defend the truth

Chapter 107: It's late

Outside the west city wall, Huo Ming chose to fight the powerful enemy alone because he had a heart of Tao that he could not avoid.Therefore, he knew too well that if he could survive this difficulty, he would be able to take another step up.

This is the way to fight for the front, if you don't advance, you will retreat. The more life-and-death crisis, the more important the opportunity.

However, what Huo Ming suppressed was only the two most powerful monsters out of hundreds of monsters.

Seeing that Huo Ming was unable to move and seemed to be injured, the rest of the monsters showed greed and salivated.They can all feel the powerful aura of this human monk, especially the bloody smell of great vitality, even if it is poison, it is a willing fatal temptation.

Most monsters have the talent to increase their own strength by devouring them.Therefore, monsters believe in the law of the jungle.Today, if it weren't for the premise of blood coercion, these monster army would have started a brutal internal fight first.

Humans are the spirits of all things, and monsters who cultivated by eating people will definitely increase their monster power several times faster than similar ones that follow the steps.Therefore, there is no question of willingness or not for monsters to eat people, at most it is a matter of scruples.

It's just because monsters that rely on cannibalism to cultivate, unless their blood is strong, it is difficult to escape many disasters.

Perhaps, among this group of monsters, there are really many first-class beasts that have never eaten humans.However, if there is a flesh and blood like Huo Ming, a demon alive, it should be worth a try.

After all, for them, this is also an opportunity in front of them.It can be seen, and it seems to be touched.

Huo Ming, who was about to be eaten by monsters, frowned subconsciously, but soon laughed at himself: "I'm so thin, you can get your mouth out, aren't you afraid of knocking your teeth?"

In the next moment, within a radius of [-] zhang with Huo Ming at the center, large pieces of rock pillars sprung out one after another like mushrooms after a spring rain, and they were all in the shape of sharpened ends, but the size and length were not the same.Even so, as long as the monsters that enter this range at this moment, all of them will be pierced by the rock pillar, and blood will flow everywhere!

Huo Ming really wanted to reach out to wipe away the two lines of blood that had just flowed from his nose, but he couldn't untie his fingers, so he could only laugh at himself habitually: "As the saying goes, a centipede is dead but not stiff. You should still be careful!"

On the top of the wall, Liu Zian's body was trembling slightly, his fists were clenched tightly, and his palms were painfully pinched, which was caused by his extreme endurance.Although Huo Ming's back is facing him at the moment, he can still see the clue from the speed of the "Wen Xingyang".

The black feather fan inlaid with topaz was originally called "Tianyuan Dihe Zhentu Fan", an inheritance of the ancient fairy mansion secret realm.After Huo Ming refined the magic weapon of life, he called it "Wen Xingyang" because he was dissatisfied with the vulgarity of the original name.

Relying on this extremely high-grade magic weapon, Huo Ming was able to instantly activate many powerful spells and supernatural powers, and his combat power doubled.

Right now, Wen Xingyang can only maintain a moderate speed, which means that Huo Ming is working very hard.

Liu Zian couldn't hold back anymore, he was determined to disobey the order once.Anyway, it might be the last time.

But just as Liu Zian had already summoned the flying sword, ready to share life and death with his son, a figure jumped off the wall faster than him and stepped out of the barrier.

"You big fool! If you want to die outside, you should at least leave a certificate for this girl so that I can receive your pension!"

"You'd better have no bones left! Otherwise, if you dare to renege on the [-]% reward that was negotiated earlier? This girl must have dug your grave!"

Apart from Li Weizhen, there should be no one here who can make Zhao Hongxue yell and yell like a thunder!

But Li Weizhen probably couldn't hear these venomous words anymore, just because he has now come to the most dangerous area with Zhan Gang in his hand.Now what filled his ears was only the roars of beasts that were a hundred times more furious than Zhao Hongxue's.The young man is in it, as insignificant as dust.

As soon as the sword was swung, several dogs in the water tried to get close to Li Weizhen.Seeing the blue-eyed Timber Wolf at close range today, Fang Jue's figure is strong, like a fat and strong yellow ox.

However, the blue-eyed wood wolf is not aquarium after all, and in this heavy rain, its appearance is no different from that of a drowning dog.In this siege battle, their lurking and tracking talents are basically useless, and they are basically cannon fodder to make up the numbers.

There is a saying that "bean curd waist with copper head and iron bone". I heard from the hunters in the village that the wolf's weakness lies in the waist.However, there are few wolf disasters around Fengmao Village, and Li Weizhen has never verified the authenticity of this sentence, so this will just be a judgment!

The dog in the water is pitiful, but also hateful. How could Li Weizhen miss the opportunity to kill the enemy, and immediately reproduced the seven-star deceitful step, swung the shadow of the sword, and slashed the wolf's waist.

The erratic figure made the blue-eyed timber wolves unable to speak at all, but the sharpness in the young man's hand was as powerful as a dragon, stabbing up and down, and howling and sobbing suddenly.

In an instant, the earth was covered with new clothes again, and the torrential rain was unable to wash away the bright red all over the ground!

At the same time, Liu Zian, who was determined to protect his lord, held a small shield in one hand and a sword in the other, risking his life to fight both offensively and defensively, just to save his son's life.

What Li Weizhen said in Fengyi Pavilion that day has become a prophecy today.The two sects with deep blood debts to each other put aside their enmity for the time being and fought side by side for the common goal.

Looking at the two people who were faintly forming horns, Huo Ming seemed to have completely forgotten his own situation, and laughed loudly: "I don't hesitate to die, it's for the great opportunity; Zi'an doesn't hesitate, it's to protect me "Li Weizhen, why are you risking your life?"

Hearing this, Li Wei was really shocked. What surprised him was that Huo Ming was able to call out his full name.You know, what is the identity of the other party, what is his identity?This really surprised the young man!

Li Weizhen stood on the defensive with his sword, and raised his breath in a deep voice: "To be honest, you guys annoy me, but since we are standing on the same front now, we must share the same hatred! How can we sit idly by when our comrades are in trouble?"

Huo Ming nodded and smiled, "So it's for righteousness! It's rare that you are so straightforward, which makes me even more happy to know you! If you and I can survive today's battle, then I will recognize you as my Huo Ming's sword test Stone!"

Li Wei really didn't care to listen to what Huo Ming was saying. He always looked at the two suppressed forest poisonous anacondas intentionally or unintentionally. No one noticed that his left hand was not just a simple fist, but Holding a dark golden ball.

Huo Ming was about to speak again, but suddenly his vision blurred, and then he fell to his knees suddenly.

With this sudden change, the two forest poisonous anacondas also felt that the suppressing force was weakening, and began to twist their bodies frantically, trying to escape.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zi'an was in a state of confusion and was almost injured. He hurriedly flew to Huo Ming's side, and said in a pleading tone, "My lord, you have tried your best. Even if the city defense is lost, it is not a crime of war. Let the subordinates lead you." leave!"

Huo Ming smiled wryly and shook his head and said: "One person can still escape, but two people have no way out. As the saying goes, nine out of ten bets lose. Unexpectedly, I, Huo Ming, are just like that!"

Li Weizhen naturally also noticed that the two big snakes were about to get out of trouble. However, there are still many blockades ahead, do you want to take a risk?

At this time, a loud geese cry in the sky overwhelmed the thunder.

A breeze, accompanied by the leisurely sound of poetry, lingers between the heaven and the earth, spreading to everyone's ears.

Drunken leaning on the railing is happy, don't say sad when the wind is drizzle.

Even if there are all sorts of injustices, use the sword to save lives from all over the world.

After the sound of the poem, a huge cyan bird flew over the heads of the crowd and appeared on the battlefield.

Then, from the back of Asuka, a figure jumped down from the air, came to Huo Ming and helped him up, and said with apologetic expression: "Brother Huo, I'm so sorry! I was on the road just now, and met a few followers The giant Hengjiang crocodile who was late like me was delayed for a while!"

Looking at this young man who came late, Huo Ming grinned, "I have never confiscated flowers since I was a child, I thought you would bring a bunch of flowers!"

The young man supported Huo Ming's arm with one hand, put his other hand on his shoulder, and said seriously: "Dead people receive flowers, you have to drink with me!"

Huo Ming smiled and said, "Then I'll leave it to you! How long will it take to finish? I'm a little anemic!"

The young man raised his eyebrows, raised three fingers and shook them, and the corners of his mouth raised.

"At most, three moves!"

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