defend the truth

Chapter 147: Eternal Spirit

Including Li Weizhen, there are only 17 people who can walk out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and hope to see the dawn.

Among these 17 people, five of them were disciples of Xuanguimen who were abandoned by Huo Ming.

In other words, the one hundred elite members of the Taiyi sect who went down the mountain together, now there are only 12 left.

The death toll almost reached nine out of ten.

If it wasn't for the team from the Demon Elimination Hall who was on an expedition to the Yuedong border by chance.

Then what is certain is that this re-established Yuzhantang will once again usher in complete destruction.

From Linghu Tian's mouth, Li Weizhen learned that he was actually "rescued" by the white-robed boy who suddenly appeared after he was blown away.

But what the white-robed boy did afterwards did save everyone.At that time, he just yelled lightly: "Cut!"

Thousands of flying swords swarmed out from behind the young man, and the buzzing sound was stronger than the storm.

In less than five breaths of time at most, it was just a moment of stupefaction. Those hundreds of casual practitioners, together with the old man with the golden core stage cultivation base, all died so badly that they couldn't die anymore!

Especially the old man, because his clone was destroyed, his vitality was seriously injured, and he couldn't even resist at all.In an instant, he was gouged and cut by thousands of swords, and his flesh and blood were separated into pieces, as if he had been tortured by "Ling Chi" in the world.

In the end, the old man was left with only a skinny head, connected with a pair of white bones without a trace of flesh and blood, and his death was extremely terrifying!

In the end, it was Linghutian who felt compassion.Kicking the dead old man into the bottomless pit that was blasted out by Li Weizhen with the divine thunder earlier, he can be counted as safe in the ground, out of sight and out of mind!

And when he learned from Li Weizhen that the young man in white robe was He Shi'an from Shushan Demon Elimination Hall, Linghutian couldn't help being deeply surprised and excited!

Although, he had already seen from the opponent's strong strength that this person's background must be extraordinary.But when you really know the identity of the other party, you will still feel hard to calm down for a long time!

Linghutian had heard of the name He Shi'an for a long time. As early as when he traveled to Lingbei Territory, this name was already very famous!

It is hard to estimate how many hermit seniors or newly promoted masters flooded into the Lingbei Realm back then.

To be able to be remembered by people in that turbulent place full of dragons and dragons, and even pass it on by word of mouth, is already a very remarkable thing!

However, when He Shi'an was mentioned back then, he still had the identity of Xu Xinian's junior brother.He is very shining, but it is a pity that there is an even brighter star in front of him.

Until now, He Shi'an is no less inferior to Xu Xinian at the same time, and even faintly shows signs of surpassing his predecessors.

But there are still people who will add a sentence when talking about this name: "Oh, He Shi'an! Is that Xu Xinian the second?"

People who can say such things must have strong jealousy that they don't want to admit.

But Linghutian is not that kind of person, he has never even had a similar idea, for He Shian, he only admires and a little worship.

Afterwards, under Linghutian's slightly subjective introduction, apart from being grateful to He Shi'an, everyone also had strong interest and envy.

In addition to these reasonable emotions, for no reason, Li Weizhen felt that he seemed to have always owed that boy, even guilt.

This is not very reasonable, so Li Wei is really puzzled.But it is inconvenient for him to ask other people if they also have this kind of thought.

But Li Weizhen has a habit. If he can't figure out a problem, he will put it aside and do something else if conditions permit.

This can often change a better state of mind for myself, and then by chance, the original backlog of problems may be figured out!

Not to mention all kinds of tests, but it is still a good way.

Therefore, while the others were still listening, Linghutian analyzed how much impact He Shi'an and his elites would have on the situation if they appeared on the Tiannan border, or even the Yuedong border battlefield.

Only Li Weizhen left silently, turned around and went back to the pile of dead people, trying to find the brother Paoze who unfortunately died. In his opinion, this is the most important thing for the living to do now.

Li Weizhen first cleared an open space as much as possible, and then picked up the corpses with his own hands in the pool of blood. He didn't think it would dirty his hands.

Because a hero deserves more respect than a strong man!

Afterwards, Linghutian waved his hand, and more people joined in what Li Wei was really doing.

Until the sky gradually cleared up, Li Weizhen picked up the corpse all the way from the mountain, and came to the casual repair camp at the foot of the mountain.

There, Li Weizhen stared blankly at a head hanging on the gate, finally couldn't suppress the tears, and silently mourned for a long time.

After a long time, the freckled boy also came to Li Weizhen's side. He worked hard several times before finally making his hoarse voice come out, and he sighed: "Senior brother Li, why don't you let me come! I miss Senior Brother Pan, I want to go back to Senior Sister Fang as soon as possible!"

Li Weizhen waved his hand lightly, and sighed deeply, "It's okay, I'll come! He and I still have a little friendship!"

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, this kind of friendship is really light.Although the two of them are both governors, they have no interaction in private, and in official business, they once had a quarrel at the round table in the Spring and Autumn Pavilion, where their faces were red.

Perhaps, this can barely be regarded as an in-depth exchange!

But the love of Pao Ze can never be changed, especially in today's view, this friendship alone can be regarded as very important, very important!

Li Weizhen took out a high-quality mahogany treasure box from the storage bag, poured out all the contents, then tiptoed to the ground, and took off Pan De's pale head that had already dripped with blood.

Before carefully putting the head into the treasure box, Li Weizhen whispered in Pan De's ear: "Senior Brother Pan, we have won, I will take you back to Moon Mountain, let's go home!"

After that, the freckled boy regretted that he blinked.Because, Pan De's head, which was originally dead, closed his eyes at the same time as he blinked!

On the way back to Leigu Mountain, the two walked side by side for a while, and the atmosphere on the mountain was even more depressing.Therefore, Li Wei really hoped that he could take advantage of this journey to slow down for a while!

Li Weizhen took a look at the treasure box held in his arms, then looked at the far horizon, and said with a wry smile: "The day I joined Yuzhantang, I happened to meet an old scholar who didn't go out often. He asked me , how do you read the words "horse leather shroud"."

"At that time, I was very ambitious and full of ambition. I patted my chest and said: Great pride!"

"The old scholar seemed a little disappointed at the time, and he didn't give an answer. He just shook his head and walked away with his hands behind his back."

"Now, I realize how wrong I was! The shroud in horse leather is truly tragic!"

Hearing this, the young man with freckles, who had always escaped, lowered his head and fell silent. After a long time, he raised his head and asked, "Brother, do you regret it?"

"Regret?" Li Weizhen hesitated. Thousands of answers seemed to flash through his mind, but he didn't seem to be satisfied with a single word.

But what is certain is that Li Weizhen will never regret joining Yuzhantang, but he can't explain why he doesn't regret it.

What Li Weizhen was worried about was that the answer he gave might have a profound impact on the freckled boy.Because, he knows this young man well, and has always regarded him as a banner in his heart.Therefore, he has to be cautious, and then answer carefully!

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Weizhen stopped when he was almost halfway up the mountain, turned around and said to the young man very seriously: "Don't blame senior brother for being vague, there is some truth, everyone's opinion is different. Join Yuzhan by yourself After the class, I realized more deeply why many disciples who often go down the mountain to practice will subconsciously avoid the old scholar when they see him from afar."

"I'm sure that they all had good grades in Taiyi Academy back then, and they were all favored by old scholars. Therefore, they must have written many beautiful articles, so that those empty words have become shameless today."

"If the world is peaceful, the principles in the books and the painstaking efforts of the old scholar are actually correct! Even, everyone should abide by such words and deeds.

"But it's a pity that the outside world is different. The truth is still true, but people will not listen to you. Just like now, you can listen to what I say because you dare not not listen!"

"So, I don't regret it, I will engrave those truths with the sword in my hand!"

The young man nodded heavily. At this moment, there seemed to be an invisible sword engraving every word in his bones!

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