defend the truth

Chapter 166: The Sunflower Controversy

13 years ago, Taiyimen was forced to move out of Taihua Mountain.

Qin Shan and Jiao Liang, as the few high-level combat forces remaining back then, both defected from the Taiyi Sect, and invisibly dealt another heavy blow to the Taiyi Sect.

Now that things have happened, the two of them have intensified their efforts, taking the lead in deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors.

It's no wonder that Linghutian will not hesitate to spend his true energy, but also to call out the natal flying sword that has not yet been fully controlled, and to kill the two of them here, it is a shame for the Xuezong sect!

After all, Qin and Jiao have been famous for many years. Although they don't understand what supernatural power Linghutian wants to brew, that emerald green gourd is an extremely rare fetish, and there is absolutely no mistake in raising a sword gourd.

Although the green sword light that flew out of the gourd earlier was extremely powerful, it was all transformed by sword intent, not by flying swords.

So what Linghutian is doing now is very likely to invite that flying sword that has not yet appeared on the stage.

If a flying sword needs to be invited by the master before it is willing to participate in the battle, it means that it is a sword with a temper.

What kind of sword can have a temper?Unless it is the Excalibur that gave birth to the sword spirit!

No wonder in the past few years, there have been rumors that Linghutian's real combat power has reached the point where "everyone below the middle stage of Jindan can be killed".

If it is because of the help of Excalibur, then this is not surprising at all.

Qin and Jiao made eye contact again and reached a tacit understanding in an instant.That is: no matter whether he succeeds today or not, this son must not be kept.

What's more, raising the sword gourd must be obtained!

The two simply ignored the flying sword that was trapped in the sword net, and sacrificed their spare flying swords one after another, and joined hands to kill Linghutian who was preparing the ultimate move.

From the corner of his eye, Linghutian caught a glimpse of the greedy expressions of the two, and already guessed the other's intentions.But he didn't stop the act of summoning the Flying Sword of Flying Flying Sword, but continued to drink while using the Caohui Sword against the enemy.

The blue bird under the seat is not hesitating to spit out the inner alchemy, risking the risk of falling, but also to protect the Lord with all his strength.

Raising sword gourds, rare spirit beasts, and the possible existence of divine swords, Linghutian's miraculous treasures made the two of them extremely jealous.

Linghutian fought and retreated, and unconsciously, he had already pulled the battle line from Tianjian Square to the vicinity of Samsara Peak.

It's not easy to do two things at once, but to do three or even four things at one time is better than Linghu Tian, ​​who will be exhausted when he detects the other party's malicious intentions.

The secret path is not good, but it is too late.

Sure enough, Qin Shan still attacked Linghutian with all his strength, but Jiao Liang suddenly left the battle and plundered towards Samsara Peak.

"Brother Jiao, don't come here without any harm! Why don't you go to Sunflower Peak as a guest, but rush to Samsara Peak instead?"

All of a sudden, flowers flew all over the sky, and the petals turned into thin needles from the moment they fluttered, and shot to Jiao Liang's eyes one after another.

Suddenly, Jiao Liang had no choice but to forcibly back up his figure, and once again used the Gang Shield to protect his body.

Under the collision of the thin needle and the shield, ripples of spiritual power were splashed, like throwing a stone into a lake.

Jiao Liang gritted his teeth and said, "Jiuzhou Evil Resisting Sword Art? Fu Yuehan?"

Although what came oncoming was a hundred needles, but it was clearly attached to the sword intent, which was transformed by the supernatural power of swordsmanship.

The only one who can do this is the Lord of Sunflower Peak who has fully passed on the true teaching of "Sunflower Alchemy of the Gods".

On the contrary, Jiao Liang, the original protector with a higher level of cultivation.But because it was originally a male body and was not born with a "pure yin body", it was restricted by the family rules and could not be passed on.

He could only learn "You Jian" and the half-volume "True Method of Dispelling Evil", and had no chance with the "Jiuzhou Dafa" required for practicing the "Kyushu Sword Art of Dispelling Evil".

To put it bluntly, Jiao Liang and Qin Shan were discriminated against in Sunflower Peak and even Taiyi School in the past.

In order to cultivate, he gave up the most important dignity of being a man.But only got half of the exercises, no one feels good!

Jiao Liang has always been brooding about this.

Fu Yuehan appeared with the guqin in his arms, his jade fingers fluttering lightly, like an embroiderer threading a needle, using the sound of the qin to control the needle, and the flowers and leaves hide and kill!In the battle situation, she is the most elegant and generous.

Really achieve the snap of the fingers, kill the enemy invisible!

The sound of clanging and clanging is a song of breaking the formation, the wind is tight and chilling, shaking the seven orifices, and it is breathtaking.

But Jiao Liang seemed to have been prepared, he sheathed his sword and sacrificed a huge bone bell.He slapped the wall of the clock with his palm, and made a desolate sound, as if thousands of faces appeared on the wall of the clock, howling in pain!

The chilling sound of the piano, the ringing of the death knell, and the invisible collision between the two, affected all the outer disciples with low cultivation levels within a radius of ten miles below, bleeding from their mouths and noses, and fainted to the ground.

Intangible things are better than hidden arrows!

Fu Yuehan turned pale with shock, obviously recognized the magic weapon used by Jiao Liang, had no choice but to put away the guqin, and cursed: "Bone of Death Bell, despicable villain, you really have entered the way of the devil!"

The Bone Death Bell itself does not ring loudly, nor does it sound far away, but when confronting the enemy, it can use the sound to collide and spread, causing area damage, and beating cattle across mountains.

Of course, the process of refining this magic weapon is extremely sinister and vicious, and one can guess a thing or two after hearing its name.

Seeing that Fu Yuehan no longer played the qin, but turned to guarding the sword, Jiao Liang also put away the bone bell and used the ghost sword to fight it.

Jiao Liang didn't get the true inheritance of Sunflower Peak, so he had no cultivation realm, and couldn't show his true level.But he was able to rely on his understanding of Fu Yuehan to force the other party to be unable to display his true strength, so his intelligence should not be underestimated.

Now, the two masters from the same line are displaying the same supernatural powers of swordsmanship, but Jiao Liang relies on his superiority in realm to stabilize Fu Yuehan's head.

Fu Yuehan gritted his silver teeth, his handsome face that had not left traces of time was flushed red, feeling ashamed and angry for no reason!

What's embarrassing is that as a peak master, I have suppressed my realm for many years, greedy to form a top-grade golden elixir in the future; but now I am suppressed by an old Dharma protector relying on my realm.

He was angry because he had tried his best to pass on the true skills, but because the other party knew the details, he easily restrained him, it was really shameful!

In the current scene, Fu Yuehan really couldn't restrain himself, and it's human nature to have mixed feelings!

Thinking about it, a person who was looked down upon by me back then, a so-called "trash" who only made a low-grade golden alchemy, told her with facts that a golden alchemy is always a golden alchemy!

Linghutian is the proud son of heaven, he has the qualifications to look down on Jindanke, and even kill him by leapfrogging!But you can't, you, Fu Yuehan, don't have that life!

When his thoughts were disturbing, Fu Yuehan had already been pierced by Jiao Liang's sword, the sword light completely sank into his chest, his face was shocked, leaving him pale and helpless!

Jiao Liang couldn't help showing cruelty at the corners of his mouth, his teeth gradually bared, and he said with a sinister smile: "The Taiyi Sect has long since passed away, and the Sunflower Peak shouldn't even exist!"

"But don't worry, I won't kill you yet, your existence is very useful to me!"

After finishing speaking, Jiao Liang had already pressed his hand on Fu Yuehan's forehead, chanting something, as if he was using his supernatural powers!

But after losing the power to resist, Fu Yuehan's eyes contained a fear deeper than death!

She knew what Jiao Liang wanted to do and what she was doing.

Jiao Liang was searching for the soul. A large part of the god refining in "Sunflower God Alchemy Dafa" refers to the supernatural power of capturing the soul and memory!

"Repelling ghosts and taking gods"

Jiao Liang sneered and said, "It's mine, it's still mine after all!"

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