defend the truth

Chapter 114: Breaking the Boundary

Outside the west city gate, although the monstrous waves have been jointly resolved, the malice permeating this world is stronger than this night.

In the billowing black clouds, the demon thunder exploded again!In an instant, the wind and snow receded, and the earth fell into torrential rain again.

And the avatar of the dragon that had just fled into the dark clouds, finally lowered its head, its huge body half exposed.

It really looks like a half-snake and half-dragon: its face looks like a dragon, but it has no beard or horns; it has four legs, each with only four fingers; the scales on its back are black, but shiny, but its abdomen is still dull snake skin; Finally, there is the bald snake tail, which is really not beautiful!

Compared with the real dragon who is not angry and majestic, but is peaceful and peaceful; this dragon only has a fierce evil spirit, which can be called ugly!

The evil dragon writhed its body, opened its teeth and danced its claws, just like when it was hiding in the black clouds three days ago, and said in a hoarse voice: "Tan Zhuohua, I have already appeared in front of you, don't you want to take my inner alchemy?" Is it? Come out and get it!"

The evil dragon opened its bloody mouth to the extreme, and a bead full of light hung between the forest white and above the scarlet red!

A moment later, the beads disappeared, and the evil Jiao said again: "Do you dare to come out? You don't dare, you bastard, you can't bear this bastard!"

Faced with repeated provocations, Tan Zhuohua sneered and remained silent.In his opinion, although this evil dragon has been cultivated for hundreds of years, in terms of mind, he is still very childish!

If scolding can solve the problem, why do you need a sword?

Tan Zhuohua lowered his brows and looked solemnly, raised his big hand, and the snow-white flying sword stored in his sleeve suddenly turned into a stream of light and shot towards the dragon's head.

Then, Tan Zhuohua clasped his fingers and said in a loud voice: "Mysterious heaven and earth spirit, soaring into the sky! My Tan Zhuohua, in the name of the No. 18 city lord of Funan City, opens the sword array!"

As soon as the order came out, the normal stone statues holding swords in the city lord's mansion immediately shot out countless rays of light.

Afterwards, the stone statue exploded, and thousands of sword lights came out from the city lord's mansion for a moment, forming a colorful rainbow in the air, chasing Tan Zhuohua's snow-white flying sword and killing the dragon's head!

This life-and-death battle is destined not to take place on the Luofu River, or any other vast wasteland.

Because, in this Jiazi period, Funan City is Tan Zhuohua's biggest reliance!

Seeing the overwhelming flying swords approaching suddenly, the evil dragon had no choice but to gather the demon cloud to protect himself, furiously said: "You despicable bug, you can only use external force, I will tear you apart!"

The evil dragon has a demon cloud protection body refined with the demon energy of its own life and the essence of Guishui. In a short time, even if there are thousands of flying swords, it will be difficult to hurt!

The essence of Guishui is stored in the deep sea of ​​the ground spring. This evil dragon has the ability to control water by moving clouds and spreading rain. For the past ten years, it has been lurking under the undercurrent in the cold moon and cold pool. Of course, it is not just for healing .

Leaving aside Lengyue Hanli, what is raised is a pool of gloomy Guishui. This place is close to the sea, and in the undercurrent of the earth veins, it is full of the essence of Guishui.

These unrefined Guishui essences are definitely treasures for the Evil Jiao!

However, Tan Zhuohua stood with his hands behind his back, looking calm and relaxed!It's just because the billowing demon cloud is being sliced ​​away one by one by the thousands of sword lights that shuttle back and forth, turning into nothingness.

How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch?Tan Zhuohua smiled playfully, and said in a low voice: "Take the support I gave you and show off for a few days, so it's time to wake up, right?"

The evil dragon saw that his protective demon cloud was being continuously weakened, Lei Ting said angrily: "These flying swords are weird?"

Among the five elements, gold produces water, it is true.However, mutual generation can also restrain each other. Guishui loves Yin and Jin and grows, fears Yang and Jin and stagnates.

In the past ten years, one person has also been very busy, busy adding something to each of the flying swords in the guarding sword array, and re-practising.

Tan Zhuohua endured it for a long time, and finally he was able to laugh loudly: "A four-legged snake is a four-legged snake with a big head on it, but it's a pity that it's full of water! Let you lurk here for ten years, do you really think the old man is taking a nap? I was just thinking about giving you some support, making you feel that you can wrestle with the old man, so why don't you take the initiative to send it to your door?"

The more Tan Zhuohua talked, the more he smiled, "Look at your current appearance. Compared with ten years ago, how can you look like a monster? But it's okay, killing you now will add more merit to this old man!"

At this moment, the evil dragon finally came to his senses, no wonder everything went so smoothly before that, the treasure he thought he had painstakingly cultivated became a life-threatening talisman today!

The Evil Jiao, who was getting more and more uncomfortable being fought by the flying swords in the sky, couldn't help gnashing his teeth and said: "I'm angry too! I will definitely destroy your city!"

All of a sudden, the demonic and murderous aura rose sharply, and the monsters thundered from all directions, and a mottled sword light suddenly appeared from the mouth of the evil dragon, helping it break through the encirclement in an instant.

What is the mottled sword light?Just like this one, although it is dominated by golden sword light, it is mixed with many dark green spots, like a rusty sword!

Afterwards, that mottled sword light swept across the sky again, and actually swept down nearly a hundred flying swords at once.Not only that, when it crossed the barrier of the moat, the entire barrier experienced a violent shock, and it seemed to be collapsing.

After getting out of trouble, the Jiaolong regained its mighty aura, not only spit out sword light constantly, but also said with color: "Do you think that you are the only ones who can use the magic weapon of flying sword? Old bastard, Guishui true energy, I am I accepted it. But do you know that I also accepted the sword you gave me?"

"Now, I'm going to use it to break your turtle's shell!"

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the flying swords that guarded the city were scattered and turned into a pile of scrap iron.

And in the dragon's mouth, what hangs now is no longer a bead, but an ancient sword half exposed, half stained with rust, the sword's intent is overwhelming!

The smile on Tan Zhuohua's face had long since disappeared, and now there seemed to be a bit of shock on that livid face, and he said in a daze, "The Dragon Sealing Sword? How could such a sacred object be cast in secret?"

That ancient sword has long been unowned for thousands of years. For thousands of years, the people of Funan City from generation to generation are no strangers to it.

Because, this sword was hung under the Hengjiang Bridge on the Luofu River.It is said that it has the effect of preventing Jiaolong from entering the sea and suppressing Fengshui here!

It is no exaggeration to say that there is such a nursery rhyme in Funan City: the city lord of flowing water, and the dragon-sealing sword made of iron.

As a township, Fenglongjian must have its special features.Among the city lords of the past dynasties, there were also a few who tried to get their hands on them, but they all left their thoughts in this life afterward.

But now, this is like the Dragon Sealing Sword that symbolizes the past dynasties of Funan City.It is God's joke that he would help that evil dragon and try to destroy Funan City?

In the demon cloud, the evil dragon was writhing triumphantly, and the ancient sword in his mouth gathered demon energy, "Back then, you forced me to pass under the bridge, and this dragon sword almost beheaded me. But who would have thought, I came back alive. What is even more unexpected is that this dragon sword also sank together?"

"What does this mean? It means that I have the luck of a real dragon! It means you should die!"

The mottled sword light slashed down, and the snow-white sword light tried to block it, but was instantly repelled.

Accompanied by a sound like porcelain falling to the ground, in an instant, the entire Funan City was filled with fireflies floating in the air.

If it wasn't for the entire western city wall to collapse!If it weren't for the collapse of a large number of houses!

Anyone who sees it will sincerely sigh: "It's so beautiful!"

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