defend the truth

Chapter 157: Guarding the Mountain Gate

Yang Da, an outer disciple who works as a handyman on Samsara Peak.

Inside and out, everything is too ordinary.If he hadn't been doing odd jobs on Samsara Peak for three years, he probably wouldn't even be remembered by his name.

But fortunately, he was in a good mood, thinking that even if he was sweeping the floor, he would still be sweeping the ground of the Hall of Reincarnation! It is a high-rise building, floating on the clouds!

Furthermore, the floor was stepped on by the headmaster, full of aura of avenues!

There is a popular saying in Tiannan, "It's so close to the Town God's Temple, why don't you ask for a good lottery?"

And Yang Da also thinks so, the Hall of Reincarnation is like the Temple of the City God, and the master is his City God.

As long as the headmaster can see his hard work one day, and a little reward will leak from his nails, Yang Da will feel that he can have more expectations for the future!

Today, Yang Da finally looked forward to this lottery, an opportunity to play for the head!

This ordinary young man with lofty aspirations is now carrying a gigantic cold crystal tripod that weighs a thousand catties, and is struggling to climb up the steps towards the peak of Samsara Peak!

This huge cold crystal cauldron was the opportunity for Rui Hongchang to make a breakthrough. It stands to reason that it would not be too much for Qilu Elder Jin Cheng to deliver it in person.

But this important task fell on Yang Da for the first time!

Yang Da firmly believes that there must be a reason for this, and it is definitely not strange! It is very likely that the head wants to give him a decent credit!

What happened after that is self-evident!

With this strong hope, Yang Daning would rather kneel on the ground when the earth shook and the mountain shook just now, trying to let the huge tripod press down on his spine, but also to hold on to the tripod's feet, not wanting to let go.

"Yang Da, you can do it, hold on! One step to the sky, one step to the sky!"

On the archway of the mountain gate, the wind, thunder, fire, sword light and blood shadows are overwhelming!

The corpses of the tragic death spread from the Jiejian Pavilion outside the archway to the Tianjian Square inside the archway!

There were several hundred heretic cultivators who suddenly appeared on the mountain, and the most shocking thing was the figures of a few golden alchemists among them!

This is no longer a simple act of provocation, it is clearly aimed at destroying the family!

Today's Taiyi Sect, there are only three peak masters left who can fight Jindanke. As for Beidou Peak and Samsara Peak, there is no one who can take the lead in a short time.

Fortunately, Linghu Tian returned to the mountain yesterday just in time for the meeting, and he was able to block the two golden core casual cultivators by himself, so that the opponent's masters would not quickly tear the line of defense!

And other elders such as Jin Cheng, Peng Jing, and Sun Bojin, who were not from combat cultivation, worked together to contain the enemy's middle-level combat power.

However, the number of Qi practitioners in the middle and lower levels is not dominated by the Taiyi Sect, and the situation is extremely difficult!

Because the opponent broke through the outer barrier and entered the mountain gate so fast, it can be called silent!They didn't even give Tai Yimen the opportunity to mobilize their staff in advance, so it can be said that they were caught off guard!

In the beginning, many inner disciples who rashly went to the mountain gate to meet the enemy were killed by masters whose strength was far superior to their own, so that many defensive forces were sacrificed in vain.

Now, it can be regarded as playing some tricks, but the disadvantages are already obvious!

In the melee, the freckled boy who came a step late just avoided the first round of massacre.With red eyes, he pulled a Discipline Hall disciple and asked, "Is the barrier at the foot of the mountain just paper? Why didn't even a little news come back in advance?"

The tasks of patrolling and guarding the mountains were originally the duties of the Discipline Hall, but now, the enemy entered the hall without even knocking on the gate of the outer courtyard, and began to rummaging through boxes and cabinets. This is undoubtedly the negligence of the Discipline Hall!

The Discipline Hall disciple said in a crying voice: "Brother Duan, I was originally on a rotation today, and I don't know what happened at first!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

As soon as the words fell, several scurrying sword lights suddenly shot towards the back of the Discipline Hall disciple.

The freckled boy had sharp eyes and quick hands, and quickly pushed him away. When he raised his hand, a dark red blood fiend scattered the sword light.

The freckled boy gritted his teeth and said: "Senior brother Li is really right, relying on you to guard the mountain gate, I really lost the face of Tai Yimen!"

The Discipline Hall disciple didn't dare to refute, got up from the ground resentfully, and hurriedly moved away from the freckled boy.

At the same time, Linghutian, who was fighting fiercely in the air, caught a glimpse of the figure of the freckled boy in his busy schedule, and quickly separated his consciousness, injected it with the sound transmission ring, and said: "Junior Brother Duan, please bring a few people, and hurry up to protect him." Go to the Mountain Sword Formation and check why the Sword Formation has not been activated yet!"

The freckled boy was stunned, he had already heard the implication, and quickly turned around and ran away!

The mountain guard sword formation is also a defensive point guarded by the Discipline Hall. It should have been activated as soon as the enemy invaded.

First, the mountain-protecting enchantment became a display, and then, the mountain-protecting sword array has not yet released its sword to meet the enemy.

Right now, a more serious question made the two of them dare not think about it. Could it be that...there is an inner ghost?

In the center of the lake temple, the gate of the Taoist temple was closed tightly, and more than a dozen Taoist boys squatted outside the door shivering.

In the Taoist temple, there were white flags all over the place, Cai Ruoxian's hand was stained with black blood, and he pressed it on a white bone skeleton, muttering something in his mouth.

"I beseech the five ghosts of Weishi to go out quickly, the yin generals and the yin soldiers descend to the spirits, and set off to travel all over the world, appearing to call people's souls..."

At the same time, Li Weizhen and his party, who were hundreds of miles away, were walking unhurriedly on their way back.

An Lan, who was sitting at the front, leaning half of her body on Li Weizhen's chest, was holding two sugar figurines at this moment, speaking as if she was playing a shadow puppet show.

In fact, they had already set off in the morning.It's just that Li Weizhen felt that it was rare to take the two of them down the mountain, so he took a detour to Long'an Town and stayed for a long time.Let this boy and girl really play for half a day, get some popularity before returning to the mountain.

Suddenly, dark clouds covered the sun and gusts of wind blew in.

Li Weizhen himself didn't feel anything unusual, but the two Chasing Wind Roars suddenly stopped, and only neighed in a low voice.

An Lan in Li Weizhen's arms just looked curious, but Ye Tong, who was riding alone, suddenly felt cold hands and feet, tears flowed for no reason, and he was speechless.

Li Weizhen's face darkened, and he shouted: "Where is the sneak? In broad daylight, you dare to block your grandfather's way, but you want to lose your soul?"

But after the words were over, the cold and ghostly aura not only did not disappear, but became even more intense.

Li Wei was really angry and laughed back, just because this is really weird.According to what Zhang Chaohu said back then, the flood dragon scale on his body can ward off evil spirits and exorcise demons. Ordinary ghosts and ghosts dare not get close to them at all, otherwise they will lead to their own destruction.

This point has been personally verified by Li Weizhen, and there is no falsehood.But right now, there is a foolish kid who dares to show off his tricks in front of King Yan?Really ridiculous!

However, the next moment, Li Weizhen's smile gradually turned serious.On the loess road a foot away from him, there is a crooked "Cai" written on it.

Li Weizhen quickly reached into the neckline, held the black scale hanging on his chest in the palm of his hand, and wrapped it tightly with spiritual power.

"You are the Yin God sent by Senior Brother Cai to find me? Tell me quickly what is it!"

Sure enough, although the yin thing still didn't dare to show its figure, it wrote more characters on the yellow earth, which was much more neat than the previous Cai character.

"Heretics are invading, it's urgent, please go back to the mountain!"

"There is such a thing? I understand. I was so offended just now. Please tell your Excellency that I have rushed to Yuelun Mountain at full speed!"

After all, the dark clouds suddenly dispersed, and the sky and the earth were bright again.

Ye Tong breathed a sigh of relief, but it was An Lan's turn that his hands and feet became cold, and he stammered, "Sir, is there a bad guy at home... We won't be going home... okay?"

Li Weizhen comforted softly: "It's just a few thieves, sir, just go back and drive them away, everything will be fine!"

Then, Li Weizhen picked up An Lan, put her in Ye Tong's arms, and said in a cold voice, "Take An Lan and go back to Fengmao Village for now. After I'm done, I'll take you back to the mountain!"

Ye Tong pursed his lips and nodded heavily, and without responding, he pulled the reins and slammed the soft whip wildly. Before An Lan could react, he had already steered his horse to turn, running in the opposite direction to Li Weizhen!

Li Weizhen pretended not to hear the crying sound coming from far behind, and did not dare to look back to see him off.Only after taking a deep breath, he sacrificed the newly-made flying sword "Shuo Feng", turned into an extreme shadow, and disappeared on the ancient road!

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