Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 370 Asylum

Luo Yushu was startled when he heard the words, and asked: "Does Ning Wang really want to be unfavorable to the Taoist priest?" Jing Lanzhou said: "This matter involves the struggle for power and profit of the Wuwei Sect, and I can't explain it in a sentence or two." Jian Sheng sneered and said: "What don't you understand? Princess Xian doesn't respect the order of the palace, and the prince wants to establish a new master. Song Yun is an old man who is ignorant of current affairs and dares to go against the prince. Why is he asking for trouble?" He knew Song Yun Before he was out of trouble, the fear in his heart gradually disappeared, and his tone could not be restrained, and he became arrogant.

Luo Yushu was shocked all over, and said: "Wuwei Cult is really backed by the prince?" Ever since he inadvertently broke through the whereabouts of the sea of ​​trees in the other courtyard of the Wangfu, he has always suspected that King Ning is connected with Wuwei Palace. Quan actually seems to be the mastermind behind the Wuwei Sect.Jing Lanzhou nodded, and said: "It was Daoist Songyun who set up a bridge back then and introduced the old palace master Tang to King Ning. The Wuwei Sect has been able to succeed in the past few years, and the prince has contributed a lot." Jian Sheng thought Secretly surprised: "Jing Lanzhou knows a lot about the affairs of Wuwei Palace." Then he thought: "This must have been told by Master Xian himself, so it's not surprising."

Luo Yingting's face changed slightly, and he said: "Zhu Quan is planning to recruit people from the Jianghu here, is there some extraordinary plan?" Jing Lanzhou said: "But I don't know. The people who teach Wuwei only say that King Ning is afraid of the court's persecution, so he uses this to himself Bao, Mrs. Duanmu insists that the prince has the intention of treason." Jian Sheng shook his head and said: "It's nonsense, the prince has no such intentions. Back then, Emperor Taizong sealed the prince away from the shore of the Ganshui River, and placed many eyeliners in the palace to monitor day and night. When will the prince not live in trepidation? This is why he has no choice but to support his soldiers. The prince has been in the domain for more than forty years and has always kept himself safe, so why is he not a minister?"

He was taken back to the palace with Songyun under the Shengjin Pagoda that day, and he was sure to die this time. With King Ning being suspicious and cautious, seeing that he had changed to Ma Shun's party, how could he tolerate his life?Unexpectedly, Zhu Quan didn't feel half-difficult, and only comforted him with warm words, and then let him go.For the rest of Jiansheng's life after the catastrophe, he couldn't understand why the prince was so lenient, but he thought that there were so many masters in the palace, and it would be easy to take his own life.What's more, if the other party hadn't ordered someone to restrain Songyun before, he would have fallen into the latter's hands. Fortunately, he escaped from danger, and this favor must be repaid. He never mentioned King Ning and Wuwei Gongmoto in front of Jin Yiwei; Bong Zhu Quan, at this moment, actually spoke good words for Jing Lanzhou and others in front of Jing Lanzhou and others.

Luo Yingting snorted and said: "Whether it is true or not, heaven and earth know. Great monk, you almost killed my beloved daughter, how to calculate this account?" Jian Sheng thought: "This is your daughter's own fault, and you have to pay for it with me. What am I doing?" But he was determined not to say this, so he said: "Officer Luo Xia, although the poor monk accidentally injured your daughter earlier, you all know that I was going to kill Ranxia Envoy that little demon girl, it was purely unintentional. It is absolutely not intentional harm. I heard that Lingqianjin is auspicious, and the injury is no longer a problem. It can be seen that misfortune depends on others, and there is a certainty. This innate skill and heart method was entrusted to my father by Master Yuqing. I am lucky to see Tanyue today. , please accept this item.”

Luo Yingting thought to himself: "My family's kung fu is endless, so I shouldn't be greedy for other schools' kung fu, but this innate kung fu was paid by Master Yuqing at the end of his life. If Master Nian'a doesn't show up in the Central Plains again, it's fine. This time, the monk killed Yan Ji's sect master with a single strike, if he intends to challenge the Central Plains masters, he must deal with it carefully, and don't let Zhang Zhenren's painstaking efforts go to waste." Immediately put away the broken pages of the mental method, and said: "Great monk, you Since you are not a disciple of Heavenly Master Yuqing, Luo wanted to kill you to avenge my daughter, and to break your promise for the world. Since you are a monk and official in this government, and we both share the imperial salary, I will spare you today. If you continue to collude with Mitaka and others and don't think about repenting, even if I don't take action, someone else will take your life. Remember my words!" After saying this, he took Luo Jing and the two of them out and drifted away, leaving only a reminder Sheng was alone in the middle of the room, frightened.


Luo Yingting and the other three returned to the inn, and told Luo Jiayan and Gu Qingzhi what had happened, the two girls were amazed.Gu Qingzhi said: "Realist Yu Qing and Master Yan died at the hands of that old monk. Both of them are top figures in the Central Plains martial arts. From this point of view, it is true that this old monk wants to make a name for himself in Central Plains by slaughtering the masters of China. Dangerous intentions."

Luo Yingting murmured: "That's not necessarily the case. This Japanese monk's martial arts are superb, and he was already powerful in the world decades ago. Why has he always lived in the rocks and valleys and rarely came out? He may not be seeking fame." After a pause, he said: "Nephew Jing Xian, please copy this innate skill and heart method, and try it out in your spare time. Although the martial arts taught by Uncle Gu Shi are definitely not below the Shangqing Palace, but the martial arts taught by him Stones can be used to attack jade, and the innate kung fu was created by Qi Shan and Xi Bi, two senior masters, with great thought and painstaking effort, it can be said that you have worked hard, and it will definitely benefit you if you learn kung fu from your own school."

Jing Lanzhou was startled and said: "Second Master, Xiantian Gong is the most precious treasure of the Zheng school's town education. In order to protect the reputation of the martial arts in the Central Plains, Master Yuqing personally entrusted it to Senior Luo. It is God's Lord that Master Uncle took it back from the Jiansheng Department today. Really, how dare my nephew read it privately?"

Luo Yingting shook his head and said: "It's not like that. Although I let you practice Xiantian Kung Fu, it's a bit self-assertive, but when this is an extraordinary time, you must take an extraordinary strategy. That Mu Chuan deeply hates Zhu Cuo Villa, even if he really killed him in Meishan After seeing Senior Brother Wen, he would never spare Xian Qi easily, not to mention that his apprentice Shen Quan has a long-standing enemy with you. Mu Chuan's martial arts are almost on par with Senior Brother Wen, and you are far from his opponent right now. If you don't work hard, you will encounter such a How do traitors protect themselves? Just now that thief bald said that innate skills and mental methods are difficult at the beginning, and mistakes are very dangerous. If you are in doubt when practicing, don’t force it. If you have the opportunity to see Jiuyang If you are a real person, you can ask him face-to-face; if you respect a teacher and study heaven and man, you can also point out the maze. Luo has short-sightedness, so he dare not make false assumptions and mislead his disciples."

Gu Qingzhi said: "Second Uncle Luo, Monk Jiansheng taught the essentials of congenital skills by Master Meng Xibi back then, you go and arrest that thief and force him to tell the joints he practiced, wouldn't it be enough?" Luo Yingting laughed and said: "Even if Monk Jiansheng is willing to speak, do you dare to practice according to his words?" Gu Qingzhi stuck out her tongue and said, "Of course not." Luo Yingting nodded, and said again: "If my nephew is fine right now, why don't you come here Stay in Kaifeng for ten months. You are Gu Lao Shishu's apprentice, Luo dare not say to teach you martial arts, just count as my two families researching and pondering, it should complement each other."

Jing Lanzhou hesitated for a moment, and said: "Second Uncle Luo's family has a long history, and my nephew has learned a lot from Brother Luo every day. If he is taught by the Uncle Luo, he will benefit infinitely. Miss Xian's life and death are unknown, my nephew did not dare to obey God's orders, wait for the younger generation to find out the location of Palace Master Xian, and then go to the seat of my uncle to pay homage to him."

Luo Yingting nodded and said: "Well, there is love and righteousness, he is worthy of being a heroic boy. Although it is difficult to find the news of Palace Master Xian, it is not difficult to lead Mu Chuan. Since Senior Brother Wen has disappeared in Meishan, Mu Chuanding is also eager to know his news Life and death; the three of you are familiar with what Brother Wen looks like now, let Yan'er make a human skin mask of Brother Wen for you, and use Brother Wen's name to do a few things in the world to promote good and punish evil. Zuo Jin heard the news, so why not come to find out? This way, we can follow the clues and track down the whereabouts of Palace Master Xian."

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