defend the truth

Chapter 158: Defending the Raiders

The mountain guarding sword formation of Taiyi Gate is hidden on the Wangyue Peak, and it can only be reached by passing through the maze.

Not to mention outsiders or ordinary Taiyi sect disciples, if he hadn't been an elite of the Imperial War Hall, the freckled boy would not be able to know the location of the sword array.

Today, the young man came to the edge of the sword pool where the sword formation is located, alone.

In the center of a circular pool stands a huge black sword that looks like a hundred-foot-tall peak, with huge chains wrapped around it, and where the chains extend outward are four majestic Coiling Dragon Pillars.

And in the pool, there are thousands of sword blades with dazzling cold lights. The name of the sword pool is true!

The place where Jianchi is located is a taboo place of the Taiyi Sect, so it should be guarded by a large number of elite disciples.

However, what shocked the young man with freckles right now was not the aura of the sword formation that he felt personally for the first time, but the mystery that there was no one there.

The freckled boy pressed his throat and said, "Where did everyone die?"

The next moment, the young man clenched the flying sword in his hand and slowly turned around to look around. Everything around him was terribly quiet.

Someone must have died here. Although it was well concealed, the extremely faint bloody smell could not escape the youth's perception.

Ever since he practiced that sect of supernatural powers, his desire for and sensitivity to blood is almost an innate nature.

"He Fangxiao is young? Get out of here, Mr. Duan!"

It wasn't the young man's arrogance, but he already felt that he was locked in by several breaths. In other words, there was no way out, so why not fight to the death?

"Dare to come to die alone? Scare me!"

As the voice fell, suddenly, a series of cracking sounds exploded in the young man's ears, and the surrounding space shattered like a mirror, exposing seven murderous men in black.

The young man sneered and said, "You've all come to the door, and you're still hiding your heads and showing your tail, you really belong to the bastards?"

Among the men in black, a short and fat figure said with a sneer, "A mere Qi trainer, a nameless pawn, who is about to die, and still boasting? It's just right, give me this time to go out and practice my hands!"

After saying that, the short and fat black figure slashed at the freckled boy with both sword moves and palm wind.

The arc of the silver light and the majestic wind blew the air, instantly sealing off all the freckled boy's escape routes from the sky and the ground.

However, the freckled boy didn't intend to dodge at all. He suddenly let out a roar, and the sea of ​​blood in his body boiled instantly.

After a bang, cracks spread across the hard black granite ground under the boy's feet, and three feet of footprints collapsed from the foothold.

Immediately, the young man charged up violently, a sound like the roar of a lion shattered the wind, and the blood sword in his hand slashed at the black shadow.

If it wasn't for the short and fat black shadow's fast enough moves to block with his sword, he would definitely have his head chopped off at a very small price.

After a moment of hand-to-hand combat, the two quickly separated. This time of life-and-death trial, they already knew the balance between each other.

The young man landed steadily, and with the blessing of blood power, he was covered in blood and flames, like a bloodthirsty beast from the Infernal Blood Prison, majestic and menacing.

On the contrary, the chunky black figure, with wisps of sword energy like the brilliance of the bright moon wrapped around the hand holding the sword, looked much more dignified and dignified.

It's just that after the chunky black shadow landed on the ground, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his neck. It was obviously a fight with the opponent, and he was still in shock and still in shock!

The chunky black shadow said in amazement: "You bastard, you are clearly wearing the uniform of a disciple of the Taiyi Sect's Sanyang Peak, but what you can use is some kind of evil sect's magic power?"

The freckled boy said with a hoarse voice and a strange laugh: "Baby boy, it's none of your business what kind of tricks I like to use, sir? I thought you were capable, but you're just a Qi practitioner!"

"you wanna die!"

"Why are you still standing there? Let's go together!"

The chunky black shadow was furious, but he didn't dare to fight alone anymore, but attacked in groups!

All of a sudden, the freckled boy pressed his palm on the blade of the sword, and slashed it suddenly, blood gushed out like a fountain, but none of it fell to the ground, and all of it was absorbed by the blood sword in his hand.

Immediately, dozens of bloody sword lights angrily slashed in all directions.For a while, under the siege of seven people, the freckled boy still held his ground, and he did not lose the wind!

But after the first move, it was the boy's turn to lose his temper, and cursed loudly: "You bastard is shameless! If you have the guts, come and challenge your uncle one by one!"

The young man with freckles was really full of spirit. While dancing the bloody sword in his hand tightly, he cursed again and again, almost scolding the eighteen generations of the ancestors of these men in black.

The short and fat black figure couldn't stand the words, and cursed back: "You little bastard, I'll chop it up with a sword today..."

However, before he finished speaking, a deadly cold light suddenly pierced through the air, and directly grabbed the head of the short, fat black figure.

Maybe it was the previous fight that made the chunky black shadow pay more attention to the little head on his neck.Subconsciously bending his knees and shrinking his neck, he knelt down in vain, avoiding this dangerous ultimate move.

On the contrary, the person standing beside him had no time to react when Hanmang turned the corner, and his arm was chopped off, screaming in pain.

Before the people arrive, the sword arrives first, it is clear that it is a master rushing to help!A group of men in black couldn't help but pay attention, fearing that they would be attacked again.

The freckled boy, who suddenly felt less stressed, still couldn't stop cursing: "Fu Lichi! You little bastard, didn't you mean it? You came here when you were about to die! Every time you are late for a battle, your father didn't change it for you. Wrong name!"

After the words were over, a gust of wind rolled over, and Fu Lichi held the silver sword in his hand, and said with a gloomy face: "You fool, you rushed forward with a thick neck, and you deserved it if you were hacked to death!"

Then, another person slowly appeared from the path in the forest, shook his head and smiled wryly: "Junior Brother Duan, I won't help you this time either!"

Fenmian is tall and easy-going, and it is Cai Ruoxian who came here on foot!

In the old days in Yuzhantang, the young man with freckles was famous for his bravery and warlike style of looking ahead and neglecting the future.But this time, he was really not so stupid as to dare to break into the sword pool that might have been a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair alone.

It's just that, in this extraordinary period, he really can't trust those people in the Discipline Hall.So before coming here, the first thing he thought of was his former comrades in the same robe.

Even if that person is Fu Lichi who didn't see eye to eye in the past, he is much more reliable!

Seeing that the young man had a helping hand, the people in black began to disperse slowly, still forming a half circle and half close together.

Cai Ruoxian rarely showed a stern smile, and said with a frown, "Using more to fight less? It is indeed a good strategy to win!"

The freckled boy was about to open his mouth to scold again, how can he grow others' ambitions and destroy his own prestige?

But before he could say anything, Cai Ruoxian waved his sleeve robe, threw out dozens of white paper talismans, made a magic seal with his hands, and shouted in a terrified voice: "Five ghosts and Yin soldiers come down! Ride on clouds and horses to show your true form!"

All of a sudden, a dark wind blew up, and all the talismans changed against the wind. A tall and mighty yin soldier and yin general, with ghostly aura, rushed towards the men in black brazenly.

Casting talismans into soldiers is the life-saving supernatural power that talismans rely on most!However, there are very few people who are able to practice successfully, and those who have achieved great success are even rarer!

First it was the bloody sword light, and now seeing the fierce ghost trapped in the body, all the men in black were stunned!

The Taiyi Sect, what about the well-known righteous sect?

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