defend the truth

Chapter 113: Wu Jiao Teng

A monstrous wave is coming, whether it is mountains, rocks, vegetation, or beautiful homes along the way, they are all in this torrent!

The height of the giant wave may have reached hundreds of feet, and it must be this height, the water volume can bear the huge real body of Jiaolong.

When such a huge wave hits, once the barrier is unable to withstand it, even if every brick and stone in Funan City is rammed to death when it is being built, it is afraid that it will be doomed to be destroyed.

Taking a step back, even if Funan City can leave ruins and ruins afterwards, ordinary people will hardly have a narrow escape.

Without the need to look with magic eyes, one can vaguely see a huge tumbling dragon shadow in the turbid current of Qingtian, making waves.

At this time, the protective barrier reappeared, and from the three major directions of south, north, and east, there were sword lights flying to the west of the city one after another.In the city lord's mansion in the center, a ray of light soared into the sky, and the final battle was imminent!

At this time, in the oldest ancient house of the Huo family in the south of the city, a yellow aura rose up, heading straight to the west of the city.Huang Guang transformed into a fat middle-aged monk with a round figure and a rich face.On the way here, he had already activated the spell all the way, and at this moment, a hundred magic symbols suddenly appeared in front of him, lined up in a row!

The short, fat, middle-aged monk slapped his palms on the ground in vain, and at the moment when the tide came in front of him, he said, "Land Lingbi!"

Zhengzheng is the orthodox Xuanmen talisman Taoism technique, Earth Spirit Wall, that Yang Xin used to perform when he was isolated from the sea of ​​fire.

However, the gap between the two is vastly different.The walls of spiritual power with thick spiritual light in front of him are more than a hundred feet high, much higher than the monstrous huge waves.

In comparison, the spiritual power wall summoned by Yang Xin that day was like something a child piled up with sand.

It can also be seen that a streak of frost suddenly rushed out from the east of the city, and finally appeared as a white-haired old man hanging above the torrent.

The old man was dressed in a sleeveless dress, and his arms were full of tendons, giving him a sense of explosiveness.The old man held a long golden knife in his hand, his eyes were like eagles, and compared to the elegant swordsman, he was more domineering invisibly!

This full-bodied aura, together with the surging spiritual power all over his body, was continuously instilled into the long knife.

Swordsmen, tyrants too!

When the Earth Spirit Wall was smashed by the dragon's frenzied driving force, the old man turned over, holding a long knife in his hand, and braved the waves!

"Crazy Night Xiaofeng - A Thousand Miles of Snow Country!"

The old man slashed with his sword, and the extremely cold sword intent instantly blocked the frenzy, which made the vision of the world mutate, turning the torrential rain into a squall and snow, making the world even more desolate!

At the same time, the Li family's ancestral house closest to the battlefield finally moved, and a purple wave came menacingly.

The middle-aged monk who used the warhammer as a Taoist soldier first rushed straight to the sky, and then led the violent thunder behind him, as if commanding a thousand troops, and struck thousands of times with a heavy hammer.

"Tianfu Forging Method - Wanjun Thunder Pressure"

In the end, the iceberg turned into dust and was sent to thousands of distant mountains and rivers by the strong wind!

Although before this, the figure of the dragon was no longer seen, but at least the trouble of flooding the whole city has been eliminated.

However, after that, the three mysterious strong men crossed the barrier again and returned to the place where they came from, as if they had retired after their accomplishments!

At this time, Tan Zhuohua, who was above the city lord's mansion, clasped his fists from afar and said, "Thank you for your help!"

The three auras reappeared, only heard their voices, but not their people, and their words were all: "This is only one time, don't be an example, I hope City Lord Tan can do it for himself!"

The night before last night when we had a drink together in the small building, Li Weizhen occasionally felt suspicious, so he said, "Brother Wen, there is one thing I don't understand. This Funan City is known as the place where the four major families rule together. There have been several conferences these days, why have we never seen it?" The pillars of the other three leaders?"

Wen Renyu smiled and said nothing at first, then brought four kinds of wine with different characteristics, and said: "Simple two words, because: rules! Because there are rules and rules, and you don't forget the ancestral precepts, the four big families can prosper. So far. As the years go by, every Jiazi, the position of the city lord will cycle to the next family. During the tenure of this Jiazi, unless there is a crisis of survival, the other three major families will not intervene in the city lord's mansion. any business."

Li Weizhen spread his hands and frowned, and said in astonishment: "Now, isn't it critical enough?"

Wen Renyu curled his lips and shrugged his shoulders: "Everyone has a ruler in their hearts, it's really hard to say! After all, I, an outsider, have to tell you, a local, the secrets of the city?"

Li Weizhen couldn't help rolling his eyes, and changed the topic: "What does that have to do with the four glasses of wine you put on display? It took a lot of trouble, and I don't see you using it as an example?"

Wen Renyu waved his hand, and brought the topic back, "Why are you so anxious? I'm just about to say it! The four major families have a common ancestral precept, which is to strictly prohibit intermarriage. Think about it, once something complicated It is difficult to guarantee independence. Just like these four glasses of wine, if they are mixed with each other, it will become cloudy and taste bad, which is all predictable."

As soon as the words fell, Wen Renyu poured all four glasses of wine together and handed them to Li Weizhen.The young man moved his nostrils, waved his hands again and again and pushed back.

Suddenly, Wen Renyu raised his eyebrows, and then put on the appearance of a storyteller and said: "The first rule just mentioned, there is still something worth adding. For example, it is the Tan family who is now in the main city lord's mansion. Then Even if the Lord Tan has retired now, as long as 60 years have passed, the next Lord of the City will still be named Tan! The rule is to recognize the family and not the person! Therefore, until the time of life and death, the other three families will be surnamed Tan! I won't help you!"

In this way, Li Weizhen can be regarded as having a clearer understanding.Before he could speak, Wuming, who was always silent, muttered quietly: "Then it seems that the Luofu River really has to break its embankment!"

Having said that, Li Weizhen, who was rushing to the west of the city originally, after witnessing Cai's strong power from afar, had a feeling.

At this moment, Li Wei was really dumbfounded, and said anxiously and angrily: "Could it be that we are about to break through now? Can't we pick a better time?"

In fact, Li Weizhen didn't even tell Wen Renyu, who was closest to him, and Nie Geng, who lived under the same roof, about something.

Even before leaving Yuelun Mountain, Li Weizhen had actually cultivated to the stage of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment Stage. He only needed a little training in actual combat, or a little inspiration, to be able to enter the Qi Training Stage.

At that time, Li Weizhen can be regarded as the first step on the road to Yaoyaoxian!

It's not that Li Weizhen deliberately concealed his cultivation level, it's just that Wuming kept laughing at him, saying that it took him several months to cultivate to this stage, which is actually a very embarrassing thing.It's just that it's not conspicuous among a group of dwarves. According to him, it's not worth showing off at all!

Feeling that Li Weizhen was trying to reject the idea of ​​enlightenment, trying to suppress the idea of ​​breaking through, Wuming hurriedly said: "Don't be stupid, this is a god-given opportunity, why do you, a poor and white boy, not know how to cherish blessings? Don't say I didn't Remind you, if you spoil this comprehension, your Dao Heart will have flaws in the future, no matter how difficult it is to break through, if your Dao Heart breaks, your realm will regress!"

In the past few months of practice, Wuming has given advice from time to time, which is of great help to the young man.

Therefore, Li Weizhen also had to carefully consider these words before making a decision: "Brother Wuming, what should I do now?"

Wuming said in a deep voice: "Breakthrough on other people's roofs is definitely not good. It's a bit conspicuous here, and it will be troublesome if people see it and disturb it. It's best to find a clean place. It doesn't have to be a good place, but it must be guaranteed not to Just interfere!"

Li Weizhen's first thought was to go back to the Tan family's manor, but then he gave up the idea.

Turning back to the north of the city, the road must have been wasted.But this was not the main reason, it was just because the young man thought of a closer place.

Li Weizhen looked at an old alley in the distance, even in the night, his clear eyes were still shining brightly, and he murmured: "By the way, I seem to be a person with ancestral heritage!"

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