Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 313 Mentor

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself that this matter was originally taken up by the Wudang faction, and Yunyan, as a senior martial artist, gave himself enough face in words, so he couldn't stop him, so he said: "Miss Yue, you have been learning martial arts from the guards of the capital since childhood, and you practiced martial arts unintentionally. It is not surprising that you have mastered the martial arts of the Wudang School. As long as the girl explains clearly to the head of the Yellow Crane, all the priests are seniors and will not come to embarrass you." Yue Su shook his head and said: "If I say something casually It is said that this kung fu was learned from Zhang San and Li Si. How can the Wudang sect verify it? I really have a problem in my heart. It is not convenient to reveal the person who taught it, nor do I want to deceive each other. You don’t have to force me. The little girl’s martial arts is not as good as the two, Daoist How you want to deal with it is up to you.”

Hearing her words proudly, Yunyan admired her and said with a smile, "What a glib girl, according to what you say, my old Taoist is bullying the younger. If you really don't let go, poor girl What else can Dao do to you? Well, if I just bring you in front of the sect master, it will be considered as fulfilling my duty; as for whether Junior Brother Huang He can pry your mouth open, it all depends on his ability." Yan Bi stretched his finger. Quickly tap Yunmen acupoint on Yue Su's left shoulder.

Suddenly hearing a gust of wind, a person jumped out from the forest, his movements were extremely fast, and he landed gently in front of Yue Su.But seeing that he was personable, it was indeed Zhu Chief. At this moment, he was not wearing a mask, and his face was a little pale in sorrow.Jing Lanzhou was surprised in his heart: "Why is it him again? This person is everywhere, could it be that he has been following me in secret?" Then he thought: "Zhu Chief once falsely claimed that Taoist Yunyan was his enlightenment teacher, and now he confronts him face to face. How can a lie be fulfilled? It's worth not mentioning this, so as not to embarrass everyone."

Unexpectedly, Zhu Chief suddenly bowed down to Yunyan, kowtowed three times respectfully and said: "Disciple pays respects to Master, your old man has always been in good health?" That's all for one day. The apprentice has been away for a few years, why is his face so dusty? I don't know what to worry about recently? Get up and talk." Zhu Yi thanked him and got up and said: "I am trapped in the secular world, busy with worldly affairs all day long, and neglect to teach my teacher In front of the seat, Sizhi is ashamed."

Yunyan laughed, and said, "What's so good in the world? I'm just a teacher to see your skills, and your kung fu has improved a lot." Zhu Yi said: "A disciple is only an inch long, and it all depends on the roots planted by the master. There is no moment Dare to forget." Yunyan shook her head and said: "A ten-horse horse, hard work, hard work, there are many people who are gifted and talented, but there are few people who are dedicated and good scholars. The disciples have today's cultivation, but it is not the merit of being a teacher." Zhu Yi said: "What did the master say? If it hadn't been for your old man's careful cultivation, how could the disciple become a weapon?"

Jing Lanzhou couldn't help being surprised when he saw this, and said to himself: "Daoist Yunyan clearly said that he didn't recognize Zhu Chief, so how could he meet with his master and apprentice at this moment? I heard the meaning in the long words, obviously to Zhu Chief In order to appreciate and regard him as a proud student, he differs from what he said in Wuchang earlier. Taoist Yunyan is a senior in Wulin, so why is his statement untrue?" Although he was very puzzled, he did not open his mouth to question him face to face. .

Zhu Yi glanced at Jing Lanzhou, saw that he was suspicious, clasped his fists and smiled at him, and said, "I think I have a close relationship with Brother Jing, and we have to meet here by chance, so don't worry too much, brother." Jing Lanzhou Replied: "It's really a coincidence." Yun Yan said strangely: "So you two are also acquaintances. Although the world is big, the fate is in a square inch, it is really wonderful!"

Zhu Yiwei hesitated, and bowed to Yunyan to plead guilty: "Master, Miss Yue's 'Xuanwei Finger' was taught by her disciples, and without prior permission from her teacher, she made an arbitrarily advocacy to teach others the unique knowledge of this sect. Disciple knows that he acted recklessly, broke the rules of the world, and violated the usual teachings of the master, so please punish him." Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard this, and said to himself: "It turns out that Miss Yue knew that Zhu Chief was a master of martial arts, no wonder her face There is no trace of surprise. Daoist Yunyan even passed on Wudang skills such as 'Xuan Weizhi' to Zhu Chief, which is evident from his favor."

Yun Yan was silent for a while, then sighed and said: "Just now I saw this girl perform the 'Xuan Wei Zhi' kung fu, and I guessed in my heart that you probably learned it. You are the elders of the Wudang sect masters. How can you teach them to outsiders because you seldom go out to observe the sect? Forget it, back then, the poor Taoist violated the sect rules and taught you this kung fu. It’s also me who reaps the consequences, and I can’t blame others.”

Zhu Yi knelt down on his knees with a snap, bowed his head and said: "Thousands of mistakes, all of which are the fault of the disciple alone, please master please spare Miss Yue, and don't abolish her martial arts. All the blame for this is the disciple's responsibility." I hope one person will bear it." Ever since Zhu Yi appeared, Yue Su's face has been cold and expressionless, and he has never looked at him; now that he heard this, he couldn't help the tears in his eyes, and deliberately turned his head to the other side .

Jing Lanzhou was surprised when he saw this situation: "Zhu Chief left with Miss Yue in Nanchang that day, and ran into him again at Gexian Peak the next day, but never saw Miss Yue again. He said that he He failed to sneak into the palace with his companions before, but now it seems that these words must be untrue. Look at Miss Yue's expression, does she actually have a secret affection for Chief Zhu?"

Yun Yan sighed and said: "The upper beam is not upright and the lower beam is crooked. In the final analysis, this matter is a failure of the poor. What old face do I have to enforce the school's rules? Even if we really want to abolish martial arts, we should first abolish both our master and apprentice." The chief bowed his head and said: "I have never repaid my master's love for my disciples. If your old man wants to say that, the apprentice has no choice but to thank him with death." It's too early to say at this moment. Miss Yue, from now on, you must not easily reveal this kung fu in front of Wudang disciples, if my sect master sees it, things will be very bad." After saying that, she put away her sword, turned around and left.

Zhu Yi hurriedly got up and asked, "Where is Master going?" Yun Yan didn't look back, and said, "Where you come from, why do you need to ask more questions? The apprentice went straight up, and I am very comforted by the teacher. It's just you and me." It's not advisable to see more, sages like to do it for themselves." He didn't say goodbye to Jing Lanzhou, but in the blink of an eye, he had already strode out of the forest.

Zhu Yi stood upright for a long time, and said slowly: "Miss Yue, my master is very skilled in martial arts, you...are you not injured?" Life, what has it to do with you?" Zhu Yi sighed: "If the girl actually bears the injury because of Zhu's imparting skills, how can I be at ease?" Yue Su said lightly: "No rules, no rules, respect the teacher to follow. There is nothing wrong with doing things in chapters."

Zhu Yiwei pondered for a while, and said: "Okay, I know you are angry with me at the moment, and you can't listen to me. It's just that you killed the disciples of the beggars' gang and formed such a big relationship with them. Now the leaders of the beggars' gang It's not far from here, not to mention that the leader of the gang, Runnan, is world-class in martial arts, you only need to meet a few elders in the gang, and you are no match. Miss Yue, listen to me, you'd better avoid it quickly."

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