Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 372 Surprise victory

Needless to say, the man dressed as a squire is Mu Chuan, and that noble son is his apprentice Shen Quan.The owner of Luoxing, Su Fenglou, has been acting chivalrously in the Kaifeng area for several days, leaving his name everywhere, and this matter has already reached Mu Chuan's ears.The latter was surprised and suspicious, and thought to himself: "I set a trap of several thousand catties of gunpowder in Meishan, and almost blew up half of the valley, but the man surnamed Wen didn't die? You have great powers!" He is arrogant and arrogant. He usually doesn't look at people like Shahai Gang and Pihuzhai. How can he have the leisure to do these things? He must be deliberately trying to lure me to show up and ask about his daughter's whereabouts. That day he tried his best to rescue Jing Lanzhou out of the valley, the valley was shaken, how did this guy get away? Could it be that Jing Lanzhou wanted to save a little girl surnamed Xian, so he set up doubts there?" Mu Chuan is extremely human. He was cautious and suspicious, and immediately sent someone to inquire about Su Fenglou's whereabouts, but he didn't show up in person when he came up. He only taught Peng Shouxue to pretend to be himself, and went to test whether this "Lord Su" was impersonated.

And all the strange things that have happened in Kaifeng Mansion recently are naturally caused by Luo Yushu under the guise of Su Fenglou.In the afternoon of this day, he was drinking in Zuixianlou as usual, when he saw the beggar came to his door on his own initiative.Luo Yushu and Mu Chuan only took a quick photo in Changge County that day, and they don't remember the other person's appearance very well. Seeing the beggar with yellow ringworm on the head, they just acted as the enemy appeared, and were about to act according to plan, when they suddenly saw the beggar on the second floor. The alcoholic in the corner lay drunk on the table, snoring undulatingly, but hid his right hand under the table and shook him slightly.

The man posing as a drunk was none other than Luo Yingting. Although he didn't know Mu Chuan, he could tell from the sound of the beggar's footsteps going upstairs that his internal strength was mediocre, and he was by no means a martial arts master comparable to Wen Kui and Si Runnan, so he signaled Luo Yushu not to To fall into the trap.Luo Yingting was sitting behind Peng Shouxue, who didn't notice at all; Luo Yushu was so alert, he immediately understood his uncle's intentions, and calmed down Peng Shouxue who was pretending to be Mu Chuan with a few words.

Mu Chuan joined the Beggars' Gang for many years, many of the disciples of the Henan Sub-Duo knew him, so this behavior did not attract attention, since he left Meishan, he changed his appearance and showed his appearance as an urban gentry.Just now, he was hiding in the dark and listening, and saw that the "Lord Su" had blazing eyes, and Peng Shou's knowledge could be seen through at a glance, and his tone of arrogance and arrogance was exactly the same as that of Wen Kui. "Even if Jing Lanzhou stays nearby, I have Quan'er and his subordinates to help me, and I am not afraid of the two senior brothers named Wen. This time, I will take down this leader no matter what, in order to avenge my wife." Immediately went upstairs with Shen Quan.

When Luo Yushu saw Shen Quan, he guessed that the squire next to him was probably Mu Chuan, and when he heard the beggar call him "Mr. Mu", he had no doubts in his heart, so he stood up suddenly and said, "Mu Chuan! Where is my daughter?" Mu Chuan He laughed grimly and said: "Don't worry, brother, Mu will send you down to meet Ling'ai!" Before he finished speaking, he slapped the other side's door with a "hu" palm.Luo Yushu flew up and kicked the table that had just been overturned into the air, only to hear a crash, the wooden board was smashed to pieces by Mu Chuan, but seeing the cold light flashing, the long sword in Luo Yushu's hand had already attacked.

Mu Chuan thought in his heart: "Well, you Wenkui, you are the first to draw the sword. It seems that you really want to fight for my daughter and me!" Just as he was about to reach out to pull out the iron sword at his waist, he suddenly felt his wrist tense, and his right wrist was already grabbed. When he turned his head and looked anxiously, he saw that it was the drunken guest in the corner, and he couldn't help but turn pale with shock.When he went upstairs just now, he saw this person sleeping soundly on the table, and thought that just now Peng Shouxue and Wen Kui raised the table to confront each other, this person is still drunk, it is very suspicious, probably not an ordinary drinker; then he thought it was Jing Lan Zhou lay in ambush by the side, and his apprentice Shen Quan was able to resist the enemy. The enemy in front of him was Wen Kui alone, so he focused all his attention on the latter, guarding against the opponent's sudden attack.With Mu Chuan's martial arts skills, Luo Yingting grabbed the key points on his wrist with one move, because he was defenseless.He saw that this drunk man's kung fu was superb, and he seemed to be still on the Jinglan boat, he was terrified.

Shen Quan only felt a blur in front of his eyes, but he didn't see clearly how the drunk man rushed out from the side to restrain the master, he was terrified, and stretched out his fingers to attack the man.Luo Yushu turned his sword, but seeing the cold light shining, he forced Shen Quan to take three steps back.From the back, Peng Shouxue punched Luo Yushu in the back. The latter used the unique skill of "swinging five strings", and the sword blade slanted backwards. Peng Shouxue's arm was almost cut off, and he jumped back several feet quickly, breaking out in a cold sweat .Seeing this, Mu Chuan frowned, and said, "You're not Wen Kui! Who are you?"

Shen Quan's thoughts turned quickly, and he realized: "This is the Luo family's sword technique! Brother Luo, it's you!" He had seen Luo Yushu strike several times in the south of the Yangtze River, and he suddenly recognized the move of "hand swinging five strings".Mu Chuan was startled and said, "Are you from the Luo family in Hejian?" Turning his head to the drinker, he said, "Could it be that Your Excellency is Brother Wen?" But he is not as good as his old rival Wen Kui; and the skill of the sneak attacker is not inferior to his own, guessing that the other party has changed positions and taught others to pretend to be Wen Kui to distract himself, but Zhen Wen Kui disguised himself and lurked beside him, taking advantage of his unpreparedness to strike After succeeding, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed secretly: "What kind of martial arts knights and gentlemen are all bullshit! You are so cunning when you play tricks!"

Shen Quan saw the drunk man's move to control Mu Chuan's vital acupoint, and he also thought that the other party was Wen Kui. He was afraid that he was eager to avenge his daughter and would kill Master as soon as he made a move. Harmful to Palace Master Xian, she is still alive and well at this moment, without any damage."

As soon as the words were finished, a person suddenly came in from the window on the second floor, threw the person in his hand to the ground with a "bang", and asked, "Is this true?" in an anxious tone filled with surprise.When everyone turned their heads to look, it was Jing Lanzhou who came, and it was Yin Chongli, another subordinate of Shen Quan, who was thrown on the ground by him.Yin Chongli was ordered by Mu Chuan's master and apprentice to guard the tiled roof of the Zuixian Tower and watch the surrounding area condescendingly, but Jing Lanzhou used the Gecko Swimming Dragon Kungfu to quietly bully him behind him, and tapped the acupoints.

Shen Quan said: "Brother Jing, how dare I lie to you? I also ask Daxia Wen to release my master. We will return your love immediately, and we will never break our promise." Luo Yingting said: "Bring people here, and we will exchange them together. Finished." Mu Chuan heard that his voice did not sound like Wen Kui, and asked suspiciously, "Your surname is not Wen! Dare I ask your name?" Luo Yingting said, "Your Excellency is a master of martial arts, even in the hands of the leader of the Zisi clan and my brother in Dengzhou. If you get out of your body, you will be invincible unless you take it out of your wits, fortunately, don't blame it."

Mu Chuan thought about it, and suddenly realized: "It turned out that the one who took the ebony bowl from the beggar gang that day was the hero 'Five Clouds' Luo Daxia, and his lord is the second official Luo! Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved! Mu was planted in the hands of Xian Kunyu I have nothing to say." I scolded myself in my heart: "My elder brother went to Kaifeng to treat the wounds of Luo Zhongyuan's granddaughter, so what's so strange about Luo Zhongyuan's second son here to accompany his daughter to recuperate? This fake Wenkui is mostly It's Luo Zhongyuan's grandson, who I met in Changge County that day. When Jing Lanzhou arrives in Kaifeng, is there any reason why he doesn't ask them for help? I didn't even think about it. I only want revenge, so I'm really careless !"

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