Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 371 Lead the snake out of the hole

Luo Yushu said: "Second Uncle, although this method is wonderful, but in this way, everyone in the world will know that Senior Wen came back from the dead, I'm afraid it will cause waves in the martial arts world and make the uncle unhappy." Luo Yingting pondered for a while, and said: "This It also makes sense. You might as well use the name of Master Su, since Mu Chuan knows the identity of the other party, he will probably also take the bait, so as not to attract the attention of others."

The four all felt that this plan was very clever, and Luo Yushu immediately outlined Wen Kui's face in detail, Gu Qingzhi bought all the materials, and Luo Jiayan made a mask according to the portrait.She had never seen the other person's appearance with her own eyes, and if there were any differences in the facial features, Jing Lanzhou and others pointed out and corrected them. It took two full days of work like this, and the real ones could be faked, and it was difficult for the three of them to find the flaws.

Luo Yingting hadn't seen Wen Kui for more than [-] years. Seeing the mask carefully made by his daughter, Luo Yingting said with a smile, "Brother Wen is as handsome as before. Yu Shu's figure is slightly similar to that of Brother Wen. You will be the best uncle Wen." Alright. I have found out in the past two days that the Fucheng Shahai Gang dominates water transportation and bullies merchants on weekdays, and they can take this opportunity to punish small and large ones; Let's take care of it. The flower picker Sima Chu has recently been lurking in the area of ​​Xiangfu, waiting for an opportunity to commit crimes. If these scumbags should take advantage of the situation to get rid of them, they have the right to eliminate harm for the people. It's just that when Yushu pretends to be Brother Wen and acts, Lanzhou can't leave him lightly , if Master Mu Chuan and his disciples show up together, you two can't fight recklessly." They saw that Luo Yingting only boiled medicine and cooked vegetables every day, and that he had clearly obtained the interviews of the surrounding martial arts gang figures without compromising, and they couldn't help but admire them very much. , immediately got together and agreed on a plan.

In just a few days after that, several major martial arts incidents happened one after another near Kaifeng Mansion.In the Bianshui area, the domineering, oppressive and kind-hearted Shahai Gang was found at the entrance and smashed the golden lacquered signboard. The gang leader Ruan Fanggao was pointed to his head with a sword to make an oath and fingerprints, promising to dismiss all the gang members immediately and never to be seen again. Hecao bullied the market, and the hundreds of ships of the Shahai Gang moored in the port were burned to nothing that night; All were wiped out within half a day, several bandit leaders were either dead or injured, and all the subordinates also escaped cleanly; another day early in the morning, the townspeople of Xibaisha Town, Xiangfu County found a tied-up man hanging from the gate of the town. The man in black was reported to the authorities as Sima Chu, a prostitute picking flowers who had recently committed several major crimes in northern Henan, and he was immediately sent to the Kaifeng death row.There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that these three incidents were all done by the same martial arts tycoon, who was dressed as a middle-aged Confucian scholar, but was very powerful in martial arts. He claimed to be Su Fenglou, the owner of Luoxinglou in Nanjing.


At noon that day, the weather was very hot, and the largest restaurant in the city, Zuixianlou, had no customers. Several waiters were listless, and some were already taking a nap on the benches. Ming.The shopkeeper of the hotel was sinking his head into the account on the counter when he suddenly heard a cough at the door. He raised his eyes and saw a ragged beggar stepping into the door, his face changed slightly, and he shouted: "Wang Liu! You rascal is just lazily pouring yellow soup again, who is that?" Let it all in! Hurry up and throw this flower out of me!"

The guy Wang Liu was sleeping in a corner, startled by the shout from the shopkeeper, and walked towards the door while cursing: "You blind bastard who doesn't have long eyes, don't even look at Zuixianlou. What place! Even the leftovers from the slops in our back kitchen are not something people like you can afford!"

The beggar waved his left hand lightly, threw out five or two silver ingots and "slapped" it onto the counter, and said with a smile: "You open the door for business in this restaurant, so you can't eat even if you have money?" The shopkeeper immediately smiled and said. : "The guest officer was joking, I offended you a lot, I will find a private room for you." The beggar said: "Don't bother me, I'm about to share a table with others, and it will be more lively when I drink."

The shopkeeper was startled when he heard the words, and said: "There are not many customers in the small shop. Why do the guests share tables? It's not comfortable to sit." The beggar said: "There is a customer from Su upstairs who comes to your place every day recently. Have a drink?" The shopkeeper said: "Exactly, does the guest officer recognize him?" The beggar laughed and said: "I am looking for this senior official!" Immediately, he strode upstairs and saw a middle-aged scribe who was alone. Sitting in the corner of the second floor, drinking alone by the window.

The beggar grinned, went straight forward, sat down on the opposite side of the man, and said: "Your surname is Wen, you are indeed blessed and lucky, and you are not killed by all these explosives, so you can drink here!" The Confucian didn't raise his eyelids, he just poured himself a drink and said calmly, "Who is your honor?"

The beggar was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, why don't you even recognize old friends?" Do you deserve to sit at the same table with the old man and drink?" The beggar changed his face and said, "Wen, don't be so arrogant! You don't have to drink a toast, and I don't want you to get out of this drunken fairy building today!"

The Confucian sneered, sat up slightly, and asked, "Is your surname Mu or Lin?" The beggar snorted, "You and I know the basics, why bother to be stupid?" The Confucian shook his head and said, "It's not true. The old man is pretending to be stupid, but your Excellency is just pretending. Wen is sitting here today, do you dare to move a finger of mine?"

The beggar was furious, and suddenly overturned the table, the wine pot and dishes shattered to the ground, and stared straight at the Confucian scholar.The latter looked calm, raised his head and slowly sipped the glass of wine in his hand, still not looking at the other party.The restaurant staff didn't want the two of them to talk to each other with just a few words, seeing the beggar's viciousness, no one dared to come forward to persuade him.

I saw the beggar glaring at the scribe, and after half a cup of tea, the two of them remained motionless.The Confucian said slowly: "Brother, if you don't make a move, the old man will do it. If I make a move, people will die here. Will your companion save you in time?" The beggar was shocked when he heard the words, and the bean on his forehead was big Beads of sweat dripped down, and his hands trembled slightly.

Suddenly I heard a hoarse voice from downstairs laughing and said: "I said that brother Wen has sharp eyes, how can this trick fool him?" The stairs creaked, and two more people came upstairs, one of them was It is the son of a noble family, with a romantic look in his expression; the other is wearing a cocoon silk straight gown and a square scarf on his head. He looks like a rich man and a member of the outside world, but his face is vulgar, and he is somewhat similar to that beggar.The member said with a smile: "Brother Peng is a man of knowledge and etiquette. If you want him to pretend to be sloppy and beggars, it is wronged him!" The beggar laughed forcefully: "Peng has to pay for Mr. Mu It’s a real honor.”

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