defend the truth

Chapter 164: Even the capital with interest

If it wasn't for the continuous cold rain that watered the cold ground, it would also have covered up the tears on the faces of the Fan brothers.

So now the two brothers who are crying into tears will definitely make Li Weizhen feel more happy after revenge!

Fan Jishan, who had been pierced by several swords and torn his viscera, was able to fall dying in Fan Jihai's arms by virtue of the protective aura that hadn't dissipated.

However, whenever Fan Jishan wanted to say something, he opened his lips and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Of course, even though Fan Jishan was speechless, the urgent expression in his eyes was already very clear.

That is to hope that Fan Jihai can leave his burden behind and escape as soon as possible!

Li Weizhen landed slowly from the air, and said with his tusk: "It's really a true love in the world, brotherly love! I almost couldn't help but feel that I was the one who did all kinds of evil and lost all conscience!"

Compared with Fan Jihai, Li Weizhen's sarcasm and ridicule are better than "drinking ice water in cold winter, a little in my heart".He was so angry that his whole body was trembling, even covering the dull pain in his chest.

"I kill you!"

Fan Jihai was so angry that he picked up the flying sword and rushed towards Li Weizhen desperately.

However, even though the momentum is aggressive, the gap between the enemy and ourselves is already like a moat.

Not to mention flying over the moat, Fan Jihai was stopped by Zhan Gang and Shuo Feng before he even approached Li Weizhen within three feet.

Li Weizhen, who was able to play Fan Jihai between life and death just by standing in place and circling his sword finger, couldn't help but sneered again: "I said Mr. Fan, this sentence, as early as two or three years ago, the two of us You should have said it during the first fight, right? From this point of view, you haven't made much progress!"

"Speaking of it, I'm really ashamed! Back then, I regarded you as my lifelong enemy! But thinking about it carefully, from the beginning to the end, you never defeated me, right? It seems that my pursuit of life is still too low Already!"

After all, Li Weizhen's eyes suddenly turned sharp, causing the momentum of the two flying swords to skyrocket.With the cooperation of a wave and a stab, a streak of blood was brought up, and Fan Jihai's wrist was cut open, and the flying sword in his hand was handed over.

However, Fan Jihai didn't stop there, he saw that there was an extra elixir in his hand at some point, and he raised his hand and slapped it into his stomach.

In an instant, the crown of hair exploded, three thousand strands of hair danced wildly, and the whole face was full of blood, like intertwined spider webs. It looked like a madman, and screamed to the sky: "I won't lose you!"

And the wound where the Tetenu had been severed also quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.The flying sword returned to his hand, entwined with wisps of dark red aura.

Seeing this scene, Fan Jishan, who was lying in a pool of blood, looked more and more painful, his slightly parted lips seemed to be struggling to say "no".

Because, Fan Jishan knew that his brother was dying, and even his soul and body were sacrificed to the demon god.

That is not a pill, but an extremely rare magic treasure, the real magic bead!

An orb that seals the avatar of the demon god from outside the territory, the user becomes the puppet of the demon god from then on, and there will be no reincarnation in the next life!

Li Weizhen sniffed and played with the smell with a smile: "It's a very familiar smell, magic energy?"

Under the protection of the strong demon energy, Fan Jihai walked towards Li Weizhen step by step, neither Zhan Gang nor Shuo Feng could hurt him at all.

However, Li Weizhen's performance was deeply abnormal. He neither tried to use any supernatural powers to deal with Fan Jihai, nor did he run away in a panic.

He just stood there quietly, with his usual expression on his face, as if he was still expecting something!

Fan Jihai finally came to Li Weizhen with a hoarse voice, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Whether it was his expression or his tone of voice, the Fan Jihai in front of him seemed to be no longer himself, at least not completely.

Li Weizhen took off the inverse scale hanging around his neck in an orderly manner, and said with a sneer, "It's just a lowly Yin Demon. Who knows your real body, in the Great Demon Heaven, is it in charge of guarding the gate or sweeping the floor? I even All real demon gods have been enslaved before, so why should you be afraid of a slave's slave?"

After Ni Lin left, Li Weizhen seemed to be no longer himself, no matter his expression or tone.

Fan Jihai acted unbelievably, and more of a rage, he punched Li Weizhen's head, which he could not dodge.

However, Li Weizhen just raised his arm in an understatement, with his five fingers spread out, the fist wrapped in the billowing magic energy was always separated by an inch, and it was difficult to fall!

"Too weak! You are called a demon in vain!"

All of a sudden, Li Weizhen stepped forward and plunged one hand into Fan Jihai's abdomen, as if reaching into a cabinet, after searching back and forth for a while.

Just now he pulled out the bloody hand, and in the palm was the bead that had been swallowed earlier.

After losing the real magic bead, Fan Jihai covered his abdomen which had been dug out with a horrified face, trying to fill the wound with billowing magic energy.Looking at Li Weizhen who was admiring the beads, he said dumbfoundedly: "You... who are you? You are not corroded by evil energy?"

Li Weizhen grinned and said: "Aren't you willing to go back to the Great Demon Heaven? Then just stay in this beautiful world and help this deity! It's a great achievement!"

After all, Li Weizhen put one hand on Fan Jihai's head, and the billowing devilish energy suddenly flowed into the sea like mud, pouring into the center of Li Weizhen's eyebrows!

As the magic energy was sucked away, Fan Jihai kept crying and begging: "The little devil has eyes but doesn't know the majesty, please let the majesty let the little devil go!"

Despite the constant begging, Li Weizhen remained indifferent until the roots of his ears were clean!

After the yin demon retreated, the consciousness that really belonged to Fan Jihai returned to his body. He was completely dumbfounded when he saw Li Weizhen who was completely unharmed, and himself with a hole in his stomach.

Fan Jihai said with ashen face: "Are you still alive?"

Li Weizhen shook the real magic bead in his hand, and said with a sneer, "Of course, but you are really going to die!"

After finishing speaking, Li Weizhen grabbed Fan Jihai's neck and dragged him all the way to Fan Jishan.The latter is still dying, not yet dead.

Li Weizhen squatted down, opened Fan Jishan's mouth, and fed a pill into it.

After taking the elixir, Fan Jishan's face recovered a little blood, and he could even speak.It's just that the body is still unable to move, after all, he was injured too badly.

Fan Jishan cracked his eyes and said, "What do you want to do?"

Obviously, Li Wei really wouldn't be so kind for no reason.

that's the truth.Li Weizhen just smiled coldly, and in front of Fan Jishan, gouged out the flesh and blood of Fan Jihai's chest one sword at a time, until the bones and organs were visible, a total of sixteen swords.

At this time, Fan Jihai was still alive, and his mind was extremely clear.

Li Weizhen grinned and said: "You gave me sixteen lashes back then, today I will pay back your brother's sixteen swords, but there is no interest at all!"

"Oh, right! What did you say then? It's not that I have to torture you, but that I am willing to torture you!"

Fan Jishan went completely insane, and until he died, he kept muttering: "Li Weizhen, you will die..."

On the moon mountain, thunder billowed, and the fire clouds were dark red.Under the vision of Heavenly Tribulation, no one noticed the Qingtian Demon God who came to this world for a short time!

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