Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 265

Chapter 260 Five

Birds and birds combine to form wings (2)

Zhao Xikui's heart moved, and she didn't know what to say, Liu Xuanjing hugged Xikui to the bedside, eager to exhaust his strength, so when he was so obsessed with wrapping up the brocade mattress, Zhao Meng walked outside the house to greet her, and was so shocked that Xikui grabbed the clothes to cover her Liu Xuan was stripped naked, and he couldn't find his trousers.At this moment, Zhao Meng pushed the door open and entered, just in such a situation, she was dumbfounded at once, then retreated tremblingly, and quickly closed the door, no problem.

Zhao Meng was still waiting outside the house, Zhao Xikui tidied up her clothes and combed her messy sideburns, just now she hid behind Liu Xuan and bowed down to welcome her father inside.Zhao Meng walked to the table and sat down slowly, Zhao Xikui said timidly: "I'll make tea for daddy?????" Zhao Meng said angrily: "I'm making a lot of tea right now, why don't you hurry up and lead me to a seat, I have something to say for my father to say."

Seeing this situation, Liu Xuan was really surprised, and thought to himself: "Why doesn't this old man quarrel with me, he is afraid that if he spreads it out, his daughter's name will be tarnished. Haha, this is a big deal????? ?” Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but get distracted, and his face showed color.

The room was very quiet, Zhao Meng was silent for a while, and then said unhurriedly: "This girl has not yet left the court, and I was born in an official family, and I have always been very strict in family education, so she has never had trouble with others before, and Chief Liu also It should be checked."

Zhao Xikui was so shy when he heard it, Liu Xuan laughed dryly and said: "The villain just saw it..." Zhao Meng sighed: "The old man wanted to lead the little girl down the mountain, but I didn't expect you two If you act like this in private, it's because you two are destined, so I won't be able to forcefully separate you." Liu Xuan smiled and said, "You two might as well stay in the cottage, and I will definitely treat you favorably."

Zhao Meng laughed, then shook her head and said, "It's not that the old man underestimated others. The little girl is used to rich clothes and fine food. I'm afraid you can't afford it right now, and I have to borrow some money." As soon as the words fell, Liu Xuan Had to bow down and apologize, Zhao Meng continued: "Actually, Chief Liu is also a good man. If he wants to support his wife, he should seek promotion." Hearing this, Liu Xuan hesitated, and said, "I'm not going to hide it from you, villain I wanted to be promoted a long time ago, but it's a pity that I don't have much ability??????" Zhao Meng said, "It doesn't mean success if you have ability, and you can get promoted even if you don't have ability, not to mention that you have some strengths."

After saying this, Liu Xuanfu bowed again and said, "The villain still asks for advice." Zhao Meng said: "You know how to live in a low position and be a small one, and Wang Feng of Guizhai likes to play a big role in power. This festival is also in line with his temper. " Liu Xuan was obedient, and Zhao Meng said again: "However, the deputy village master Wang is always an upright man, so you must not make fun of yourself with him." As soon as the words fell, Liu Xuan couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air, and said: "I didn't pay attention to this section."

Zhao Meng didn't take it seriously, and immediately said a word of relief: "Even if you made a slight omission before, it doesn't matter. The old man has been in power for many years, and he knows how to judge the situation. He has saved a lot of family money. How can I think about it? It is difficult to be an emperor for a long time, so I resigned from high-ranking officials and generous salary. Now that the world is rising, it is the general trend, and the Green Forest Army is getting more and more prosperous. As long as you listen to me, you will be able to rise to the top."

Liu Xuan bowed his head when he heard the words, and then said: "The villain's father is gone, and you will be my reborn parents from now on." After that, he bowed and kowtowed three more times.Zhao Meng said: "They are all from my own family. Why are you so polite? I wonder if you have ever married a wife?" Abandoning it is definitely intolerable."

Zhao Meng felt a little relieved, and then said to Xikui: "Now that Cheng and Yao are very wealthy, you must not blame Mr. Cheng and Miss Yao." Zhao Xikui said: "Cheng Hongjian broke the engagement, I just Looking for a theory, but unexpectedly he vomited blood??????"

Zhao Mengdeng felt that this was a big deal, so he immediately inquired about the reason in detail, Zhao Xikui had no choice but to tell the truth, Liu Xuanzhi was frowning, and then urged: "You should hurry up and make up for it." Said to his daughter: "What the son-in-law said is reasonable, as a father, he should take you with him."

Zhao Xikui was naturally the boss who didn't want to, Zhao Meng said with a livid face, "Earlier, the master of the Cheng family wanted to tell Hung Chien to marry you, and we should fight with Miss Yao, but now the general situation is set, and you continue to make noise, Don't you want to be punished?" Zhao Xikui whispered delicately: "This master of the Cheng family is also a dishonest one??????"

Seeing Xi Kui's sadness, Zhao Mengguan couldn't help sighing, and said: "Good girl, please be patient. In the future, we father and daughter will be successful, and it won't be too late to argue with Cheng and Yao."

Liu Xuanwei felt that he was not very well received, so he felt uncomfortable, and said to himself: "You father and daughter are still looking for the son of the Cheng family, it seems that you have been wronged, but you two don't look at Yao. How does the eldest lady behave??????"

The gossip here is not annoying for now, but it is said that Cheng Hongjian woke up slowly, Yao Zhenzhen wept with joy, two Indian monks helped Hongjian to diagnose the pulse one after another, Kasyapa Moten said: "Mr. Cheng is fine, but don't be so worried It's gone." Yin Lihua blurted out broadly, "Brother Hung-chien has woken up, if something unexpected happens to you, I'm afraid my righteous sister will fall too."

Lv Lanxin felt that nothing was going on, so she came here to look for Zhenzhen and Lihua. It happened that Hongjian passed out on the bed, so she stayed in the room for a long time, watching Hongjian wake up, she couldn't help but feel afraid. Said: "Just now you can scare Miss Zhenzhen??????"

Cheng Hongjian stared at Yi Ren, wiped his tears away, and said with pity and relief: "I don't care, I just want my little sister to suffer a lot from Miss Zhao for nothing..." After the words, he couldn't help sighing , Then continued: "I think she didn't mean to come here, and I know you are good, and I will only marry you?????? only marry you??????"

Yao Zhenzhen Tao Yaoxiang dimples coquettishly and shyly, she smiles and washes the red dust, and then happily and softly said: "I will only marry you, only yours??????"

Lu Lanxin was fascinated from the sidelines, and said to herself: "Brother Cheng's tenderness comes from the bottom of his heart, he always wants the girl to feel at ease, really?????? Really different from others??????" Thinking of this , Fu looked at Hongjian again, then felt a slight trembling in shock, and turned slightly sideways.

The girl was about to leave, Tianzhi helped the maid to go inside to report, and immediately said that Zhao Meng led her daughter to see her, Yao Zhenzhen ordered: "My little brother and I won't see them."

Cheng Hongjian felt that this was inappropriate, so he said: "Let them come in?????" Yao Zhenzhen pondered: "Then you must not take trivial words to heart??????"

Cheng Hongjian nodded slightly, Yao Zhenzhen just ordered the maid to lead Zhao Meng and her daughter into the house, after the two entered the house with the maid, Cheng Hongjian wanted to get up to salute, Zhao Meng approached and apologized: "My nephew is like this, Right now, I'm going to rest, I should order my daughter to kowtow to you and make amends." Turning to Xi Kui, he said, "Quickly kneel down!"

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