defend the truth

Chapter 146: The Expedition to Eliminate Demons

Humans are inherently mortal, or they are heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather!

Once he set foot on this road of cultivation paved with bones, Li Wei really knew that he had no possibility of turning back.

Li Wei really thought about it, he still has a long way to go, he has not caught up with the Taoist surnamed Mo who brought him into contact with this world, and asked himself, in fact, he really doesn't want to die, but he just can't live!

"A mere craftsman can be buried with an alchemist. I, Li Wei, are really making a lot of money!"

Accompanied by a loud bang, Li Weizhen could only see a white light in front of his eyes, as if there was a passage leading to another world, emitting dazzling light.

As long as he took a step forward, there would be no more bloody bones, only peace and tranquility.

At this moment, Li Weizhen felt that his thoughts had become both lazy and sharp. For no reason, he murmured: "Is this the entrance of reincarnation? It feels pretty good, and I thought it would be very eerie! I was deceived again, and sure enough , Only the dead know about the dead!"

At the same time, in a bustling place thousands of miles away, a young man with disheveled clothes and tattoos on his chest was playing blindfolded on a luxurious flower boat with coolly dressed Yingying Yanyan.

At this time, the young man was blindfolded, playing a drinking game called "High Mountain and Flowing Water", and coquettish laughter kept coming from his ears, praising him for his good drinking capacity!

Suddenly, the young man tore off the blindfolded silk scarf in such a big way that he even knocked down a circle of delicate flowers.And his gritted teeth ferocious anger caused a burst of pear blossoms and rain, frightened all the beauties, and decided that the young man was going to drink crazy!

But just when one of them wanted to quietly inform the guards to come, the young man laughed out loud for no reason, and muttered: "Stinky boy, scare me!"

In the white glow, Li Weizhen felt that he had walked for a long time, but he still couldn't reach the end of the passage. He couldn't help wondering whether he had never moved a step.

Then, Li Weizhen heard shouts coming from afar, with different titles and different positions, but they all seemed to be calling him!

"Junior Brother Li..."

"Senior Brother Li..."


Facing these voices, Li Weizhen made up his mind and kept reminding himself: "Don't look back! Don't look back! According to the book, these are all reincarnation ghosts who can't be reincarnated. I don't see others being able to reincarnate, so they deliberately stumbled! Once you turn around, it will be beyond redemption!"

"Hey, wake up, are you okay!"

Different from other voices, there was a voice that seemed to be close at hand, and more real, so real that Li Wei could really feel that someone was slapping his face with hands, causing burning pain.

"Hey, have you beaten enough? Do you want to let people reincarnate properly? Didn't you see that I was in a hurry?"


Li Weizhen, who was furious, waved his hand suddenly, only feeling as if he was grabbing something, vaguely as if there was a temperature, a pulse, like... a wrist?

Then, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, it was still the same camp, still full of corpses.It turned out that everything was just a dream and returned to reality.

For no reason, Li Weizhen touched his chin. The sensuality is not very good, but it is very tough and strong. He couldn't help but wondered: "I, am I not dead?"

Taking a closer look, the hands and feet are still there, and there are no holes on the body. It can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

Then he twisted his neck suddenly, and found that he was being lifted by someone with spiritual power, and that person looked younger than him, he was a boy.

But the white robe on the outside and the battle armor made of silver leaves set off the young man like a god of victory, no...he is a god descending from the earth, otherwise why would there be such a pair of huge wings on his back?

It's just that I didn't expect that the god would speak in the tone of a worldly person, "Brother, so you are in a hurry to reincarnate? That's a big misunderstanding, please excuse me!"

After all, the god of heaven is worthy of being a god of heaven, and he is indifferent enough. As soon as he raised his hand, Li Weizhen fell from the sky in an instant.

Subconsciously, Li Weizhen hastily used his body skills to glide against the wind, greatly slowing down the speed of his fall.After that, he hooked his sword finger, sensed Zhan Gang falling in the distance, and caught it steadily.

Li Weizhen, like most Qi practitioners, has two flying swords, one is mainly used to kill enemies, and the other is used to fly in the air.But now he only sensed the existence of Zhan Gang, the other one is self-evident.

"Brother Immortal, you saved me just now?"

Li Weizhen flew into the sky with his sword, and finally got a clear look at the boy's appearance. He really had a baby face like a delicate jade, a very good-looking boy, and he couldn't help blurting out the word "brother".

The young man in white robe pointed at his nose, and couldn't help but laugh: "Brother Immortal? Are you calling me? How big is your face?"

For no reason, the white-robed boy felt that the embarrassed and funny young man in front of him had an inexplicable sense of intimacy, so he was willing to tease him.

Li Weizhen hurriedly bowed his hands, then scratched the back of his head, and said with a face of shame, "I'm sorry, Senior Immortal is the one, I didn't survive a catastrophe, I was dumbfounded!"

The young man in white robe nodded with a smile, and said curiously: "You made the movement just now? It's quite fresh, what kind of thunder is that?"

Li Weizhen was amazed that there were gods, and felt that it was a novelty, but he said bluntly, "The golden light is a god of thunder, I originally had three, and I used up all of them."

The white-robed boy smiled calmly, "That's a pity, and I want to buy you one for fun. By the way, what's your name?"

Li Wei really thought: If I still have one, so what if I give you one?

Then, Li Weizhen knew everything he wanted to say to this handsome young man, and replied, "I'm from the Taiyi sect, Li Weizhen!"

The white-robed boy smiled as usual, nodded and said: "Oh, Taiyimen, I've heard of it, it seems that the mountain gate is not far from here!"

The white-robed boy paused for a moment, and his smile became even brighter. "Li Weizhen, I have written down the name! It's very strange, I always feel that we will meet again in the future. Although you are weak, you can arouse my interest!"

"Oh, by the way, it's my turn to introduce myself!"

The white-robed youth bent a thumb and pointed at himself, "Shushan Demon Elimination Hall, He Shi'an!"

After all, the wings on the back of the white-robed boy fluttered, and his figure appeared hundreds of feet away, disappearing quickly into the night sky like a shooting star.

There was only one voice, which came to his ears quietly from a very far away, and Li Weizhen was dazed when he heard it!

"Goodbye! Also, don't be in a hurry to reincarnate before I finish my work and go to Taiyimen to play with you!"

And immediately, around Leigu Mountain, dozens of powerful sword lights suddenly appeared, following the direction where the white-robed boy disappeared.

At this time, Li Weizhen really came back to his senses, and hurriedly looked back at the bloody and messy camp. Fortunately, the people who survived were all familiar faces.

But he couldn't help being shocked, how long had he passed out just now?So many enemies, why are they all dead?

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