Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 312 Xuan Weizhi

Seeing that the whip was coming very fast, Yue Su's left hand reached out like lightning, and stretched out his middle and middle fingers to gently clamp the tip of the whip, the technique was quite exquisite.Seeing this, Yun Yan's expression changed, and he asked loudly, "Who did you learn from, 'Xuan Wei Zhi'?" Yue Su was startled by him, and asked back, "What 'Xuan Wei Zhi'?" Yun Yan snapped Said: "Who is the respected master? Is he also from the Wudang sect?" Yue Su was puzzled and said: "The stinky Taoist priests don't understand! There are so many masters, go to Beijing and ask them one by one!"

Yun Yan frowned, thought for a moment, shook her head and said: "No, there are no Wudang masters among the bodyguards in the palace, even if one or two people know some kung fu of this school, they will definitely not be able to learn Xuan Weizhi. Little girl will not say anything today Understood, don't even think about leaving!"

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Yue Su was annoyed and funny, and said: "Okay, I haven't made any arrests yet, so you old man wants to keep me?" Yun Yan said: "Wudang swordsmanship is spread all over the world, and you are not a disciple of your school, but you can master the swordsmanship of our school. It's not surprising that there are so many places in the martial arts world; it's just that this "Xuanweizhi" is a special skill developed by the founder of the Wudang school, Sanfeng Zhenren, in his later years. Even the disciples of this school are not very talented. I don't know where the girl learned it from? Although martial arts all over the world come to the same goal, it is inappropriate to place too much emphasis on the defense of the family, but the advanced martial arts of each school are all the painstaking efforts of the ancestors of the past generations. , if I wrongly blame the girl, the old man should apologize."

Yue Su nodded and said: "These few words finally look like a martial arts senior. This girl did not secretly learn Wudang Kung Fu, but you want me to tell the name of the person who taught it, but I absolutely cannot." Yun Yan said: " If the girl insists on refusing to tell, that's fine too. This faction can count the number of people Xuan Weizhi can count on one hand, and the girl just needs to follow me to Wudang Mountain and ask them face to face."

Yue Su sneered and said, "My girl is on official business, how can she be so leisurely? I think you can ignore the matter of the beggar gang stealing official money for the sake of your old Taoist leader; if you want to call me for such a trivial matter." Going to Wudang Mountain, the little girl will be hard to follow." Yun Yan said: "Whether the matter is big or small, you have to explain it clearly." She stretched out her hand to grab the other person's shoulder.Seeing that he couldn't dodge, Yue Su suddenly shouted in desperation: "Jing Lanzhou! Why don't you come out and help me?"

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard the words, and walked out from behind the tree and said, "Miss Yue, how do you know I'm here?" Yue Su said, "I just passed by the gate of the ancestral hall and recognized your young mule. You saw this girl being accepted by others. Bullying, how long are you going to hide in silence?"

Yunyan was startled and said: "Jing Shaoxia, why are you here?" Jing Lanzhou stepped forward and bowed to salute: "Know Chang Xian'an. The younger generation happened to pass by here, and came here to pay homage to the Holy Temple of Marquis Wu. It’s a great surprise to meet seniors here.”

Lang Haitong frowned, and said: "Jing Lanzhou, it's you again! It's nothing more than flirting with people from Wuwei Palace, even the goddaughter of this old dog has friendship with you? What did you do? Such dissoluteness is really against the righteous way!" Jing Lanzhou sighed: "Miss Yue is a bold and righteous person, although her status is a bit special, I hope Master Lang will not be prejudiced for this reason."

Yun Yan said in a deep voice: "I know that the young man has a magnanimous heart, and a man should not have preconceived ideas when he behaves in the world. It's just that this woman is vicious and good at hurting people's lives. She is definitely not a kind person. You have also seen it with your own eyes. Besides, I don't know where she learned the secret martial arts of this sect, this matter is of great importance, the poor Taoist will take her back to Wudang Mountain and question her carefully in front of the master's junior brother, what's wrong with this?"

Jing Lanzhou hesitated slightly, and said: "Senior said it is true, but Miss Yue met us by accident in Jiangxi earlier, when the juniors were struggling to seek medical treatment for Luo Daxia's injured granddaughter, Miss Yue was able to She is eager to help others when they are in trouble, and she is extremely enthusiastic and righteous. This can be testified by the daughter of Hall Master Gu and the eldest grandson of Luo Daxia; It's just that the attack was a little too heavy, and I hope the Taoist priest will not make things difficult for her for the sake of Luo Daxia and his family teacher."

Yun Yan thought to himself: "Is there such a thing? You have brought Mr. Si Guo and He Shuo He Shuo out this time. It is not appropriate to force people too much." He knew that Jing Lanzhou was very close to Gu Tieshan and Lei Choutian. The Wudang sect had just received the benefits of the Thunder Martial Hall, and they didn't want to be too entangled in the affairs of the Beggars' Clan, so they immediately applied Wudang's unique wound medicine to the injured Beggars' Clan disciple, and said: "Master Lang Duo, this fellow of your gang The brother's injury is not serious. My gold-chuang medicine can only stop the bleeding for a while. It is important to ask the lord to find a doctor to heal his injury. Pindao wants to take this woman back to Wudang Mountain for questioning. As for the current murder case, I will discuss it later At that time, the Wudang faction will give an explanation to the beggar gang."

Although Lang Haitong has a rough temper, after all, he is an old Jianghu for decades. He knows that Yunyan is hindered by the affection of Gu Luo and his family. At this time, he may not be willing to forcefully stand up for the beggar gang. On the body, he said with hatred: "surnamed Jing, it turns out that you not only collude with evil spirits, but also collude with the imperial court's hawks and dogs. My gang has been waiting for you in Dengzhou for the past two days, so Lang will go ahead and see what you have to say then! "At that moment, I thanked Yunyan for saving me, and helped my injured companion to leave.

Yun Yan pondered for a while, and said: "Jing Shaoxia, the veteran of the beggar gang has already sent you away, but this girl will make 'Xuan Weizhi', no matter what, I have to make it clear. You are old, and the poor Taoist doesn’t deliberately make things difficult. My two juniors are not far away now. As long as the girl explains this matter clearly before the head of the sect, even if you really learned it secretly, it’s nothing Heinous crime, can Wudang sect still want to kill a little girl of yours?" Yue Su sneered: "I don't want my life, but I have to abolish my martial arts, right?" Yun Yan said slowly: "Stealing other schools of kung fu was originally a life-and-death taboo in the arena. It would be extraordinarily merciful to just abolish your martial arts."

Yue Su's pretty face was flushed with anger, and she said angrily: "This girl is neither from the Jianghu, nor has she ever joined any sect. I can learn Kung Fu from whoever I like. Don't use these Jianghu rules to oppress me! Wudang Is Pai Bian so great? If the head of your sect has something to ask, you can just let him come to me, but I don’t have the time to spare if you want my girl to go there!”

Although Yunyan has an irritable temper, after all, she has decades of Taoist cultivation. She knew Miying's evil deeds in the Thunderbolt Hall before, so she couldn't hold back her temper. Now, facing a young girl like Yue Su, she is not angry at all. , just smiled and said: "I'm afraid this matter can't be up to the girl. Jing Shaoxia, Pindao wants to invite Miss Yue to come and say a few words in front of my sect head junior brother. Isn't this offending Master Luo and Daxia Luo?"

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