defend the truth

Chapter 112: Walking in the water

Everyone waiting in the main hall saw that Bai Zhi appeared first, and there was no Wen Renyu behind him, so they dared not be easily optimistic.

The woman, who was concerned about the safety of the child, walked up to him tremblingly, and asked cautiously, "Fairy Bai, is my son alive?"

It is also the first time for a woman who lives in a deep boudoir to see Bai Zhi herself.

But in Funan City, Baizhi came back to life and started Chengchun's name as the rescue fairy, which is something that even a three-year-old Mengtong knows by heart!

Bai Zhi gently supported the woman's wobbly body, and said softly: "Madam, please rest assured, the treatment is very successful, as long as the post-treatment is done properly, you will be able to recover soon."

The woman patted her chest, gathered herself together, and murmured: "That's good, that's good! My son survived a catastrophe, and there will be future blessings..."

Of course, Bai Zhi didn't say much about the fact that part of the lungs of the injured were cut off, although she would have done the same.But after all, it is not something external to the body. If it is gone, it will probably be gone.

What is certain is that the knife will have some impact on the future practice.

Wen Renyu will definitely explain this matter in person, because it is impossible to hide it.

We can only hope that the wounded understand the difficulty of the doctor in making a decision, and understand that life is a blessing!

Li Weizhen also breathed a sigh of relief, at least when Huo Ming asked him to collect debts in the future, he would feel that the money was not wasted!

Then, Li Weizhen couldn't help wondering: "Where is Senior Brother Wen? Why didn't he come out with you?"

Because Li Wei was really ignorant of words, Bai Zhi wanted to laugh a little, but she didn't lose her demeanor and explained: "He still has to be busy! Although the seven life-and-death wounds have been stitched up, there will be follow-up fracture repairs .If you let me take over this part of the work, it will take about an hour. I took a look at his technique, and it should be similar."

Thinking of Baizhi's charging standard, Li Weizhen secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and thought to himself: "It's good that I heard that senior brother didn't let you take over! Otherwise, wouldn't I owe Huo Ming another sum of spirit stones?"

Before everyone could ask any more questions, Bai Zhi already assumed a gesture of leaving, "Since I have nothing to do with you here, the little girl will leave first!"

After repeated attempts to keep Bai Zhi in vain, Sui Wenyan proposed that Li Weizhen escort Bai Zhi back to the Xinglin Medical Center in the south of the city.

The danger of the beast horde is over. In fact, except for the heavy rain, there is no danger for the time being.

Therefore, Li Weizhen actually didn't know why there was such an arrangement.More importantly, Bai Zhi's cultivation level is much higher than his. What kind of escort is this?

When in doubt, there will be opinions, which is normal.But the boy still obeyed the arrangement and planned to escort the Baizhi girl back to her destination.

When they came to the gate of the medical hall, there were two carriages parked outside, one gorgeous and the other elegant.Apparently the latter is Miss Baizhi's lord.

Bai Zhi, holding an umbrella, carefully returned to the carriage, while the groom in coir raincoat also left the eaves to hide from the rain and returned to his original post.

Li Weizhen put on his cloak again, jumped onto the wall opposite the door, and began to act as his guard.

At this time, Bai Zhi gently opened the curtain, and shouted to the young man: "Mr. Li, why don't you come in too! Although this carriage doesn't seem big, it's actually not narrow inside, it can seat four or five people! "

Bai Zhi's voice was actually not loud, but it could pass through the dense rain and reach the young man's ears clearly.

Li Weizhen didn't speak, but shook his head, and then jumped to a higher place, appearing on the crown of a street tree.

The boy who was once afraid of heights has become accustomed to being "above" without knowing it.

Bai Zhi lowered the curtain and didn't pay attention to it. To say a polite word to this young man whom her young master misses is just a matter of lip service, so why not do it?

Moving forward quickly, but still in the stable carriage, Bai Zhi was resting her forehead and closing her eyes, recalling the scene in the rejuvenation room.

"Actually, with your ability, Mr. Wen, you should be able to get more rewards! How many treatments like this can you participate in a year in the sect? And how many rare pills can you refine?"

"I'm afraid there are not many! But in Funan City, there are many such opportunities! Before the little girl, she was also a serious Taoist disciple. If you have an idea, Mr. Wen, the Huo family will naturally have a way!"

"I think Miss Bai, you are overthinking. I really envy your high salary, but I never think that saving people is a job!"

"Oh, that's right! Miss Bai, don't you want to rely on my junior brother for a fortune in spirit stones? Your son, I'm afraid you won't even get back the interest!"

Suddenly thunder exploded in the sky, a dazzling thunderbolt illuminated the night sky, and the light even passed through the curtain in an instant, reflecting a pale face that faintly twitched.

However, this thunderbolt was not without reason, suddenly the earth seemed to be shaking, and the sound of rolling waves seemed to come from afar.

Bai Zhi just woke up suddenly from contemplation, opened the curtain again to look outside, and found that the young man had jumped off a tall tower not far away, and after turning several times, he landed on the bluestone avenue, the speed of his feet was just right. Same as the speed of the carriage.

Li Weizhen's face was serious, but he said to Miss Bai Zhi without hesitation: "If Miss Bai has the conditions, she should find a safe place to save her life as soon as possible! I just looked ten miles away, and there is a huge wave rolling in. It must be The Luofu River has breached its embankment, and that dragon is coming through the water!"

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Zhi quickly said: "Then I won't be able to go back to Xinglin Medical Center for the time being, but even if the whole city is covered by torrents, the Huo family still has a place to hide from the disaster. What about you? Do you want to go back and defend the city?" ?”

Li Weizhen nodded, solemnly said: "That's my duty!"

Bai Zhi asked suspiciously: "But that is an evil beast that even the city lord and many masters are facing enemies. You are a small foundation-building monk, aren't you afraid of dying? Or, go the same way as me?"

This time, Bai Zhi was not saying polite words, she was sincere, and the boy could feel it.

But for ordinary people, this can be described as a dilemma.

But he couldn't shake Li Weizhen's Dao heart at all. He shook his head firmly, and said in an emphatic tone: "Thank you, Miss Bai, for your kindness! Jiaolong came from the west of the city. After all, that's where I used to live. If I'm greedy, I'm afraid Die, my father will regret giving birth to such a son as me! I promised him that I will be a man! I am now and I will be in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Li Weizhen didn't wait for Bai Zhi to recover from his astonishment. With a kick, he deviated from the original route and headed west of the city.

At the final parting, the young man left two lines of poems excerpted from his book without looking back, with a loud and impassioned voice!

"Using the knife to make a quick move, not to lose the boy's head!"

"Miss Bai, I can only send you here, I hope to see you by fate!"

Looking at the boy's disappearing figure, Bai Zhi smiled playfully, and whispered in a low voice: "Taiyimen, are all fools?"

"Being a stepping stone for my son, I'm afraid it's a little short?"

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