Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 264

Chapter 260 Four

Birds and birds combine to form wings (1)

It is said that Cheng Hongjian knew that Zhao Xikui's words were not just words, but he felt as if he was sad when he met Zhaoguan, so his heart was full of knots, he suddenly vomited blood and passed out.

Yao Zhenzhen was terrified, but seeing that she was holding Tan Lang up, she sipped her strength, picked up a small stone from the ground, and threw it at Zhao Xikui, the opponent was hit on the shoulder, and ran away in panic, Yao Zhenzhen didn't chase after him, just supported him Live in Tanlang and lead him to his own residence.

Zhao Xikui fled away clutching his shoulders, feeling extremely ashamed and angry, and went back to the house alone, met Liu Xuan waiting for him with wine and vegetables, suddenly felt impatient and asked: "What are you doing here?"

Liu Xuan sized up the beauty, and then cheered and said: "I haven't seen your father these days, and I miss you very much. I won the battle in Jingling earlier, so I thought about finding good wine to present as a gift." Zhao Xikui said sadly, Liu Xuan Xing sighed and continued: "However, I didn't meet your father, so I had to wait here."

Zhao Xikui smiled bitterly, and after a while, he said: "Maybe my father is still with the master of the Cheng family??????" After speaking, he couldn't help but sighed softly, and muttered to himself: "Now this guy is definitely determined." Thinking, daddy doesn't need to talk about it anymore??????"

Liu Xuan looked at the expression, immediately clicked his tongue, and said: "It seems that the villain really came at a bad time, but it's a pity that the wine can relieve his worries, but he can't offer it to the old man to taste." Zhao Xikui looked at the wine, and then said: "Then you will drink the wine Stay."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xuan came in with open arms, and Zhao Xikui said again: "Tou Ling Liu also gave me some fine wine, you can do what you want." Liu Xuan laughed, and said: "Miss Zhao doesn't know how to hurt others, and this leader came here to give gifts, you Why don't you keep customers?" As soon as the words finished, he didn't wait for the other party to say anything, and put the wine and dishes on the table.Zhao Xikui sat alone without saying a word, Liu Xuan bowed and smiled apologetically, "The villain still has a treasure, always thinking about giving it to the girl??????"

Zhao Xikui was born in an official family, and seeing the rough clothes of the other party, she couldn't help but underestimate her, so she said mockingly: "As long as you have a brocade coat, you will be happy, and what treasure can you find?"

Liu Xuanfu sized up the beauty again, and then said angrily: "Miss, you are underestimating her words. This boss is at least from a royal family, and besides, I asked Mr. Cheng and Miss Yao for this stuff... ????"

Hearing this, Zhao Xikui wanted to see what Liu Xuan had mentioned, but Fang Jing took out a piece of blue-field beautiful jade from his bosom, and said: "Mr. Mr. Cheng made a jade flute, but I was thick-skinned and begged for such a piece of jade." Zhao Xikui wiped away Chu Chulihua's tears, turned to Liu Xuan and said, "Liu Tou-ling really has a heart."

Liu Xuanjing filled the cup with fine wine, then handed over Xikui, and said, "It's a pity that I have stomach problems, it's really hard for me to drink, otherwise I will drink with you."

Zhao Xikui was feeling depressed, so he drank the wine without thinking deeply, Liu Xuanfu added more wine for him, and waited till the other party was half-drunk before knowingly asking: "Miss Zhao is not very happy, I want to share with you, I don't know May I tell you?"

Zhao Xikui was drunk and sad, but seeing her holding the empty lamp, she said sadly: "I think I, Zhao Xikui, is a lady of the official family, how could I allow others to belittle me??????"

Hearing this, Liu Xuanwen immediately agreed: "Ms. Zhao is looking for her husband from a thousand miles away. This festival is really very affectionate. If anyone is contemptuous, it means he doesn't know what is good."

Zhao Xikui's boudoir resentment increased, and she said drunkenly: "Cheng Hongjian?????? You are that stupid fool who doesn't know good and evil. Fortunately, Miss Ben thought you were a refined and good man, in fact????? ?Actually, you are just an apprentice who likes to raise a concubine?????? I still look down on you??????? "

Liu Xuandeng felt uncomfortable, and immediately said with embarrassment: "Look at Miss Zhao's posture, you really take Mr. Cheng as a piece of dry food?????" And Zhao Xikui said bitterly: "It's not that I can't get married, not to mention that everyone in the Cheng family is ignorant of good and evil, especially the master of the Cheng family..." Liu Xuan asked, "What about the master of the Cheng family?" Don’t you know what’s good or bad?”

Zhao Xikui was full of resentment, and wept sadly: "Ever since my father got engaged to the Cheng family, I have always made tea for Cheng Zhuo. I have never been disrespectful, but this guy also intends to abandon the engagement??????"

Liu Xuan was secretly happy when he heard the words, but pretended to be sympathetic, Zhao Xikui continued: "Today I just happened to see Cheng Hongjian hanging out with his concubine, so I went up to argue with him, but unexpectedly this apprentice told me that the Cheng family master wanted to marry him. I was betrothed to someone else, and that Miss Yao was even more unreasonable, she even picked up a stone from the ground and injured my shoulder??????" As soon as the words finished, Liu Xuan sighed suddenly, tsk tsk He said: "Mr. Cheng doesn't care about Xiangxiang and Yuyu, why don't you hurry up and show me your injury."

Zhao Xikui was drunk, even more so in a daze, just now he didn't consider whether to give or not to kiss, and the other party took advantage of this to take off his clothes, but the beauty's bare shoulders were bruised, but they were still alluring.

Liu Xuan became more and more itchy, so he bowed his head and kissed. Zhao Xikui shoved away timidly, and then spoke out to blame. Liu Xuan grabbed his arm, knelt down and begged: "I also ask Miss Zhao to save the villain, Mr. Cheng is not right." If I want you, you might as well follow me." After saying that, she wanted to have sexual intercourse by force. .

Zhao Xikui couldn't stop beating the opponent's back, but Liu Xuan held Xikui tightly, and said in a rough voice: "Young lady, if you want to hit me, hit me, even if you beat me to death, it's better than suffocating me." As soon as Zhao Xikui finished speaking, Zhao Xikui Before he could shout out, Liu Xuan suddenly kissed and wrapped his vermilion lips, which made the beauty's wine more intense, and made her feel even more fascinated.

Liu Xuan was impatient for a long time, and now he was in a hurry, just to undress, Zhao Xikui pushed again, cowardly asked: "Do you????? really like me??????" Liu Xuan was happy With a smile, he said, "I am willing to die for you!"

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