Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 268

Chapter 260 Eight

Birds and birds combine to form wings (5)

Cheng Hongjian couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile, and then said respectfully, "No matter what, this junior doesn't want any money. Besides, we don't want to separate. If Dad still refuses, this junior still has some gold, silver and jewels in his hand. Let’s give it all to my little sister??????”

Hearing this, Yao Sufeng also found it novel, and then jokingly said: "Why don't you use the money you have left to hire?" It's a pity that I don't have any wealth at the moment, otherwise the younger generation will definitely give it to her??????" Yao Sufeng said: "What is yours is yours. Besides, my daughter is not your daughter-in-law, stinking What kind of money will the boy give back?"

Yao Sufeng only treated each other contemptuously, but Cheng Hongjian still said in a gentle manner: "I always feel very happy to have my little sister by my side, and she treats me with deep affection, but since you and my little sister are father and daughter, I really shouldn't be unhappy about this?????? Please forgive my clumsiness, I hope she will live well?????? This junior thinks?????? If I can leave something for her, then I? ?????" At the end of the conversation, he was stunned for a while, and then he continued: "But I still beg your veteran little sister to betroth me??????"

Yao Sufeng pretended to sneer, and then angrily said: "You foolish person is so ignorant, as the saying goes, 'this moment, that moment', you dare to think anything wrong now. If that's the case, don't blame me for being cruel gone."

Cheng Hongjian didn't understand what he meant, so he immediately asked: "What does Dad mean?" Yao Sufeng sighed and said: "My precious girl is also a seed of infatuation. If I want to persuade her to leave you, I will not be able to avoid it." It's tight. It's for this reason that the leader of the gang has to dismiss him first, and then tell you the benefits. Unexpectedly, you are so stubborn, and I have to take your life."

Cheng Hongjian's heart tightened, and he blurted out in a trembling voice: "I don't want to die??????? Besides, my little sister will be sad too?????" Yao Sufeng said: "I know my nephew doesn't want to die. You can die, but the leader of this gang has no other way. Alas, it is inevitable that my daughter will complain, but there are plenty of talents in this world. If I choose a suitable family for him, my daughter will definitely forget you gone."

Cheng Hongjian's face was serious, Yao Sufeng suddenly raised his head and sighed, and then continued: "Nephew, just go with peace of mind, the leader of this clan will definitely bury you well. I have the right to ask again, do you want to die or live?" Cheng Hongjian said: "I want to live, I beg you to allow me two things..." Yao Sufeng laughed, and said: "I knew that my nephew would definitely want to live, but what do you really want? What did the leader promise?"

Cheng Hongjian only thought that his life would be lost this time, so he wept sadly, and said softly, "There is a blue-field jade flute in my junior's room, I hope you will put this jade flute into my hands after I die... ?????" Yao Sufeng asked: "You are buried in the ground, why do you need the jade flute?" Cheng Hongjian said, "This jade flute was given to me by my little sister??????"

Yao Sufeng nodded when he heard the words, and then said: "I agree, what else do you want to ask?" Cheng Hongjian said: "There is no one else here, after I die, you can bury me In a remote place, then?????? And then mention that I have disappeared???????" Yao Sufeng sighed: "My nephew is really loyal, don't blame me, this leader is also for his own daughter Think about it."

Although Cheng Hongjian didn't want to die like this, he bowed his head and said to himself: "Your younger generation understands, Daddy can do it..." Yao Sufeng looked Hongjian up and down, and then said: "Please trouble me." Nephew, lend me your sword."

Cheng Hongjian couldn't help being startled, Yao Sufeng said with a bold smile: "I'm afraid that my daughter will find out that I killed you in the future, so I might as well use your sword to do it. If your body is found by him in the future, I can also shirk it." You lost your temper while practicing swords, and you committed suicide."

After saying this, Cheng Hongjian untied the sword at his waist with trembling hands, and then handed it into the opponent's hand, but seeing Yao Sufeng draw the sword out of the sheath, he shouted to himself: "Boy, if you don't eat or drink fine wine, next year's day will be fine." It's your death day." As soon as the words fell, Yao Zhenzhen broke in crying, stood up and stood in front of Tan Lang, then stopped her father in shock and said: "Quickly stop?????" The words trembled, it was really difficult Self-restraint.Yao Sufeng threw away the sword in his hand, and said angrily, "I told you to go out, why didn't you listen to my father's words."

Yao Zhenzhen calmed down and said: "I saw that you dislike the poor and love the rich, so I just hid outside the door to listen to the news, but I didn't expect that you not only bullied my little brother like this, but also really wanted to kill him with a sword??? ???"

Cheng Hongjian looked at Zhenzhen's dejection, and he really felt sorry for her, so he just wiped away his tears and comforted himself: "No?????? It's not like this?????? Don't cry??? ??”

At this moment, Yao Sufeng made a haha, and said in a rough voice: "Stinky boy, there is no need to pretend to be a good person here, the leader of the gang wants to kill you, and then choose a good husband's house for my daughter. What about me!"

Hearing this, Yao Zhenzhen felt her boudoir resentment increased, she blurted out: "I slept with my little brother, you have to have this son-in-law if you want it, or you have to have it if you don't want it.".

Cheng Hongjian didn't want to tarnish Yi Ren's innocence, but seeing him hasten to explain: "No?????? It's not like that???????" As soon as the words fell, Yao Zhenzhen took over the conversation and said: "We sleep together Overwhelmed, you dare not admit it now, you want me??????? Make me ashamed to face people??????"

Yao Zhenzhen couldn't stop crying, but it seemed real at this moment, Cheng Hongjian was in a hurry, just trying to comfort Yiren, Yao Sufeng saw that there was no one in the courtyard, so he submerged his internal energy, closed the door of the house, and shouted in a low voice "What a brat, how dare you hurt my daughter." Yao Zhenzhen didn't understand, and blurted out leisurely: "It's too late for my little brother to take care of me, so how could he hurt me??????"

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