Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 228

Chapter 220 Eight

Jin Ge Resurrected Warrior Army (10)

Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said nothing, Fan Chong then said: "I will send the money to Chief Chen, if there is anything to do in the future, Miss Yao can just order it." Yao Zhenzhen thanked Fan Chong just now, and Cheng Hongjian met Inquiring Yiren said: "Leader Fan seems to be asking for something. Does my little sister know what he is asking for?"

Yao Zhenzhen had already figured out what that guy was planning, now seeing Tan Lang confused, she said truthfully: "I think he must be so courteous to inherit the position of the Red Eyebrow Army." Cheng Hong Gradually pondered for a while, and then said: "We are not the leaders of the Red Eyebrow Army, how can we interfere in such affairs?" Yao Zhenzhen laughed and said: "Actually, the Red Eyebrow Army is like a vassal in the gang. It was suppressed by the government and army a long time ago, and it is for this reason that we can really manage other people's affairs."

After hearing these things, Cheng Hongjian couldn't help sighing and blurted out: "The world is so complicated in this Jianghu, it seems that there may still be fighting in the Red Eyebrow Army." Yao Zhenzhen said leisurely: "Daddy told me However, even if it is a small profit, there will always be people fighting for power. If it is for power and position, it will be even more lively. I heard that there are several leaders of the Red Eyebrow Army who look like Fan Chonghe. They stare at Lu all day long. Mother's seat, I can't wait to drool, and Chief Fan is afraid that he won't be able to grab the seat, so he wants to walk with the two of us."

Cheng Hongjian suddenly nodded, and then said: "Leader Fan is a man of righteousness. If my little sister helps him in command of the Red Eyebrow Army, I can repay him a little bit." Yao Zhenzhen giggled, then pretended to be solemn and said: "We just accepted it. People benefit, but they should be promoted."

Cheng Hongjian smiled when he heard the words, and took the beautiful lady Xianyun's hand, and continued, "It's wrong to accept bribes, but fortunately, you have to distribute all the 5000 taels of silver to the disciples in the gang, so it is confiscated. "

Yao Zhenzhen snuggled into Tan Lang's arms coquettishly, Wanyue whispered: "If I really took the 5000 taels of silver, my little brother will definitely be embarrassed??????" Jade God shook himself, and then blurted out emotionally: "You are so kind??????"

Yao Zhenzhen jiaona's body is trembling with bright flowers, laughing and playing with Tan Lang's sleeves, Tao Yao's eyes are drunk and gazing, she is so ashamed that the moon is dark and the fog is light, but she sees that the beautiful woman cuddles into Hong Jian's arms again, and then she speaks softly Said: "Leader Fan has some skills and helped us both. He should be promoted, but I always feel that this person is a bit unreliable."

Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, but he pondered for a while, and then said: "Tower Fan is really a little reckless in treating others, but he is very careful with us." Yao Zhenzhen said: "Tower Fan is very flattering, but look It's not very kind, just now when he mentioned that Lu's mother suffers from a chronic illness, he was even more happy."

Cheng Hongjian didn't pay attention to this point before, so he took a deep breath and then said in fear: "If that's true, Chief Fan is not a good person..." Yao Zhenzhen said: "That's exactly what I thought, Let's take a look at this person's behavior, and then make those decisions." Cheng Hongjian thought so deeply, and then said: "Back then, Senior Lu had spoken fair words for you in Xuanyuan School's literary examination, and she was very lonely. If Chief Fan is not a good person, we should remind him."

Jian Zhen had a leisure time to enjoy the beautiful day, so I don't know how long it will take, Hong Jian accompanied Yi Ren back to the residence, Yao Zhenzhen whispered softly: "It's so late at night, I happen to have a spare place here, little brother, why don't you stay overnight, tomorrow morning Let’s find your brothers again??????”

Cheng Hongjian thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, and went to sleep in the wing room, Yao Zhenzhen went back to the main room, chatted with Yin Lihua leisurely, and fell asleep until the next morning, when Hongjian had breakfast with Yiren, So they went to find Liu Xiu and others, and went to the prison together in the cottage, intending to persuade Cen and Gai to surrender.

Besides, the two generals were still bound firmly, Liu Xiu hurriedly stepped forward to untie them, and then apologized: "My surname is Liu Mingxiu, I blame Liu for neglecting the hero, the two generals should have not eaten yet, and my brother Hongjian happened to bring him If you have some, dare to ask the two of you to use it for a while."

The two generals sat on the floor, Cen Peng stroked his beard lightly, and said calmly: "General Gai and I would rather die than eat those pickled meals, and the leader doesn't need to be polite." After a haha, the rough interface said: "Since we were captured by you gangsters, we didn't plan to go back alive. If you want to kill or cut, just come."

Wu Han felt resentful, and immediately snorted softly, and said, "You two gangsters just feel superior to others just because you were born in an official family. If Brother Liu hadn't told you in advance, you two would have been beaten out of shit long ago, so give it back to your mother." Very crazy."

Gai Yandeng was annoyed, he got up from Huodi, and was about to go forward to fight, Cen Peng calmly said: "Sit down." Although his words were short, they were very dignified, so Gai Yan had to sit down as ordered, Cen Peng said calmly, "Sit down." Peng said again: "You and I have indeed been taken care of, and what that guy said is true."

Cheng Hongjian saw that Cen Peng did not lose his bearing even though he suffered a big defeat, and he couldn't help feeling deeply admired. Then he brought out several delicacies from the food box, and said respectfully: "Actually, we never had any enmity, and the two generals both He is a righteous man, we only hope to make friends, and I hope that the two generals will take care of their bodies and eat as much as they want."

The two brave generals still sat upright and ignored Hung Chien, Geng Yan shook his head and chuckled, and said, "You two generals, don't think that you are the only ones from official families, don't you know that our status is also unusual, only mentioning my son is Born as an official, my father's position is indeed higher than mine."

Gai Yan was angry when he heard this, and he shouted angrily: "It turns out that your father still receives the imperial salary. If that is the case, why did his mother fall into the grass and do those things?" Liu Xiudao: "The two generals don't know something, we wait Not from the village, but with the ambition to help the world, I just helped the people in the village, and the two of you can go on your own as long as you eat and drink."

The two officers and generals were surprised, Cen Peng asked: "Is this true?" Liu Xiu nodded and said: "The two generals are well-known, if there is no general trend tomorrow, I don't want to force it." Gai Yanshang I didn't believe it, and said immediately: "You are not from the village. Now you have promised so much, but how can you be the master?" Liu Xiudao: "My brother asked for favor before, and the village owner has already agreed to him to dispose of the two by himself. General."

After saying this, Cheng Hongjian nodded again and again, but looking at the two generals, he was very moved. Cen Peng sighed and said: "It's time to work, but General Gai and I are loyal to the court. Although we have to wait this time Grace, in future wars you will not show mercy."

Deng Yu felt that the two generals were good or bad, so he suppressed his anger and said coldly, "I'm afraid that if the two generals go down the mountain, they won't have the chance to fight with me again." Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard this, and immediately Asked: "Brother Deng, why did you say that?" Deng Yu said: "The captives I ordered to surrender are still fighting under the banner of the two generals with the other two routes of officers and troops. Brother Cheng, do you remember?" Jiandao: "I remember??????" Deng Yu said: "That's it, I'm thinking now, the puppet court will definitely think that the two generals have returned to the village, so how can they spare their lives?"

This is exactly: Jiao Su stealthily planned and planned to force tigers and swallows to come together.If you want to know what the two officers and generals are going to do, and what will happen to their lives, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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