defend the truth

Chapter 162: Extra jealous

After arriving at the boundary of Yuelun Mountain, Li Weizhen completely believed in the "urgent" message, and there was absolutely no suspicion of exaggeration.

That week, Li Weizhen couldn't feel the existence of the large enchantment that was three hundred miles away.

But in the several miles inside and outside the enchantment, I paid attention to the past all the way, and found no traces of fighting.

This made Li Weizhen couldn't help but "click" in his heart, feeling deeply bad.Could it be that all those enemies went straight up the mountain without being stopped?

Thinking that the enemy is very likely to have a perfect plan, and even the possibility of an inner ghost to cooperate.

Li Weizhen gave up the idea of ​​directly going up the mountain with his sword, because in his heart, he already had a high position for these enemies he hadn't met yet.

If these enemies who invaded the mountain gate were not mobs, then their methods must have emerged endlessly.

Originally, the end of the year was approaching, and many disciples and elders who were stationed outside or went out for training would rush back as much as possible.

It can be said that now is the time when the Taiyi Sect is fully staffed.The enemy chose to invade at this time, and it cannot be ruled out that there is a plan to wipe them all out and kill them all.

These enemies were able to kill up the mountain so easily, they must have a deep grasp of the information in Yuelun Mountain.So much so that Cai Ruoxian would rather lose Yangshou, and invite the Yin God to report the news, and dared not take the risk of using the jade talisman to transmit the sound.

This means that from the moment the enemy appeared, Taiyimen had already lost control over most of the area except the five peaks of the main mountain.

If these enemies are smart enough and the division of labor is clear enough.We should set up a secret sentry, which can not only intercept the message from the mountain trying to ask for help from the outside world, but also ambush the disciples of Taiyi who are ignorant and return to the mountain alone, just like Li Weizhen.

Li Weizhen still has self-knowledge, even if he returns to the mountain now, he is not someone who can really influence the situation of the battle.Therefore, he didn't go up the mountain rashly, at least he had to do some scouting, find a safe way, and detour back.

Just as Li Weizhen was planning to use his sword light to show his body skills in the mountains and forests, and go around to the west of the mountains, at least he had to go back to Beidu Mountain smoothly, and then go to Tianjian Square with his sword.

But at the same time, he saw the crossbow arrows suddenly shooting up into the sky at the foot of Zizi Mountain.Hundreds and thousands, and finally overwhelming, like locusts crossing the border!

The original plan was stillborn again, but the enemy pointed out a clear path for him.

After Li Weizhen looked for the direction, he still chose to set down Jianguang.The sky is not very dark today, but the white Taoist uniform on his body is still a bit conspicuous even in the forest.

But fortunately, Li Weizhen has always kept a dark cloak in his storage bag for a long time.In order to prevent the hood from being raised high, he even removed the hair crown, and only tied his long hair with cloth strips.

This was not considered prudent, and next, Li Weizhen took another handful of wet mud, mixed it with grass juice, and wiped it all over his face, which was considered sufficient preparation.

Li Weizhen, who was dressed in concealment, squatted in the grass, if he didn't get closer and take a closer look, it would really be hard to be noticed.

After doing enough superficial skills, Li Weizhen just took out the Flood Dragon Reverse Scale from the collar and put it in his mouth.In this way, even if the divine consciousness probed, no human figure could be found.

Sure enough, the deeper the journey, the more secret whistles Li Weizhen found out, ranging from three people in groups to as many as groups of seven or eight.

It's just that the abilities of these hounds lurking in the dark are limited after all.

Li Weizhen was able to pull them out one by one with his extraordinary spiritual sense; but when these people were twisted off their necks, they still had no time to react.

But if the number of people facing each other exceeds three at a time, Li Weizhen would rather spare some time and choose to let them go.

It must be easy to kill if you insist on killing, but there is no need to take such a risk.Once there is a movement, the real big fish will be very difficult to be taken away. This is something Li Weizhen is absolutely unwilling to accept.

All the way through the pass, under the wind and lightning, Li Weizhen finally came to the foot of the main mountain without any danger, and saw the one hundred giants that were still spitting out arrows crazily.

After firing a whole round of arrows, remove the arrow box and replace it with a new one filled with twenty giant arrows, and then rain arrows down the mountain again.

This process only takes three microcarves.

If each Liannu is paired with two more people who are responsible for changing the arrow box, it will definitely not be a problem to fire five rounds of arrow rain, a total of [-] arrows, in a quarter of an hour!

Fortunately, the manpower of these enemies has not been able to reach such a luxurious level.

But even now, Li Weizhen feels that the other party has paid a lot.These arrows are all consumables. After one round, they are equivalent to tens of thousands of spirit stones.

How could he look like a poor casual cultivator?Behind this, there must be forces from other sects supporting it!

Li Weizhen Mao was behind the cluttered and dense bushes, only waiting for the next round of changing the arrow box, and then used his agility to fight out, creating as much chaos as possible.

Some time ago, when he was learning weapon refining with Jin Cheng, he didn't choose to start with the simple sacrifice of flying swords like most of the refining masters.

He just wanted to learn how to refine thunder beads.If you do it well, it's a thunderbolt; if you don't do it well, it's a muffled fart!

It can be called a money-losing product that consumes materials and is extremely difficult to succeed!

At first, Li Weizhen's goal was to refine the "Golden Light Yiqi Shenlei", but after being scolded by Jin Cheng, saying that even he couldn't figure it out, he resignedly gave up the idea.

Afterwards, after Li Weizhen spent all his accumulated wealth in it, he refined a few thunder beads that were barely qualified, and his enthusiasm finally subsided.

But apart from a few real thunder beads, his materials worth tens of thousands of spirit stones are not completely in vain.

Those hundreds of defective products of all kinds are now quietly piled up in his storage bag!

For this reason, Li Wei was really happy that he didn't completely destroy all these extremely unstable and unevenly powerful defective products at the beginning.

Li Weizhen murmured: "Later, I will crush you to death!"

Of course, Li Weizhen also knew that it was just a self-comforting thought.If he had used tens of thousands of spirit stones to buy real thunder beads from Jin Cheng.

So now, Li Weizhen can say with confidence: "Master, I'll blow you up!"

A round of arrows was quickly emptied, but Li Weizhen was still patient. When he saw those guys operating the giant crossbow and started to carry the heavy new arrow box, he kicked the ground suddenly and appeared on top of everyone in an instant!

Afterwards, the heavenly girl scattered the flowers, and the balls fell to the ground!

And those who were busy carrying heavy objects subconsciously didn't know whether to dodge or dodge.When he realized that he should put down the thing in his hand first, the flames exploded and the thunder roared!

Mushroom-shaped dark clouds rise from bottom to top, gathering together with their cousins ​​in the sky.

The position that was originally filled with Liannu was already full of stumps, black smoke and blood, intertwined into a scene of purgatory!

Li Weizhen hadn't had time to sigh with emotion in the future, when it is really a piece of straw paper, a piece of crotch wrap, it has its own value.

After the smoke, two survivors appeared in Li Weizhen's field of vision.It completely affected his boundless killing intent, it was so intense that it was suffocating!

"It's you?"

Surprised words sounded in unison from the sky and the earth at the same time!

Three people, six eyes, extremely red!

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