defend the truth

Chapter 106: The Limit

The four battle orders were issued together through the City Lord's Mansion. This is destined to be recorded in the history of Funan City, and it may control this land. The next hundred years of fateful battle has finally officially kicked off.

On the defense line in the east of the city, the inner disciples of the Taiyi Sect did their part to sacrifice the famous Kuigang Sword Formation in the southern region of the sky, and the sword energy flying all over the sky defended against the enemy hundreds of feet away, which is inspiring!

And in the defense area to the south, the Deng's twin sisters of Qingling Valley worked together to summon the golden-backed ape, one of the top ten mountain-protecting spirit beasts in Qingling Valley, and smashed the sky and shattered the earth, blocking thousands of troops!

The strongest line of defense is the northern part of the city where the elite disciples of the Nansha Sword Sect gather.Holding a sword in his hand, Li Liushuang charged into the enemy formation alone, his whole body was fierce, wherever the weapon in his hand went, it was cold everywhere, and the evening rain turned into frost!Fighting against the strange beast in the water known as cutting off the river - the giant crab in the river, it is difficult to attack and defend, and its failures are obvious.

In contrast, Xicheng District, where Huo Ming is located, feels a little effortless.At least he himself has no intention of taking the lead.

No matter how diligently the arrows in the hands of ordinary disciples shoot, no matter how high the hit rate is, it is still a drop in the bucket.Soon, several huge underwater beasts broke through the city wall, intending to break through the barrier forcefully.

This kind of strange beast has a cow-like face, a single horn like a conch on its head, a tiger pattern on its body, forest teeth and golden claws, and is extremely powerful.It is said that it is a very ancient beast species, and it is a famous big fool among monsters. Although its physical talent is high, its spiritual intelligence is difficult to develop, and its cultivation is not easy.

How low is the intelligence of this strange beast?Throughout the ages, there are many monks who practiced animal taming, tried to tame the Xiqu, but finally chose to give up.Basically, Xie Qu will not obey its master's orders, not because it has a stubborn temper, but because it doesn't understand at all.No matter if it is to communicate with words or spiritual consciousness.

It can be said that it is not a miracle that the Xiqu has been able to reproduce to this day!

The intelligence of the few Hae Canals participating in the siege today seems not to be as low as in the legends. They at least know how to hit the same place in the barrier with the one horn on their heads in turn.

Perhaps the most primitive blood pressure of monsters is the strongest animal taming technique in the world!

Xiqu's one-horn is extremely hard, and the flesh and flesh of his body are hard to hurt with flying swords. At first glance, he looks like he is full of treasures.

However, after this kind of strange beast was killed, the unicorn would petrify and fall off due to the dissipated blood, and the flesh would no longer be tough.

This is the reason why the Xiqu has been able to thrive until now. Its existence is difficult to satisfy the desires of human monks.

Under the continuous bombardment by Xi Qu, the enchantment outside the city wall has already shown some signs of shaking. Once the enchantment is torn apart, isn't it a logical thing to break the city?

However, even so, Huo Ming didn't intend to make a move. He didn't go out of the city to defend against the enemy, and others couldn't do harm to Xi Qu at all.

The morale was shaken a little bit, and even Huo Ming's confidant Liu Zian was a little worried about it. "Young master, do you want your subordinate to go home?"

Liu Zian thought that Huo Ming was afraid of the two forest poisonous anacondas entrenched outside, so he didn't want to venture out of the city.

But what if, just let the monsters enter the city like this, Huo Ming will be prosecuted for the crime of passive indifference, and the punishment will be second. The problem is this stain, but it will last for a lifetime.

Huo Ming's originally expressionless face suddenly became cloudy, and he said coldly, "Do you think I'm still the coward who hid behind others?"

Liu Zian was horrified, and quickly explained: "This subordinate has absolutely no such thoughts, it's just..."

Huo Ming took up the conversation without hesitation, "It's just that if you go back and bow your head, you will not lose your ability. Even if you are laughed at for a while, it's okay, right?"

Having said this, Liu Zian bowed his head in silence.

On the contrary, Huo Ming began to smile, "If I go out now, those two forest poisonous anacondas will definitely prevent me from killing those anacondas. Then, if I don't hesitate to do anything, I should be able to kill one of the forest poisonous anacondas." Boa. But the problem is, this is already the limit."

Afterwards, Huo Ming's smile froze, "It's really difficult to admit my own shortcomings, but this is indeed the limit of me, Huo Ming."

Liu Zian nodded, this time he really didn't want to persuade this weird son of his family.

Because Huo Ming has a mantra, "Don't do useless work".

It is expected that the city will be destroyed and people will die in the end. With Huo Ming's character, he will not make a move from the beginning.

However, when Liu Zian thought he had guessed his young master's mind again.

Huo Ming suddenly flew into the air with his sword, and raised his sleeve robe, and there was a pitch-black feather fan in his hand, and an extraordinary topaz was inlaid on the handle of the fan.

Although Liu Zian was surprised, he quickly called out the flying sword and wanted to follow him.

Huo Ming shook his head with a smile, and said calmly: "Zian, from now on, you will take command for me until I triumph!"

Liu Zian hesitated to speak, "But son, didn't you just say..."

At this moment, Huo Ming's eyes were firm, his aura was high, and he said freely: "A gentleman does something, but he doesn't. Even if I, Huo Ming, am not a Taoist disciple, I still have my homeland behind me. How can I retreat from this step?"

"Since there is no one in front of you to stop, then let me create a bloody path!" As soon as the words fell, Huo Ming appeared outside the barrier.

This kind of protective barrier can only be exited but cannot be entered. Unless all the monsters are killed, Huo Ming has no way out.

As soon as Huo Ming appeared outside the city, the two forest poisonous anacondas really moved immediately, carrying the poisonous cloud, breathing out poisonous mist, and attacking from left to right.

Huo Ming didn't rush to deal with the enemy, but focused on walking around with his sword.The only time he cast a spell was to turn the land where the Xiongqus were standing into a swamp out of thin air, trapping them temporarily.

In a short while, Huo Ming no longer had the ability to distract the enemy, and the surrounding area was filled with poisonous fog, even if he called for a breeze, he couldn't blow it away.There is less and less room for him to move in the air.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Huo Ming raised his big hand, and the feather fan in his hand shot out three cone-shaped earth-yellow spiritual powers. After successfully breaking through the poisonous mist, it exploded like a spring thunder!

The two forest poisonous anacondas hidden in the poisonous mist were extremely furious, as if the attack just now didn't directly hit them, but the resulting spiritual energy flow would also make them feel uncomfortable!

In the darkness, a huge tail rushed towards Huo Ming's unsuspecting back with a thunderous rush.

There was a bang, and the powder was all over the sky!With one blow, Huo Ming's whole body was knocked apart like it was made of mud.

Li Weizhen, who witnessed this scene from the top of the city, almost dropped his jaw.The highest combat power of our west city defense line, so fragile?

But soon, the young man felt the same admiration as all the Xuangui Sect disciples present!

It turned out that what was crushed before was just Huo Ming's substitute after he performed the supernatural power "Golden Cicada Escapes its Shell". The real him had already appeared on the ground, with both hands offering his magic fingers, and the black feather fan crazily surrounded him.

"Tarzan is on top!"

With a terrified cry, Huo Ming unleashed the strongest ultimate move without hesitation. Two towering mountains as high as [-] feet crashed down, suppressing the two forest poisonous water anacondas forcefully.

If there were two mountain peaks stacked together, he was very confident that he could crush the body of one of the forest poisonous anacondas, but he chose to divide and conquer.

"This is really, my limit!"

At this moment, Huo Ming's eyes were bloodshot, and the corner of his mouth was also seeping blood.Looking at the two snake heads that kept hissing and vomiting provocative letters, the young man who had always been gentle, couldn't help being furious, and with a bang, spit out a mouthful of blood!

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