defend the truth

Chapter 165: Dan Cheng Top Grade

High above Samsara Peak, the thunderclouds that swirl like a vortex are more like a huge funnel, continuously pouring down thunder plasma and electric fire.

The originally majestic Hall of Reincarnation had already been burnt to the point where only half of its walls remained in ruins under the burning power of the twelve pillars of fire and thunder.

This has to be attributed to the rare and high-quality materials used when the Tiangongyuan built this hall.

If not, there will not even be a pile of scorched earth left for future generations to pay tribute to and sigh.

However, the terrifying twelve pillars of fire and thunder were just an appetizer.

The even more terrifying power of Heavenly Tribulation is still brewing in the vortex.Once the Thunder Pillar falls again, no one dares to guess what will be left on Samsara Peak!

Among the ruins, Rui Hongchang was still sitting in the magic circle as stable as a mountain, and he was not damaged at all by the disaster just now.

There is a saying: Wild fires are endless, and spring breeze blows and regenerates.

What if, a monk who practiced Wooden Art would be completely wiped out by the flames, even the foundation of longevity would not be preserved?Then he is not even as good as a small grass, how can he become a towering tree?

Or, Rui Hongchang is just an ordinary monk with average talent, who is satisfied with being able to achieve the golden core cultivation base, and has no thoughts about the immortal way of immortality.

Then, after going through the twelve calamities of fire and thunder, Rui Hongchang is already the golden alchemist who stands on the top of the mountain and looks down at everything below!

Although, that would only be a monk who could only cultivate low-grade golden elixir, but it was enough to be respected by fellow practitioners!

But Rui Hongchang not only wants to stand on the top of the mountain, he wants to ascend eventually, he wants to stand higher than the clouds, looking down at the ants and sentient beings under his feet!

Rui Hongchang was still trying to sense the way of heaven, to be precise, to provoke the thunder cloud that had not dissipated.

It's not twelve thunder tribulations, not 24 thunder tribulations, but the No.30 six, the legendary forty-nine heavenly tribulations that can affect the perception of Dao!

Only those who have been tempered by the four or nine heavenly tribulations can achieve the top-grade golden elixir. In the future, the immortal journey will be open, the primordial spirit can be achieved, and the true immortal can be expected!

If the Heavenly Tribulation is a big test for a promising monk in the world, then the better the performance, the brighter the future will naturally be, there is no doubt about it!

Rather than saying that I have been dormant for many years to prepare for this big exam, it is better to say that I am working hard to get the top spot in the gold list!No matter what, just to be the person who transforms into a dragon with golden scales!

The bang exploded, and the thunder in the sky appeared to be falling again!

Thunder and fire are yang, and Huadian is yin.

The shimmering frost and snow lightning in the sky is precisely the Xinjin God Thunder that symbolizes Yin and gold in the golden thunder catastrophe!

Rui Hongchang suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted in a terrified voice: "Four swords protect the Dharma, four yin fire formations!"

Suddenly, the four sword guards who had temporarily retreated to the second peak appeared together on the top of Samsara Peak, each holding nine green flags, standing on the ruined wall, forming a mysterious flag array!

"The open fire in the water covers the qi and one yang, and the four yin of the fire, and the second wood for living!"

The four of them are of the same heart, and the formulas are the same, and suddenly the flames burst into the sky, shaking the frost and thunder!

As soon as the fire burst out, the four swordsmen retreated far away again.Rui Hongchang was placed in the center of the formation, using his own wood-type spiritual power to help ignite the fire, burning himself as the fuel for the fire.

All things generate and restrain each other, and so does the way of heaven!Use small fire to check and balance Xinjin, as long as the fire is strong enough, even if you are the gold that makes a weapon, you have to go back to the furnace and remake it!

As long as Rui Hongchang's spiritual power is not exhausted, the flames of the magic circle will not be extinguished, and even if Xinjin Shenlei is powerful, it will not be able to hurt its body!

This is the five-element mystery of Dinghuo defeating Xinjin without hurting Yimu!

This is also the reason why Taoist sects often have masters in large numbers.

Heretics and others often rely on half of Taoism to embark on the road of practice. The more they practice, the more difficult it will be.

Without a complete inheritance, you have to piece together things to fill in the potholes.

In this way, it is very easy to go astray.It is a fluke to be able to cultivate the golden core. If you want to climb to a higher and dangerous peak, not to mention delusional, you are also powerless.

Relying on the blessing of the Siyin Dinghuo Formation and Rui Hongchang's own profound spiritual power, the twelve Xinjin Shenlei survived without any danger!

However, the vortex thundercloud is still there, and the extinction thunderstorm is still brewing.

This scene was seen by the Taiyi Sect, as well as the heretic cultivators who invaded the mountain gate.

Rui Hongchang really wanted to challenge the third hurdle, the four-nine-day catastrophe that made countless alchemy monks daunted.

In this way, the intruders became even crazier. They did everything they could to attack Samsara Peak and add bricks to the difficulties in front of Rui Hongchang.

Even, directly cut off his avenue of longevity!

Luo Siling, who summoned the rainstorm to help Rui Hongchang resist the fire, has returned to the battle situation.

Therefore, Linghutian is still fighting two enemies with one, and it is not easy to say, but at least he is still firmly blocking the path of the two strong enemies of Jindan.

The two Golden Alchemists who were entangled by Linghutian and his spirit beast Jinglanniao all used masks to hide their true faces, and compared with the other three, they had a little more sense of mystery.

Now the two attack more and more frequently, the flying sword is extremely fast, with a sinister aura, like a sword from the nether world!

One of them sneered with a sharp voice: "The Sutra of Longevity and Reincarnation is really in full play on your boy! You can have a combat power comparable to Jindan in the middle stage of concentration. Although it happens to be at the strongest stage of this technique The newborn period, but you kid is too strong!"

Another person hastily scolded: "Youngest, you talk too much!"

Hearing this, Linghutian clasped his fists in both hands, and laughed loudly at the two of them: "It's rare for the two uncles to come here today. As a nephew, naturally you have to do your best and perform well, don't you? Uncle Qin, Uncle Jiao ?”

One of the two whom Linghutian called as his uncle couldn't help but coldly snorted: "You boy, what's the matter with you chasing around?"

Linghutian tutted his tongue and said: "The face and breath can be concealed, but the exercises you are good at are difficult to conceal easily! You have come and gone so many rounds, if I still can't see that what you are using is "Sunflower" Am I still worthy of being the second senior brother of Taiyi Sect with the secret supernatural powers in "Spiritual Alchemy Dafa"?"

Immediately afterwards, Linghutian sneered again and said: "Also, it's fine if you don't speak. Once you speak, the eunuch's voice makes me laugh! Why... the cut-off thing is still there Does it grow out?"

The two were unable to attack for a long time, and now they were being sprinkled with salt on their wounds, they couldn't help being furious, and said in unison: "You are courting death!"

However, facing the unanimous shouts, Linghutian didn't say anything more, but just swung the emerald green gourd with all his strength, shot out dozens of green silk threads from the gourd's mouth, twisted them into a killing net, and sent the two ghost flying swords to the trapped in the net.

When the opponent tried to activate the sword art and rescue Feijian from the killing net, Linghutian jumped up from the back of the blue bird, sacrificed the Caohui sword, and slashed with a shocking sword.

The green sword gang was extremely fast, and with a terrifying sword intent, it slashed towards the back of the necks of the two mysterious alchemists.

The two people who were attacked hurriedly interrupted the sword formula, and turned to fully operate the body-protecting Yuan Gang, which was the secret body-protecting power of Sunflower Peak: Taixu Divine Shield.

As soon as Gang Dun came out, it proved that the exercises the two had learned had a deep connection with the Taiyi Sect.

"Now that things are going on, do you two still need to hide your head and show your tail? Those who deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, God will not punish you, and I, Linghutian, will never let you down!"

After all, Linghutian began to drink with his head held high, returning the sword intent kept in the emerald green gourd to its source, and awakening the natal flying sword stored in the purple mansion between eyebrows!

The two looked at each other, and took off the masks on their faces together. These two faces were extremely familiar to the previous generation of Taiyi Sect.

The former Sunflower Peak Dharma Protector Elder, Iron-armed Immortal-Qin Shan and Thousand-handed Immortal-Jiao Liang.

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