Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 231

Chapter 230

Intrigue intersects with ups and downs (3)

Don't bother to talk, but said that Wang Kuang dispatched capable generals to pretend to be minions, sneaked to the vicinity of Lvlin Village, and met Shi Bufan sent by Liu Jiaming.The capable general delivered Wang Kuang's reprimand, and Shi Bufan gasped in shock, then hurriedly apologized, bowed and watched the other party go away, then hurriedly searched for Liu Jia's name in three steps, and shouted those words The words were repeated again.

After hearing those words, Liu Jiaming felt annoyed, and blurted out: "I have no reason to go to the Qunhao Hall to listen to how those rebels negotiated, and how they managed to find out such a big matter." Shi Bufan sighed : "Those gangsters surrounded the Qunhao Hall very tightly, and the brothers really couldn't get in. Elder Wei was qualified to go and discuss how to fight, but he couldn't make an excuse, and everyone was tired and trained."

Liu Jiaming snorted softly, and said coldly: "This guy instigated the cottage to lose the battle, so he has no face to go to discuss the matter, but that's fine." Shi Bufan wondered: "Why did the young master say that?" Liu Jia Famously said: "That guy saw my imperial court is powerful, so he was determined to take refuge in him, but he may not be determined, he will always help me wholeheartedly when he is neglected by some copycats."

When Shi Bufan heard this, he immediately flattered him with a flattering smile, and then begged: "It's just that His Highness is already angry, and I beg the young master to show me how to inquire about the military situation." Liu Jiaming said: "You step down first, my master. The Lord has his own calculations."

Shi Bufan was ordered to resign, Liu Jiaming found Qin Miaohong to meet in private, and then said angrily: "I heard that Wang Feng has been discussing important matters with Liu Xiu and his group recently, so I certainly can't get involved, but you and Geng Yan are extremely Good friend, why don't you inquire more about the military situation, isn't it true that his mother's heart belongs to him when he looks at that handsome Geng Lang?"

Qin Miaohong looked at the other party's accusation, so she could only grin and laugh, and then said: "The young master has wronged my concubine like this, which makes people feel frightened." Liu Jiaming chuckled lightly, and said, "How can I wrong you? " Qin Miaohong said: "Although my concubine is admired by Geng Yan, he doesn't want to take me to discuss matters."

Although Liu Jiaming knew that this remark was justified, he still refused to forgive him. He said in a strange way: "I mentioned these words for Miss Qin's sake. If you dare to play tricks, the imperial court will inevitably punish you. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you." you."

Qin Miaohong smiled when she heard the words, and said frivolously: "I said, why did the young master carry a gun with a stick? Could it be that you were blamed by the court and wanted to find a concubine in the wrong place?" Liu Jiaming said: "We are all for the court. Effectiveness, if the imperial court is really upset, who can get rid of it?" Qin Miaohong said: "The young master's words are reasonable, but I am pitiful as subordinates, it is really not good to be a man, just like the superiors have lost a battle, and the concubine has to accept it for nothing. Bad luck."

Liu Jiaming didn't pay attention to these words, and immediately laughed, saying: "It's good for Miss Qin to know something. Only when you act faithfully, will His Highness be relieved. At that time, my young master will definitely reward you."

Although Qin Miaohong suffered some grievances, she was not overtly annoyed, but seeing her shaking her head and sighing with a smile, she laughed and said, "Oh, young master, you should just give orders. Thank you Dade."

Liu Jiaming only felt his voice whine, and saw that beautiful concubine full of all kinds of charms, he felt thirsty, and couldn't help thinking to himself: "This girl is getting more and more enchanting, but it's a pity that she is my concubine. Alas, Thinking about my bad luck, my young master fell in love with the little girl of the Tianzhi gang, but I couldn't even get around her guards, so I really didn't have a chance to talk close to me, and the eldest lady of this religion is a girl I haven't been through, but I can't do it either. Use it to satisfy your cravings. Sigh, living like me, how many f*cking birds are there??????"

Qin Miaohong suddenly saw that the other party was obsessed with ecstasy, so she pretended to be provocative, and then said: "Young master, you should be more reserved, don't delay the serious affairs of the church." You guys are so good at messing around, if you find out the military situation from it, you won't delay the important work of the teaching." Qin Miaohong laughed and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for Liu Xiu, but Geng Lang has mentioned to his subordinates that he wants to introduce his concubine to Yin Lihua And Miss Yao."

Liu Jiaming was overjoyed, and blurted out: "Very good, very good, as long as you please the little girl from Tianzhi Gang, I will definitely reward you a lot!"

Qin Miaohong has always been meticulous and very airy, how can she not detect the other party's thoughts, but still knowingly ask: "If I get along with that little girl, why will the young master reward you so much?" Liu Jiaming thought: "Although this little hoof is my subordinate, but she has always relied on her father to dote on her, so she doesn't subdue me very much. Now I can't ask her to hook up that little girl for me." Thinking of this, Yan said, Then he straightened his face, and said softly, "You don't need to ask, the better you get along with that little girl, the easier it is for you to inquire about the military situation."

Qin Miaohong saw that the other party was still unwilling to reveal the truth, so she didn't say more, then she smiled and said: "I will not be with the young master anymore, so I will take my leave." , the gait fluttered with the wind, and turned to pretend to be wandering, looking for Geng Yan.

Besides, the gentleman of the Geng family was born in an official family. Although he usually likes to be free and unconstrained, he is also a talent with great affection. Qin Miaohong often pities her young age and meets such a person. How can she not be moved, but she once Due to misfortune, he was deceived into the Demon Sect just now, so he didn't dare to restart his emotions.

Geng Yan was practicing the new sword technique taught by his master, and it happened that it was extremely difficult to penetrate. Even if he was usually good at hearing, he couldn't help pondering it. At this moment, Qin Miaohong came slowly, and Geng Yan greeted happily: "Where did Hong Hong go? It made me look for it so hard." Qin Miaohong asked with a grin, "Then why did Geng Lang start practicing his sword instead after searching for it?"

Geng Yan scratched the bridge of Ji Ren's nose lightly, then said haha, and said: "I'm ashamed to ask, I was looking for you everywhere today, but I bumped into Master, he blamed me for only caring about sex, this ability will be wasted, and then Detained me, taught me the profound martial art of 'Volley Sword Control', and ordered me to study it carefully, otherwise I will be punished."

Hearing this, Qin Miaohong couldn't help secretly feeling happy, and then said frivolously, "Oh, that concubine has hurt you, it seems that I can't stay here anymore." Let's go, Geng Yan held onto Ji Ren's sleeve, pulled her into his arms, and said boldly: "Where are you going, you have to 'compensate' me."

Qin Miaohong felt very itchy under her ribs, she laughed so hard that Yanyi's body trembled, and then she pushed her tenderly, "I won't accompany you, Geng Lang is dead?????? Hey hey?????? Open me??????"

Geng Yan originally wanted to be a little intimacy, but now seeing Ji Ren's winking eyes and coquettish coquettish expression, her red lips lightly parted and sultry, he felt his whole body was crisp, so he didn't care about being outside, so he casually drank the drink The teeth are beautiful. .

Qin Miaohong wanted to greet but refused, she couldn't help but bowed her head and avoided, she blamed herself: "Look at you, if you meet other people, we will be ashamed..." As soon as the words fell, Geng Yan embraced Ji Ren It became tighter and tighter, and then he caressed her beautiful body, and blurted out: "This place is secluded, no one may come here, not to mention that we both love each other, if we continue like this, I will die?????? "

Qin Miaohong felt very happy, and being caressed by Geng Yan became more and more passionate, and immediately said softly: "Who?????? Who admires you????? Be careful that Elder Wei punishes you????? ?” Geng Yan laughed and said, “Even if I was beaten to death by Master, I would also like to be a romantic ghost under your pomegranate skirt??????” Qin Miaohong opened her red lips lightly, bit Geng Yan’s shoulder, and then said angrily :"devil??????"

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