Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Intrigue intersects with ups and downs (2)

The two generals Cen and Gai were all grateful for Yan You's kindness, Wang Kuang glanced at Yunqi, and then asked: "What does General Yun think about this matter?" As soon as the words fell, Yunqi bowed to the ground, and then said: " Both His Highness and General Yan are far-sighted, and the last general is nothing more than a family general adopted by the Holy Majesty, and it is okay to lead troops, but it is really inconvenient to make any decisions when encountering such things." Wang Kuang snorted softly, and said: "You push it backwards. Clean it up, I want to let you worry about it."

Seeing that he could not escape, Yunqi knelt down again and said, "According to the general's humble opinion, it is better to punish the two generals, Cen and Gai, to show that His Royal Highness attaches equal importance to kindness and power." Wang Kuang said, "That's fine." At the end of the conversation, he threw the token on the table vigorously, and continued in a loud voice: "Speed-down generals Cen and Gai dragged the heavy staff eighty times, there must be no mistakes!"

After hearing the order, all the soldiers hurriedly knocked the two brave generals to the ground, raised their staffs and beat them. Poor Cen and Gai were punished like this, but seeing that Gai Yan couldn't stop crying out for injustice, Cen Peng held his breath and endured the pain After such a short time, the two generals had already stained their trousers and robes with blood, Yan You's face was full of disappointment, and he walked out with a flick of his sleeves.

I don't know how long it took, the two officers and generals were finally beaten with eighty sticks, and Wang Kuangfu shouted at the crowd: "It's all because you and other local young generals are afraid of death, which made the imperial court's campaign frustrated one after another, and they were so tired. I have lost a lot of belongings in this palace, so how can I wait for my family and nobles to explain to the Holy One?"

Luan Bao and Lu Tu were the local generals. Hearing this, the two hurriedly led a hundred local generals to accept their heads and bowed. It is very useful, it is better to be filial."

Luan Baoguan saw that Wang Kuang suddenly mentioned "true filial piety", but he felt a little relieved, and immediately bowed to salute, and said with an apologetic smile: "Your Highness is very true, everyone should be filial." As soon as the words fell, Lu Tu and the local generals agreed , I am extremely flattered.Wang Kuang picked up the teacup, sipped it as a gesture, and then said flatly, "Everyone, step back."

Yunqi waited for the generals to leave, then went up to Wang Kuang, bowed and clasped his fists and said, "I got a few rare treasures recently, but I really dare not accept them, so I will pass them on to the officials today. Letter, ordering him to send the treasure to His Highness's residence."

The eunuch Fan Tongshang has been standing by since then, and Wang Kuang knew that the other party was sent by his father to monitor him. Although he usually felt annoyed, he didn't dare to attack, so he had to push back with Yun Qi, saying: "The general is my father's justice. My son, we are our own family, why are you so polite?" Yun Qi said: "The general has always relied on His Highness, a little filial piety is really not respect." Wang Kuang said again: "If that is the case, why do you favor others? "Yun Qi hurriedly bowed and said: "The last general really dare not, what I said just now is really for His Highness."

Wang Kuangzheng was about to agree to accept it, but he glanced at Fan Tong who was listening carefully, so he ordered Yun Qi: "Since General Yun insists on giving the treasure, he should also give a copy to Eunuch Fan."

Yun Qi bowed to his orders, Fan Tong also thanked him, Wang Kuang felt a little relieved when he saw the situation, and then said: "Ben Gong said earlier that General Yun is a sensible man, no wonder Father wants to marry Ben Gong's sister Here you are." Fan Tong also said: "After so many years, General Yun is waiting for the Holy Mother's beloved daughter, and he still does not marry alone. It seems that such kindness and kindness will touch his heart sooner or later."

Let's say that the woman mentioned by everyone is the Empress Xiaoping, Wang Yan. Ever since Emperor Ping died, Wang Yan has been a widow and has not changed her ambition. At this time, Yunqi heard the words of the two, and his face became gloomy. Then he said: "Back then Except for the Holy Majesty, there is only Yan'er who does not think that the young general came from a humble background. She is indeed the best woman in the world, and no one else can compare to her???????" I have the same fate as Bengong, I met a woman recently, I just think that Chang'e is definitely not as beautiful as her, and I look down on those vulgar fans even more??????" Fan Tong Suwen Wang Kuang was flirtatious, seeing that he suddenly looked like an idiot, he was surprised in his heart, then bowed to leave, no problem.

Wang Kuang watched the eunuch leave the house, he just felt relieved, and blurted out: "This slave is also very knowledgeable, he doesn't always serve like this." He then asked Yun Qi, "Does General Yun know the situation in the court? "Yun Qi faltered for a while, then cupped his hands and replied: "The final general is ignorant. I don't know what His Highness means?????" Wang Kuang laughed and said, "Why should General Yun pretend to understand? My elder brother was executed long ago by my father, my third elder brother was always stupid, my fourth elder brother was originally a crown prince, but he didn’t know how to behave, and was recently deposed. Now in the court, only me and the fifth son are qualified to be the heir apparent. Who does the general think is more suitable Inherit the throne?"

Wang Kuang's smirk didn't smile, Yun Qi didn't want to be involved in the battle for the heir apparent, and he didn't want to incur resentment, so he had no choice but to reply: "The last general really shouldn't talk about himself, but His Highness only needs to wipe out the rebels. The Holy Majesty will definitely pay more attention to it." Wang Kuang's eyes half-closed, and he said angrily: "General Yun said it lightly, don't you know that gang of thieves are cunning, how can I win?" Yun Qi said: "Command the soldiers Conquest is the responsibility of the last general, and Yunqi will definitely assist with all his strength."

Wang Kuang snorted softly, and then said: "General Yun's words are a bit pleasing to the ear." After the words were finished, they were no longer as cruel as Shicai.

Yun Qi smiled sheepishly, and then, in order to clear up the suspicion, he tried to persuade him: "The general thinks that General Yan is just a little stubborn, but he doesn't mean anything malicious. After all, that guy has been a classmate with the Holy One, if His Highness can avoid it with him." It is better to tolerate disputes for a while, and the last general was thinking this way before, so he advised His Highness not to kill Cen and Gai."

Wang Kuang agreed vaguely, and Yun Qi was just about to get down to business, so he flattered him for a while, and then said: "Suppressing the rebels is the top priority now, and there are indeed some capable people in the Green Forest Village, and we will definitely not be able to do so in the future." Look down on these gangsters, and fall into the trap of the thieves again." Wang Kuang said: "This time our army suffered such a defeat, and it is also due to our incompetence in careful operations. Fortunately, I promoted Liu Jiaming, but he couldn't find out what happened to the rebels. If you just sit back and watch us suffer this defeat, what is the use of the imperial court raising this trash."

Yun Qi watched and cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, don't be too busy. After all, Liu Jiaming persuaded Wei Detao to surrender willingly. This is also a credit. Your Highness just needs to wait for a while. It is possible." Wang Kuang asked: "What should our army do now?" Yun Qi said: "I also hope that His Highness will rest the army and send troops to surround the main entrances and exits of the village, trapping the thieves for the time being, and then make further calculations. "Wang Kuang hissed resentfully, and then said: "You should arrange it like this first, and it's time for the Palace to send people to beat those fine works."

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