." Zhao Meng said: "Nephew is still generous, otherwise I will not be able to spare her." Cheng Hongjian said respectfully again: "I can't blame her for this..." Zhao Meng sighed Said: "The old man has no face to marry your family, and Xi Kui has been in love with Leader Liu behind my back for a long time, so I have to betroth my little girl to him. Zhao is so ashamed now, I don't know where this old face is going. Shelved."

Cheng Hongjian only said that the other party was full of melancholy, but he blurted out from Dunhe: "The younger generation really hopes that Miss Zhao will find a good home. As long as she likes that person, I can also comfort her. You don't want to be so sorry." Zhao Xikui was heartbroken Said: "You would rather push me to others??????" Thinking of this, Deng felt that the boss didn't mean it.

At this moment, Zhao Meng told Hung-chien to take good care of him, and then said: "Although my nephew has woken up, you have vomited blood after all. I have sent Chief Liu to report this matter to your lord."

Yao Zhenzhen was really worried about Tan Lang, and immediately ordered to see off the guests, Zhao Meng spied on Hung Chien's expression, and wanted to say more, to teach the other party directly, so she got up and sighed: "Duan Feng saw that your father was seriously ill, After drinking a little more wine, he mentioned half of the jade pendant just now, revealing his nephew's life experience. After all, Duan Feng made a slip of the tongue after drinking, but the little girl didn't drink alcohol, so she shouldn't have relayed such nonsense. It is difficult for my nephew Zhijiao to deal with her without restraint."

Cheng Hongjian was worried and said nothing, Zhao Meng had already led his daughter to leave, Yao Zhenzhen stared at Tan Lang, and then persuaded him leisurely: "There may be other hidden things in this matter, little brother will rest for a while, and we will discuss it later??? ????" Lu Lanxin also said: "Brother Cheng is important, not to mention that what Zhao Meng said may not be true??????"

Cheng Hongjian shook his head sadly, and whispered sadly: "I'm afraid Uncle Zhao Meng didn't lie to me??????" At the end of the sentence, he picked up the jade bracelet around his waist, stared at it for a while, and then continued Said: "This half of the jade pendant is engraved with the word 'horse', and the other half should be engraved with 'two points of water'??????"

Zhu Falan nodded in appreciation, and then blurted out: "The poor monk thought about this before when he saw this thing, no wonder you look like General Feng."

After saying this, Cheng Hongjian knew that what he was thinking was true, so he remained silent for a while, and then said again: "Daddy always cherishes this thing very much, and told me to keep it safe, so this is the reason why??????" At the end of the speech, he was speechless.

Yao Zhenzhen was comforting Tan Lang, and Kasyapa Moten recited scriptures again, hoping that Hongjian would be relieved. At this moment, Cheng Zhuo went into the house to visit him. Cheng Hongjian claimed that he was fine, and after wandering for a while, he asked: "If you dare to ask who the biological father of the child is, I hope the father will tell the truth??????"

Seeing his situation, Cheng Zhuo couldn't help sighing, and then said: "Your biological father is Feng Zuo, the general of the Han Dynasty who conquered captives. He has always been friends with his father, but I led the army to send him to the execution ground. I only saved your life for General Feng??????"

Everyone's minds were uncertain, Cheng Hongjian cared about his upbringing, and seeing his father's shameful face, he couldn't help paying more attention to him, so he comforted him and said: "I can't blame my father for this matter, I once heard that Wang Mang made a decree to flatten the emperor. , if you refuse to obey the order, the whole family of Cheng's family will suffer such disaster, not to mention that without your hard work these years, the child will probably die??????" Cheng Zhuo said with concern: "A father should In this way, you must live well and support yourself.”

Cheng Hongjian nodded slightly, then propped himself up and stood up, knelt down and said: "I have something to say, I hope my father will agree." Cheng Zhuo hurriedly said: "A good boy does not need to do this big gift, as long as his father agrees." Cheng Hongjian Said: "Daddy's kindness in nurturing, the child can't repay, but from now on, I have a family that can't go back??????"

Cheng Zhuo's heart tightened, and he blurted out in a trembling voice: "My father has long regarded you as his own, why do you say that?" If you can't leave home, it will be even more difficult to feel at ease??????" Cheng Zhuo sighed: "General Feng knows, and he won't bear to watch you act like this. You must not think wildly, just calm down That's it." Lu Lanxin said, "Uncle Cheng's words are true, brother Hung-chien will take a rest."

Yao Zhenzhen knew what Tan Lang was thinking, so she didn't say anything to persuade her, but seeing the little girl staring at her tenderly, Hong Jianfu bowed to Cheng Zhuo again: "That's right, although the child has the surname Cheng, he has no blood relationship with Daddy. , you should plan for your own good life." At the end of the sentence, he sipped softly, swallowed his tears, and continued: "I would like to take care of you when you grow old, but I can't enter Cheng's house again. If Daddy doesn't Quan, the child will not get up??????"

Hearing these words, Cheng Zhuo was afraid that Hung Chien would disturb his heart and make his illness worse, so he had no choice but to agree, and left the house sadly.

Yao Zhenzhen helped Tan Lang to rest, and went out of the house to see his father off, then bent down and bowed slightly: "My little brother is very grateful for the kindness of father's upbringing, but he cares a lot. , I'm afraid it will make my little brother feel even more hard to explain??????"

Cheng Zhuo sighed when he heard the words, and then said kindly: "My good boy, it's rare that you can still regard Cheng as your father after knowing Hung Chien's life experience..." Yao Zhenzhen said softly, "Actually, in my little brother's heart, You have always been his father, so you must also be my father." Cheng Zhuo nodded and said, "You are indeed a good girl, and Hung-chien will trouble you to take care of me." As soon as he finished speaking, he bowed his hands to Zhen Zhen again, showing It is a solemn entrustment.

Seeing this situation, Yao Zhenzhen bowed down again and said: "Father, don't do this, even if you don't ask me, I will definitely cherish my little brother..." Cheng Zhuo said again: "If you want to talk to me My son never leaves, and I would like to treat you as my own daughter as a father, although I was in a hurry to go up the mountain, but I also have some valuables, so you can take them all."

Yao Zhenzhen nodded slightly, and then said: "I know Daddy likes antiques very much, I picked some for you earlier, you must accept them this time."

Cheng Zhuo deeply felt the other party's filial piety, so he didn't make any excuses, so he went to Duan Feng to say goodbye and went down the mountain. Yao Zhenzhen personally sent the selected items to Cheng Zhuo's car, and ordered the maid to give Duan Feng several altars of fine wine. Duan Feng still doesn't know the reason , so I just accepted it happily.

Yao Zhenzhen sent Cheng Zhuo outside the village to bid farewell, and returned to Tan Lang's side, and after a while, when the night fell, Cheng Hongjian looked at the moon and stars outside the window, and couldn't help but feel worried, then blurted out: : "Daddy is leaving now, and I don't know when I will find my host??????"

Lu Lanxin felt sentimental when she saw the situation, and asked immediately, "Brother Hung-chien still cares about Uncle Cheng, but I don't know why you talk to him like that?"

Cheng Hongjian only felt that there were so many things going on, and he didn't know how to speak. Yao Zhenzhen stared at Tan Lang, and said leisurely and softly: "Thinking about it, you think that the whole family of the Feng family was sent to the guillotine by father. If you go home again this time, you will I will be sorry."

Cheng Hongjian really had this in mind, and now he blurted out sadly: "The entire family of the Feng family was slaughtered, so I shouldn't go back to Cheng's mansion to enjoy the blessings..." Yao Zhenzhen said: "The little brother is thinking of Daddy as well. .”

Lu Lanxin went in without knowing, and asked why, Cheng Hongjian said: "I thought I was the only child in the family before, but now I know that I am not born to my father, so I am so tired that the Cheng family will lose the incense, I only hope that this time After leaving home, Dad will choose the clan to adopt, or to have another child??????"

Lu Lanxin felt the righteousness deeply, and couldn't help feeling more sympathetic, and immediately whispered pitifully: "Brother Hung-chien?????" At the end of the sentence, Deng felt overwhelmed with words, not knowing how to comfort her, Yao Zhenzhen held Tan Lang , and said to himself: "I've been thinking about it and thinking about it. These things are all Wang Mang's fault, and your family's enmity is too great. We both have to help protect a good emperor and seek justice for Feng's family in the future."

Cheng Hongjian only felt that this remark was reasonable, Yao Zhenzhen continued: "This matter still needs to be discussed in the long run, but my father will go up the mountain in two days, we should think about how to make him happy."

Cheng Hongjian thought so deeply, and after pondering for a while, he couldn't help but smile apologetically, "When I met my father before, I didn't have the time to be filial, but this time I'm about to encounter such a thing again????? ?”

Yao Zhenzhen giggled, and then said softly, "You have to rest for a while, otherwise how will you welcome my father??????"

Knowing that Zhen Zhen wanted to turn the subject away, Yin Lihua nodded slightly and said, "What my righteous sister said is reasonable, Mr. Hung-chien should live in peace and rest."

Cheng Hongjian respectfully agreed, and Yao Zhenzhen said to Lihua, Lanxin and the two eminent monks from India: "Today, everyone is tired from work, you all go back to rest, I will take care of you here."

Kasyapa Moten whispered the Buddha's name, and then persuaded Hongjian not to worry too much. Zhu Falan also said this, and then said with great expectation: "The poor monk is actually meeting the son of this old man, so I should teach you more. It’s your ability, you need to get well soon.”

Cheng Hongjian was thinking to himself that Zhu Falan had vacated the house with Kasyamo, Lihua and Lanxin also left one after another, but Yiren was still with Tanlang by himself, no problem.

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