Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 229

Chapter 220 Nine

Intrigue intersects with ups and downs (1)

In other words, Deng Yu said that he used the banner of Cen and Gai to fight the official army before, even if the two officers and generals return to the camp this time, they will be suspected by others, and their lives will be in danger.

Liu Xiu didn't wait for the two officers and generals to say anything, and said seriously: "Second brother, this will not harm the two generals. If you made it clear at the beginning, my brother must not allow you to make such a fool." Deng Yu clasped his fists and said Angrily said: "It's all my fault for my short thinking, I only think about how my brothers can win, and I don't take into account the generals of the army." Kou Xun sighed and said: "In order to win the official army, the second brother also discussed with the younger brother how to use the army. It’s just that the situation was urgent at the time, and I really didn’t think about it???????”

Those two officers and generals had nothing to blame, Cen Peng looked up to the sky and sighed, and then said: "Forget it, that's all. We are not in the same group, and there is nothing wrong with your brother's tricks." Liu Xiujing bowed his hands to Cen Peng Said: "General Suwen Cen is very good at using troops. Although you are in a heavy siege this time, you only teach your subordinates to retreat and don't take your own safety into consideration. This shows that the general is a righteous man. My brother, like Liu, really admires him." tight."

Since Cen Peng was so highly valued by Liu Xiu, he couldn't help secretly admiring him, and immediately returned the salute: "The general is overwhelmed, but Cen is a defeated general, how can he speak bravely??????" Liu Xiu looked ashamed and said immediately : "The general's words are wrong. As the saying goes, 'The situation has changed a lot since ancient times, and heroes are not judged by success or failure'. We are just lucky to win. In the final analysis, the current imperial court is unpopular. Therefore, when the two armies are at war, those officials and soldiers The horse didn't want to give up his life, so he surrendered easily."

Cen Peng lowered his eyes and pondered, and was noncommittal at the moment. Liu Xiu then said to Gai Yan: "General Gai can open a hard bow of hundreds of catties with both hands, and I heard that you once beat the Huns without daring to make a mistake. Liu Xiu has admired this feat of protecting the country for a long time. .”

Gai Yanwei felt that these beautiful words were so true, he couldn't help being happy, and laughed to himself: "General Liu has won the award, and a man who protects his family and the country is not worth mentioning." Grateful, but a person should be loyal, and since Cen is living on the imperial salary, he should not fear life and death, and serve his life loyally." Liu Xiudao: "I didn't expect that the arrangement of the two soldiers under the tent would tire the general. Encountered suspicion by the imperial court, now Liu only wants to confide in his heart, and he really has no face to talk to the two generals about the communist anti-government army???????"

The two officers and generals looked at Liu Xiu full of disappointment, and felt depressed. At the moment, he didn't know how to speak, Liu Xiufu said again: "Liu has something to say, and I hope you two will listen to it." Cen Peng asked: "What does General Liu want to talk about?" Liu Xiudao: "I will definitely escort the two generals down the mountain, but Liu is worried that if the two return to the army camp, they will inevitably lose their lives. Why don't you just be a commoner in the village?" ’” Cen Peng didn’t change his face, he caressed his beautiful beard lightly, and said: “Don’t worry about it, I have my own dispute with General Gai.”

The two generals Cen and Gai had their breakfast in this way, then took back their weapons, accepted some money, and followed Liu Xiu and others to the cottage.

The two officers and soldiers, General Xiao, recalled the past when they were captured, but felt that Liu Xiu and Hongjian were old friends, so they made an appointment with each other, and they must not reveal their names. Afterwards, they inquired about the officers and soldiers along the way, and chased south to the city of Jingling. , Enter the government office to meet Wang Kuang.

But seeing that the generals and officials are all serving in the government office, Cen and Gai narrated the whole story, and then begged to take the blame and make meritorious service. After hearing what the two generals said, Wang Kuang sneered sinisterly, and then blurted out: "The palace has been working recently. His mother is very upset, since the two generals dared to come back to accept the crime, I just killed you two, and I got angry." As soon as the words fell, he shouted to the soldiers: "Drag me out and behead!"

Gai Yan shouted that he was innocent, how could all the soldiers be willing to listen, at this moment, General Nayan Yan You stood up to stop him, then turned to Wang Kuang and clasped his fists, solemnly said: "Your Highness, how can you kill a good general of the court in vain!"

His voice was like a bell, and many generals held their breath when they heard the words, Wang Kuang said angrily: "I will lead Jing Xiang, and all the generals will be dispatched, so it is your turn to teach me." Yan You did not show any signs of fear. , Immediately said proudly: "At the end of the year, I was a classmate with your father in Chang'an Dun Academy. We have a deep friendship with each other, and the Holy Majesty knows the old man's loyalty, so he sent Yan to assist His Highness. How can you not preach this time."

Guarding General Liang Qiuci saw Wang Kuang's displeasure, and thought of flattering him, and then said: "General Yan's words are wrong, although the Holy Majesty sent you here to assist, he didn't ask you to slander His Highness, right?" Yan You He said angrily: "How did you slander Your Highness, you should explain it clearly." Liang Qiuci bowed and apologized with a smile: "Your Highness hates Cen and Gai Er as a bandit, so why don't you cut him off."

That Wang Kuang didn't know what to say, but when he heard this, he pointed at Cen and Gai and said sharply: "These two people who have eaten inside and outside have caused a disastrous defeat to the whole army, and they have secretly communicated with the grass bandits. beheaded."

Cen Peng remained silent, Gai Yan complained about being wronged, Yan Yousu came to stand upright, and immediately replied: "It's because of the cunning of those grass bandits that our army suffered a tragic defeat. How can it be the fault of the two generals?" Liang Qiu said: "It's General Yan's words that are so gaudy, but Generals Cen and Gai have already turned to the strongman, how can we make up for it?" Yan You asked, "Since you said that the two generals surrendered to the enemy, do you have any proof?" Liang Qiuci said: "Your Highness speaks well, and now that this matter has been confirmed, there is no need for evidence."

Meng Weiji looked sideways at Liang Qiuci, but didn't say anything, Yan Youwei was filled with righteous indignation, and he blurted out: "The two generals want to be loyal to the court, so they should comfort you, but you shameless villain To flatter you will only make His Highness more confused."

Wang Kuang has always been headstrong, so he was furious when he heard this remark, but he was afraid of Yan You's friendship with his father, so he didn't dare to deal with it, so he had to laugh at the moment, saying: "It seems that Yan You The general only said that Ben Gong was confused??????? very good?????? very good???????"

Yan You looked at the other party's unkind expression, and knew that his words were wrong, so he bowed his hand to apologize, and then said: "The old man is also thinking of His Highness, after all, our army has suffered a defeat, and we can no longer kill our own good generals."

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