defend the truth

Chapter 160: The Great Rebellion

Almost at the moment when the winter thunder exploded and the rainstorm came, the fight at the edge of the sword pool also ended at the same time.

The raindrops like rolling balls can just wash away the blood stains left on the ground!

However, looking at the blood that was quickly washed away by the rain, the freckled boy said with regret: "What a fine blood! It was wasted!"

After all, the boy was like the farmer who was rushing to harvest rice in the rainy day.He took out an oiled paper umbrella and a glass bottle from the storage bag, hurriedly ran to the men in black whose bodies had not yet cooled down, and began to cut their necks and bleed.

After all, the young man with only two hands hurriedly shouted to his companions: "Two big brothers, come over and help the little brother hold an umbrella, okay? This blood can't be contaminated with water vapor, especially rainwater. If it is dirty, it will be wasted!"

Fu Lichi rolled his eyes at the young man, turned his back quickly, and said with a look of disgust, "It's disgusting! Is there something wrong with this person?"

Only Cai Ruoxian, who practiced the secret method of ghosts, expressed his understanding of the young man's behavior, and generously held an umbrella for him.But he still shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother Duan, it's nothing in front of us for you to do such a thing. But after all, we are still in the sect, isn't it better to be more restrained than outside?"

The young man grinned and said, "It's better to talk about pickles! Huh, Fu Lichi, I remember you, sir. You don't even raise your hand to help, and you just talk sarcastic!"

Then, the young man said with an air of righteousness and righteousness: "I have shed so much blood for the sect, and now it is too much to ask for some interest from these people who have died without guilt?"

Fu Lichi sneered and said: "As a hairy man drinking blood, a northern barbarian is a northern barbarian, and rotten wood can't be carved!"

The young man said unhappily, "Do you want to fight? You... you wait, I don't know as much as you today, sir, and I will definitely deal with you after two days!"

Fu Lichi shook his sleeves and snorted coldly, looking too lazy to answer, jumped up to the center of the sword pond, and put his hand on the body of the huge sword.With all his concentration, he began to guide the spiritual power to travel inside the giant sword.

In fact, the giant sword is like a lock, the structure inside is extremely complicated, like a maze.If you can't trigger all the nodes, it's a trivial matter if you can't activate the sword formation, or you will be injured by the sword energy if it is serious.

As Fu Lichi's spiritual power traveled deeper, the blade of the giant sword gradually began to reveal runes.

At the same time, the four huge chains also began to wriggle slowly, and the speed became faster and faster, until they were completely pulled away from the sword body and looped back to the four coiling dragon pillars.

Accompanied by a deep dragon chant, Fu Lichi quickly withdrew his hand, turned over and jumped back.

In an instant, thousands of streamers of light rose from the sword pool, and rushed towards the archway of the mountain gate one after another, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, swallowing thousands of miles of rivers and mountains!

Wherever he went, the dark clouds all over the sky were torn open by the majestic sword energy, and could not be closed again for a long time.

Coupled with the torrential rain, it was as if the Dome of Nine Heavens had been leaked!

The freckled boy was stunned and said, "I just saw a dragon flying past my eyes."

The other two were also stunned and said: "Me too!"

Suddenly, a crackling sound of firecrackers seemed to call back the souls of these three people together.

Fu Lichi reacted first, turned around and slashed at a corpse that had been lying on the ground for a long time, but his expression was also stunned.

The corpse that had been divided into two along the middle did not have any bloody organs flowing out, and what was exposed in sight was clearly a pile of wood.

"Stand-in puppet?"

"There is also an earth escape talisman, we were careless!" Cai Ruoxian added.

The freckled boy looked like a ghost, and said in surprise: "What... what's going on? That guy was obviously killed by my beheading? When I cut it down with my sword, blood spurted Lao Gao's face?"

The freckled boy didn't believe in evil, and hurried to pick up the head that had rolled far away, but after checking it, it was really only covered with a layer of human skin on the outside, and the inside was all wood.

Cai Ruoxian shook his head and sighed, "Sometimes, what the naked eye sees may not be true!"

The freckled boy hurriedly checked the corpses of the other men in black, and he was relieved to find that the other six were real flesh and blood.Otherwise, if you risk your life, you will only get a pile of wood in exchange, which will drive him crazy!

Fu Lichi said in a deep voice: "It seems that these invading enemies are not idle people! Let's go too! Don't waste time here!"

At the same time, on a small soil slope at the foot of the mountain, a short and fat young man was leaning on a tree trunk, bent over and vomited.

Obviously, the dizzy underground trip just now left him not only with unpleasant memories, but also with physical discomfort.

Not far from the short and fat young man, a slightly taller man was leaning against a tree trunk, and said with a sneer, "It seems that the talisman given to you by your master is quite useful!"

The chunky young man breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off the filth from the corner of his mouth, and said in a respectful tone, "Brother made me laugh, it's because my current cultivation base is not yet able to fully control this talisman, and this talisman power backfires just now."

The tall slender young man nodded appreciatively in his eyes, "I haven't seen you in a few years, you have indeed grown a lot, knowing shame is almost courageous, it's a good thing!"

If Li Weizhen were here now, he would definitely be furious and draw his sword to kill the two of them without hesitation.

Because, the two young men, one tall and one short, are exactly the Fan brothers who have had a long-standing grudge with Li Weizhen.

Fan Jishan, the leader of the Discipline Hall, and Fan Jihai, the former Taiyi disciple who disappeared for a long time!

But now, these two brothers are clearly participating in a rebellious act of deceiving their masters and exterminating their ancestors, and they are playing a vital role in it!

Fan Jihai clenched his fists and said indignantly: "If a guy with a pockmarked face didn't come suddenly, I could use the magic weapon given by Master to destroy the sword array with my own hands and make a great contribution!"

Fan Jishan frowned first, and then he said in surprise: "A pockmarked face? Oh, you are talking about Duan Tianqing, that kid! This kid is a remnant of Yuzhantang, who has experienced a deadly battle, it is true! But you have seven Individual?"

Fan Jihai's face was quite embarrassed, "At first, I also thought that the battle could be resolved quickly, but he didn't use the supernatural power of the Taiyi Sect at all. Brother, yours is similar, but the other one can drive away ghosts, if I didn’t take advantage of the chaos and feign death, I probably wouldn’t be able to come back.”

Fan Jishan's face was gloomy. From his brother's few words and many years of cross-examination experience, he probably already deduced who the other two were.

He couldn't help but feel sorry for the hidden dragon and crouching tiger in Yuzhantang, and blame himself for not taking advantage of his position to investigate and find out two of these three people, and then get rid of them quickly.He almost ruined today's major event, and almost took the life of his own brother!

But Fan Jishan would not say these words from the bottom of his heart, even if the person was his brother.On the contrary, he comforted the other party and said: "It's okay, you are already credited for delaying the activation of the sword formation! Since you can't make the cake even better, let Brother Wei come to help!"

After finishing speaking, the two brothers looked at the back of the slope, where the hundred mountain-opening crossbows were neatly arranged.

"Report to the governor, all the crossbows have been fully charged!"

"Hit me hard up the mountain! Shoot all the crossbow arrows!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

After all, the overwhelming rain of arrows rushed up the mountain!

Thousands of sword lights meet thousands of arrows, crashing and colliding!

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