defend the truth

Chapter 159: The Tribulation Cloud Arrives

Yang Da worked hard, and finally carried the giant cold crystal cauldron to the outside of the Hall of Reincarnation.

Seeing that the main hall was right in front of him, Yang Da, who was sweating profusely, felt his heels go limp and almost fell to the ground.

In the end, it is estimated that the giant cauldron will have to be crushed to death.

Fortunately, in the end, it was still the tenacious will that overcame the fatigue of the physical body.

Sweating profusely, he continued to walk towards the gate of the temple step by step. Every step he took, a small puddle would be left where he was standing, which was very difficult!

But Yang Da didn't dare to stop and rest, he was only an outer disciple, he was able to withstand the extremely cold breath of the cold crystal cauldron, and he walked all the way, relying on the "Sun Talisman" pasted on his chest.

But now, the aura on this talisman has gradually faded. Once this amulet becomes waste paper, he doesn't have the guts to ask the master for another one.

Outside the gate of the hall, there were four young men with swords standing tall, as if they were carved out of a mold.It's not that they look alike to each other, but their indifferent expressions that turn a blind eye to everything outside.

These four swordsmen are all guardians of the palace, and they also know that the Taiyi Sect is currently being invaded by heretics.But unless someone came to the front of the temple, even if they had already reached the Samsara Peak, they would not move an inch.

Yang Da is also well aware that these four swordsmen who are like stone statues cannot be manipulated by anyone except the sect master.Therefore, I really didn't dare to say stupid things like "Hey, brothers, come and help me!"

But to Yang Da's surprise, when he was only three steps away from the palace gate, one of the swordsmen helped him open the palace gate with great kindness.

This small move saves Yang Da a lot of effort.After all, if he wanted to open the door by himself, he had to put down the giant cauldron first.

However, once such a heavy object is put down, it is much more difficult to carry it on the back than to carry it for hundreds of feet.

One breath of life!Once the pent-up air in his chest is released, there are nine out of ten chances that Yang Da will not be able to carry the huge cauldron for life or death.

Therefore, even if Yang Da wanted to say "thank you" sincerely, he could only nod instead.

But it was useless, people didn't look at him at all.

But Yang Da still felt comfortable in his heart, this was the first time in the past three years, on Samsara Peak, someone took the initiative to open the door for him.He was so beautiful that even his steps felt a little easier!

"See the master, the disciple brought the cold crystal cauldron here!"

In the secret room of the Palace of Reincarnation, the leader Rui Hongchang was sitting cross-legged in a huge spirit-gathering circle.

On each formation node of the formation, there is a water-attributed heavenly material and earthly treasure, and the water grows wood potential, which is exactly the same as the kung fu practiced by Rui Hongchang!

The aura in the house was extremely rich and dense, and even produced a dense mist, which made Yang Da feel comfortable all over his body, and most of his fatigue disappeared!

If Yang Da's eyesight is sharp enough, he will also find that in the spirit-gathering formation, there is a circle of Guishui spiritual objects, followed by a circle of Renshui spiritual objects, which are intertwined, truly achieving the mutual generation of yin and yang!

However, this is not something that Yang Da should think about.

Rui Hongchang didn't even raise his eyelids, and with a hook of his finger, he held the huge cold crystal cauldron to him with spiritual power.

The weight of his body dissipated, and Yang Da fell to his knees in vain because of this.Fortunately, he was still not stupid, so he kowtowed to the ground and said respectfully: "The disciple will take his leave first!"

"Wait a minute!"

"The head of the sect still has important matters to tell the disciples? The disciples must go through fire and water, and die!"

"I don't want to die? Is this your sincerity?"

"Every word is sincere, and there is no falsehood!"

There was a huge cold crystal cauldron between them, and the expressions on each other could not be seen.

There was hidden joy in Yang Da's eyes, and he kept thinking in his heart: The opportunity has come!It must be luck!

However, unexpectedly, on the other side of the giant cauldron, Rui Hongchang's eyes were even hotter!

"If it is said that there is an opportunity to establish a thousand-year foundation for the sect, would you like to do it for the teacher?"

"Yes, of course the disciple is willing!" Yang Da answered so simply that he didn't even hear the words clearly, so he agreed!

Rui Hongchang smiled and nodded with narrowed eyes: "That's good! Yang Da, you kowtow three times now, and in the future you and I will be called master and apprentice!"

Hearing this, Yang Da stared so hard that his eyeballs almost fell out. It's not that he didn't expect to get a generous reward, but any reward is far less important than the status of a "personal disciple of the sect master" what!

"Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish" is not only a principle of life, but also an inexhaustible opportunity!

This reward was hundreds of times heavier than that of the giant cauldron. For a moment, Yang Da was stunned. He was afraid that he had an auditory hallucination just now, but he kowtowed three times almost instinctively.

"Bah bah bah" three times, exhausted all his strength, his forehead became red and swollen in an instant.

Rui Hongchang laughed loudly and said, "Good apprentice, come here with your ears, as a teacher, I can now trust you with confidence!"

It was really not an auditory hallucination. The excited Yang Da quickly got up, carefully avoided the spiritual objects placed on the magic circle, came to Rui Hongchang, and knelt down on the ground again.

Rui Hongchang lovingly pressed his hand on Yang Da's forehead and rubbed it lightly, as if the elders were caring for the younger generation.

Rui Hongchang said slowly: "Good apprentice! Do you know? Once you become a master and apprentice, from now on, your life will be the life of a teacher!"

Yang Dalian nodded and said sincerely, "That's a matter of course! From now on, Master, you will be the disciple's reborn parents!"

Rui Hongchang's smile was bright, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were crowded together, even a little weird.

"Very good! Very good! It's a only have the present, not the future!"

"Master, you..."

Ding ware, cooking utensils, the wood has the image of leaving the fire, cooking and cooking; get rid of the old and establish the new, change the past and make good, and enshrine it to the gods of heaven and earth!

The body of flesh and blood is also the furnace of human beings, carrying the three souls, going through thousands of hardships, overcoming all difficulties, and condensing the true essence of Tao!

The heart-piercing wailing, even the soundproof magic circle could not completely isolate it, because it did not come from the cry of the voice, but from the boundless despair deep in the soul!

Any creature with intelligence, whether it is a human, a beast, or even a ghost, will feel sad in his heart!That is the resonance from the soul, and it is the instinctive fear of destruction!

Outside the Hall of Reincarnation, the four swordsmen still stood motionless like a rock, letting the gurgling water slide down, accompanied by the sound of wailing, tick-tock!

In the Hall of Reincarnation, Rui Hongchang greedily absorbed the wisps of white mist that floated out of the Hanjing Cauldron, and he was furious with the more rapid thunder from the outside world, as if he hadn't heard of it!

At the same time, Luo Siling, the Lord of Taihe Peak, who was fighting in the sky above Tianjian Square, seemed to have received some kind of induction, and quickly used the magic power of the water mirror illusion to deceive the enemy's perception and escape from the battle situation.

As Luo Siling flew to a higher altitude, he sent a secret voice transmission to Linghutian, "Xiaotian, your master Rui is about to officially start forming the golden core, and I have to help him, try to delay it for me as much as possible."

After all, Luo Siling has appeared above the layers of clouds and mists, holding the white jade bottle in one hand, and half-raised the other hand with his eyebrows raised, his hands are knotted like a tray, this gesture is called "Chenglu" in Taoism.

After a shocking thunder, the entire Moon Mountain fell into a torrential downpour!

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