defend the truth

Chapter 145: Fate is like an ant

The black-clothed boy once looked directly at the sun, and often peeped into people's hearts.

But he has never seen such a brilliance that can make the sun and the moon pale, a brilliance that makes him feel more sinister than human nature!

The black-clothed boy even hated his master a little bit, hated him for giving him this rare protective jade pendant, which made him have to clearly feel that his physical body was cracking and shattering little by little along with the jade pendant!

Instead of turning into a cloud of water vapor in an instant like those people who once stood around him, they died simply, painlessly, and most importantly... died without fear!

This young man in black with a heart higher than the sky has ever thought that such a contradiction still exists in this world, death can be so close, yet so far away!

"My son!"

That heart-piercing cry, under the earth-shattering thunderclap, seemed as slight and weak as a mosquito flying by.

But those were the three words shouted by a centenarian who tried his best in his life!

The old man's lifespan is less than [-] years old. He has done too many things to shorten his life in this life, and he has already looked down on life and death.

The old man's avenue of longevity was dug out by himself because of his innocence.

But as he grows older, the old man is still not reconciled. He wants to plant a seed in the world to realize what he wants to do but can't!

In order not to get into some kind of trouble, they call each other master and apprentice, but what can't be changed is that blood is thicker than water!

The scope of the explosion was not very large. On the contrary, after such a terrifying sound force passed, it only took away the lives of a hundred people, which can be described as extremely unexpected!

But everyone within the explosion range, without exception, had no bones left, not even a single bit of ashes and blood left behind. Together with their flying sword magic weapon, they all turned into a ball of white water vapor and finally dissipated into nothingness.

So much so that no one doubted whether some of the wreckage actually fell into the deep pit left behind after the explosion, which looked like a bottomless pit!

It can be said that this is the least bloody cruelty, which left the survivors stunned.

"You little bastard who received a thousand knives, the old man will definitely skin your cramps and skin, life would be worse than death, and then, and then..."

The old man was so angry that even if he had advanced cultivation, he would still be unable to speak because of the extreme sadness and anger.

Li Weizhen couldn't help but be a little taken aback when he saw that the old man with white hair went mad and wanted to get rid of the fight with Linghutian and rushed towards him.

After all, he had killed many people before, but he didn't see that old man caring so much?Just now the old man opened and closed his mouth and shouted something, Li Wei really couldn't hear clearly at all, but after thinking about it for a while, he already guessed that he must have killed someone who was valued by the other party unintentionally.

Subconsciously, Li Weizhen put his hand into the storage bag, and hooked the last golden bead with his spiritual sense.

After carrying it in my pocket for so long, I almost developed feelings.It's a pity that if you don't bring it with you, you won't take it away with death.

Here, who killed and who was killed?In fact, neither is innocent, and there is nothing wrong to admit.

The only thing to do is to keep killing until someone kills him!

After all, the old man with white hair is one of the few alchemists among the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain, although Linghutian said so badly, but that was only for him.

For Li Weizhen, the white-haired old man is that unclimbable mountain cliff, and he has absolutely no intention of defeating or resisting it.

Therefore, Li Weizhen turned around and ran away. He ran away, knowing that there were tigers in the mountains, and he would be a fool if he didn't run away.But he ran back to the chaotic battlefield to bully those who were weaker than him.

Because Li Weizhen didn't think he could get down the mountain alive.So, it doesn't matter whether the one who chopped off his head was a high-ranking alchemist or a Qi trainer who was everywhere like ants, it's actually the same.

It's better to continue to be the tiger in the eyes of others before being torn apart by that big tiger.

This scene made the old man with white hair so angry that he coughed up blood, but he was still trying his best to get rid of Linghutian's obstruction.He could only watch Li Weizhen, who killed his son, continue to "murder" arrogantly like a normal person, without paying attention to him at all, how could he not be angry?

"I must avenge Yan Er with my own hands! I must kill him with my own hands..."

The white-haired old man, who looks like a madman, is constantly thinking, talking madly, in a daze, pushing himself to the extreme step by step.I saw him frantically driving his spiritual power, causing the evil power of the ink sword in his hand to skyrocket; at the same time, secretly using supernatural powers, manipulating another strand of spiritual power, calmly and powerfully slowly breaking through the many orifices, and the demonic energy overflowed.

Suddenly, the white-haired old man raised his left hand high, and the devilish energy in his body was condensed in the palm of the knife, and he slashed at himself brazenly, landing on the center of his eyebrows!

Afterwards, a cloud of black air billowed out from behind the white-haired old man, and finally condensed into a human form. It turned out to be a guy who looked exactly like the white-haired old man, like a twin brother!

The two old men both have white hair and white eyebrows, the only difference is the huge difference in skin color.One person's face seemed to be smeared with white ash, and the other seemed to be painted with ink.

The old man with white hair and black face was born from the black energy, and now he is flying away, carrying the billowing devil energy, and killing Li Weizhen!

Seeing this supernatural power, Linghutian still couldn't discern the identity of the old man in front of him. He was startled and angry, and shouted: "Yin Yang He He Jue-Human Devil Clone? You are not a casual cultivator, you are from the Hehuan Sect?"

The white-haired old man smiled sinisterly, and said through gritted teeth: "You know too late! Although the old man is unknown in the Hehuan Sect, it is enough to kill you brats!"

The feng shui took turns, it was Linghutian who was trying to stop the white-haired old man just now, but now the situation has changed suddenly, everything has been reversed!

On the other side, facing the Moyan old man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Weizhen, who had long been determined to die, threw out his sword brazenly without any surprise or hesitation.

It's a pity that this powerful and heavy sword was dodged lightly by the old man with Mo Yan, and then with five fingers, he firmly clasped Li Weizhen's wrist, making him unable to break free.

At the same time, a pale golden flying sword broke through the ground and pierced the back of the Moyan old man's heart, but when he was only a hair away from succeeding, he was firmly engulfed by a cloud of black air!

"Tips for carving insects!"

The next moment, Li Weizhen was choked by the old man with Mo Yan, "What a lively little life! You die a hundred times, it's not enough! Want to die with backbone? Delusion! This old man wants to suck your essence dry, and kill you!" You have been refined into a living corpse puppet, and you have done all the unconscionable things, life would be worse than death!"

Unexpectedly, Li Weizhen's eyes were still clear, without even the slightest fear. He tried his best to squeeze out a smile, and quietly let go of his left hand that had been tightly clenched.

"You beast, how dare you?"

The old man's expression changed drastically, and his old face became black again. He frantically rolled his devilish energy in an attempt to wrap the golden bead, but unexpectedly, the layers of devilish energy melted like ice and snow!

"My life is up to me, not up to God! You old guy who is neither human nor ghost, is wishful thinking!"

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