defend the truth

Chapter 161: Multi-party Calculation

The fortress mountain on the farthest edge of the Yuedong border is about 3000 miles away from Yuelun mountain.

Now above the boundary of the fort mountain, a water-blue sword light is darting out of the boundary at an extremely fast speed, fleeing towards the western border!

The speed of this sword light escaping the sky is so fast, if it is measured carefully, the journey of more than 3000 miles can only take it an hour at most.

And on a lone peak soaring into the clouds, a young man with a bookish face was playing the piano cross-legged.

The color of the guqin is as deep as ink, inlaid with a white jade qin emblem, the head of the qin is like a real phoenix rising from the mountain, and the tail of the qin is as delicate as a phoenix tongue.

However, the sound of the piano is like the mourning of the falling phoenix, hoarse and exhausted, which seems to be closely related to the melancholy mood of the person who plucked the strings.

Young musicians always look up at the sea of ​​clouds in the east from time to time, as if waiting for someone to arrive.But the contradictory look in his eyes seemed to wish that person would never show up.

All of a sudden, the sound of the zither changed suddenly, like ten miles flying flowers intertwined and embellished, attracting thousands of breaths in the cloud to interweave into a net.This caused the sudden blue sword light to plunge into the net.

The moment the sword light was about to close the net, it was furious like a dragon flying out of the sea, twisted up and down, and finally managed to break through the net.

However, after the net was broken, the sword light did not move forward, but a flash of inspiration, and the sword separated.

Appearing as a high-spirited but ordinary-looking purple-clothed cultivator, his attire was eight or nine percent similar to that of the young musician on the lonely peak.

It's just that one person wears a silver dragon and white jade hairpin on his head and a gold ribbon around his waist; the other wears a green luan jade hairpin on his head and a carved jasper belt around his waist.

The two looked at each other, as if they wanted to get the answer they wanted from each other.

But after being silent for a long time, except for the helpless embarrassment of staring and staring, nothing was gained.

If this situation and situation fell on two strangers, they should have disagreed early on, and the fight would have started!

But obviously, the two knew each other, and they even had a very close personal relationship.

And just as the old saying goes, sometimes you are too familiar, it’s really hard to start!

Perhaps, it is to find some determination for what I should do next.

The young musician took the initiative to open up the conversation, and slowly said: "Senior brother, you are the commander of the Vietnam counterattack. At this time, you are not sitting on the fortress mountain to stabilize our hard-earned victory. What are you doing in a hurry to the Tiannan border? "

The young musician plucked the same string repeatedly, and he seemed a little nervous.Because, he knew that he was saying something knowingly asked.

The purple-clothed monk had a calm face and said indifferently: "I have some personal matters to attend to, don't worry, there won't be any delay. As for where to go? I'm in a hurry, and I'll talk to you when I get back."

The young musician said with a half-smile: "Wait a little longer, let me make a bold guess, the place where the senior brother is going, I'm afraid it's not the Yuelun Mountain, Taiyi Sect?"

The purple-clothed cultivator's face changed, and it was difficult to regain his calmness just now. He said in a deep voice, "Ah Xuan, don't tell me, did you know beforehand?"

The young musician nodded with a wry smile and said: "I have some information that is prior to yours, and I can deduce the clues from those clues. I have already reported the information I have to the suzerain. What the old man means is, let I look at you!"

Hearing this, the purple-clothed cultivator looked astonished, and said in disbelief: "Master, he...does he want me to die?"

The young musician nodded again and said: "You are right to think so, anyway, now you want to save people, and I want to save you, it's as simple as that!"

The purple-clothed cultivator was furious, "I, Zhong Lihua, once made an oath that whoever is an enemy of the Supreme Unity Sect is an enemy of me! If you want me to die without saving you? That would be trapping me in injustice!"

The young musician sighed: "What about the Zixiao Sect? What is it in your eyes? Can you disobey the order of the Sect Master? Isn't what you are doing now just crossing the bridge?"

The atmosphere fell into dead silence again. For a long time, this dilemma of loyalty and righteousness has been tormenting the purple-clothed monk, the former head disciple of the Taiyi Sect, and now the head of the Zixiao Sanying-Zhong Lihua.

And the young musician who repeatedly beat Zhong Lihua with words was Jiang Zhenxuan, who was as famous as him and one of the three heroes of Zixiao.

Zhong Lihua turned his face away, unwilling to meet Jiang Zhenxuan's gaze, "That's two different things at all!"

Jiang Zhenxuan shook his head and said: "That's the same thing. Your attitude has always troubled the suzerain. Now is the best time for you to express your attitude. I can't just watch you go down the wrong path."

Zhong Lihua said in astonishment: "Tai Yi Sect is kind to me, I will go back to repay the favor, what did I do wrong?"

Jiang Zhenxuan said helplessly: "That's only from your point of view, but in the eyes of other people, in the eyes of those elders, you just have ulterior motives, you are that white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with it! As for the kindness of Taiyimen to you , from the day you came to Zixiaozong, you have already been clean, you know it well!"

Seeing that Zhong Lihua was speechless, Jiang Zhenxuan continued: "Taking this opportunity, let's make a complete break with Taiyimen! You can't carry this burden all the time, it's simply a house with air leaks on all sides, and it can't accommodate people! Don’t tell me that every time there is a problem with the Supreme One Sect, do you have to rush over immediately?”

Zhong Lihua said coldly, "What if I say yes?"

Facing the murderous intent coming to his face, Jiang Zhenxuan was still trying his best to persuade, "Don't forget, the suzerain has always regarded you as his own, and I also regard you as my own brother! The Zixiao sect has never I have treated you badly!"

Zhong Lihua quietly raised his hand and raised his flying sword, his face became more and more serious, "I always thought that we are brothers! So, Ah Xuan, don't force me to use the sword on you. No matter what the result is, this road leading to The road to Yuelun Mountain is decided! After all the dust settles, I will go back to Jiuhua Mountain and personally confess the crime to Master!"

"Even if after the incident, Master wants to take back everything I have now, including cultivation! I, Zhong Lihua, have no complaints or regrets, but please have a clear conscience!"

At this point, Jiang Zhenxuan took a deep breath and put his hands back on the strings at the same time. A big battle was inevitable.

Jiang Zhenxuan's eyes were slightly red and he said: "Brother, Jiuhua Mountain, you can't go back, this is your last chance!"

"As the heirs of the "Treasure of Dragon and Phoenix", you and I were supposed to be in harmony with each other to resist foreign humiliation, but we have ended up in such a situation where brothers fight against each other. Youdao is God's will to trick people, and there is nothing more than this!"

After that, lightly tease and quickly dial, from the hook, the piano sound like spring water in a stream flows out from the fingertips like suet white jade.

Under the collision with the rocks, he whimpered and his tone became more and more mellow.

At this time, around Jiang Zhenxuan, the clouds and mist swirled like ribbons, and in front of him, there was a stunning beauty of the moon shining on the flower forest!

In the flower forest, a person was on the rampage, struggling to find a way out.

After a long time, a sword energy suddenly soared into the sky, and then turned into a blue dragon, swallowing stars month by month.

The illusion of flowers and moons, cracked and melted, and the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water could not trap the leaping abyss and Qianlong after all.

However, the sound of the piano didn't stop, and it turned from gentle and peaceful to loud and clear, like a waterfall flowing down, roaring and majestic!

A river of spring water flows into the sea!

With a snap of his fingers, he whispered softly: "Sword Transformation!"

Then there are two sword lights, one blue and one white, coming out from the head of the piano, and then changing into a green luan and a white phoenix against the wind, and they join hands to kill the leaping dragon!

Once you make a move, it is what you have learned all your life;

The love in the past, just like the isolated peak that was cut in the middle, collapsed suddenly, shattered into powder, and was sent away by the breeze, falling into the rivers and oceans!

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