defend the truth

Chapter 105: Enemy on 4 Sides

Win a small battle caused by negligent city defense.In fact, it wasn't an honor worthy of praise, and he couldn't even save his face.

Because, afterwards, it was said that there were wounded in the defense zone in the east of the city.Before the army of monsters and beasts who were staring at the tiger made a move, a pot of porridge had already exploded in the city. This is definitely something that I don't want to write in the annals of history.

If it hurts the morale of the defenders and leads to the final defeat of the city, it will definitely be a classic shame that can be ridiculed by future generations for thousands of years.

Because the city lord's mansion has not issued an order for a long time, the defenders in each district can only stand still.

This is war, not the usual group fight with a few helpers.Once on the battlefield, you must strictly observe discipline and obey the transfer and arrangement.

Especially when the strengths of the two sides are similar, which side cooperates better, the balance of victory will lean towards which side!

The side defending the city did not dare to act rashly, and the side besieging the city seemed to be practicing the policy of waiting and watching.

There is no shortage of intelligent creatures in the army of monsters. Li Wei is really sure that if he swears a few dirty words at the two forest poisonous anacondas, they will probably retaliate.

In fact, the besieging party is more willing to wait.Because, as long as the Luofu River floods over, those aquatic monsters will really be able to show their magical powers!

On the side of the wall on the top of the city, Li Weizhen didn't care about the cold and damp on the ground, just sat on the ground, focusing all his attention on regulating breath and gathering spirits, and restoring spiritual power.

Relying on Zhan Gang's excellent weapon, Li Weizhen didn't spend too much energy on his sword moves. A single ordinary swing can already cause objective damage.

At first, Li Weizhen thought it was quite interesting to release the sword energy, but later he felt that it was a bit flashy.Not only does it consume a lot of spiritual power, but it may not be able to hit the target. It is not as good as his close hand-to-hand combat, which is fatal.

But the reason why he still has to seize the time to regain his spirit is because the consumption of body skills just now exceeded expectations.Especially in the second half of the period, Li Weizhen performed "Uncertainty in the Wind" three times in total.Afterwards, I felt a little weak in my legs, obviously because my spiritual power was exhausted and could no longer be sent to the meridians of my legs.

Zhao Hongxue didn't put down her body like a young man, not because she thought it would be a hindrance to her face, but just that level of consumption was only slight to her, and she could adjust her breath even while standing.

But at this moment, Zhao Hongxue folded his arms around his chest, the angry look on his face was lingering for a long time, and his face was tense.It's not because he let go just now and promised to share a [-]-[-] split with the boy, but now he wants to go back on his word.

In the final analysis, it was still the rain, no... it should be said that it was the red-eyed tree frog that suffered a thousand knives.Zhao Hongxue lost his cloak because of that shot of mucus, and now his whole body is wet. To describe it with an ugly mundane word, it would be like: a dog in the water.

It was like Zhao Hongxue who was tortured in the rain, but couldn't leave his post without authorization.It made her hate that red-eyed tree frog so much, and she vowed secretly: one day, she will never let go of this hatred unless she kills thousands of its members of the same species!

In a long corridor in the City Lord's Mansion, a tall woman with an excellent appearance but a cold temperament was walking quickly.When she was about to reach the gate at the end of the corridor, the two guards guarding the gate stepped forward and stopped her.

The imperial guards are obviously well-trained and have an excellent tacit understanding. Not only are their movements consistent, but their voices are also synchronized: "Miss Li, the city lord ordered that he not see anyone for the time being!"

Except for Li Liushuang from the Li family in the west of the city, there is no other person who can be respectfully called "Miss Li" by the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, the blocked Li Liushuang's voice was piercingly cold, with killing intent, "You only have one chance, get out!"

If the death order is really given, these gatekeepers will naturally be unable to let them go.So, why does Li Liushuang want to beat the dog?She clearly wanted to scold someone!

Sure enough, after a loud shout, the door quietly opened a gap, and a deep and deep voice came from inside: "Don't embarrass them, come in!"

The two imperial guards quickly returned to their original positions, and they were as quiet as stone statues. Li Liushuang quickly pushed the door open and entered.Then the door closed again of its own accord.

This place is the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion. In the center is a huge marble round table, on which is an extremely detailed and realistic sand table of Funan City.

Li Liushuang, who rushed in, took a look at Tan Zhuohua, didn't even have a polite opening word, and asked bluntly: "Uncle Tan, why haven't you issued the war order for so long? It won't do us any good to delay like this."

Tan Zhuohua turned his head and glanced at Li Liushuang, showing a gentle smile, then turned his head, stared at the sand table on the table, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Wait a minute."

Li Liushuang couldn't hold back anymore, and asked: "How long do we have to wait? Could it be that, Uncle Tan, you want to wait until that evil dragon comes up from the Luofu River before annihilating the enemies besieging the city in one fell swoop?"

Tan Zhuohua shook his head, and sighed with a smile: "I won't do this, this plan is too risky. I still insist on defeating the invading enemy first, and then concentrate on dealing with that evil dragon."

Li Liushuang's eyeballs rolled slightly, and finally thought of a possibility she had inadvertently ignored, "Is it because of Junior Brother Tan's disappearance?"

Tan Kewen has been missing for more than two days. Whether it is the Nansha Sword Sect or the City Lord's Mansion, they have repeatedly searched the wasteland area in the north of the city, and also searched the Xiaoyeling, but they found nothing.

Li Liushuang even had a bad thought, did something happen to this junior who was as famous as him?Because, she never believed that Tan Kewen would run away.

The problem is, the place where Tan Kewen disappeared is not too far away from Funan City. With his cultivation level, he couldn't even send out a call for help, right?Could it be the poisonous hand of that evil dragon?

Tan Zhuohua nodded, then shook his head and said, "The lack of Ke Wen really messed up some of my previous arrangements. It is certain that he encountered some troubles, but I can feel that he is still alive .Since he can't count on him for the time being, there's no need to waste your time on him."

How could a father be so indifferent when his son disappeared?Li Liushuang was able to distinguish the truth from the words just now, and it didn't seem like she was trying to cover up anything, her expression and tone clearly showed her true feelings.

At this moment, aside from the imminent battle, Li Liushuang couldn't help feeling a little pity for her poor junior.

Tan Zhuohua walked slowly to the window sill, looking at the rain scene outside the window, with deep eyes, "You know, it's inconvenient for me to take action before that evil dragon shows up."

Li Liushuang nodded and said without hesitation: "My niece naturally understands this. Don't worry, Uncle Tan, as long as you allow me to go out of the city to kill demons, I will definitely return with good news!"

Tan Zhuohua waved his hand and said, "I am absolutely assured of your ability, niece Xian! In the south of the city, there are Deng's twin sisters from Qingling Valley, and Deng Cuiling and Deng Cuihuan are also very safe. But the problem is that the east and west of the city, Not optimistic. For example, Huo Ming, if he wants to deal with two forest poisonous anacondas alone, it may be difficult to win."

Li Liushuang immediately took the initiative to ask Ying to say: "I will kill the leader monster as quickly as possible, and then rush to the east or west of the city to support!"

Tan Zhuohua asked with a smile: "But what if both sides are in danger?"

Li Liushuang immediately hesitated, lowered her head and muttered: "Huo Ming should be able to hold on for a long time!"

Tan Zhuohua said in the tone of an elder: "The war is changing rapidly, we can't place too much hope on uncertain factors. Let's wait patiently for a while! New helpers will arrive soon!"

Li Liushuang asked in surprise, "Are there any new aids? Who is it?"

Tan Zhuohua was about to give an answer, when a green light suddenly flew out of the window, he caught it in his hand, and then he laughed and said, "Okay, finally arrived!"

Li Liushuang took a closer look and found that the green light was actually a sound-transmitting jade talisman, on which were exquisitely carved hollow patterns of swords and gourds.Can't help but ask again: "Have you come? Who is the master!"

Tan Zhuohua turned a small corner and said, "This is the first disciple under Master Chunxian!"

"It turned out to be him?"

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