Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 311

Yue Su was slightly startled, he tapped his toes, and was about to back away, when suddenly he heard the sound of the wind behind him, the two four-pocket disciples attacked with bamboo sticks in both hands, it turned out that Lang Haitong had already thrown the sticks at them After winking, the two understood, and then stopped Yue Su from retreating.Lang Haitong dashed forward and punched Yue Su's lower abdomen, this time the latter was surrounded by enemies, not only had to deal with the front and back attack of the three beggars, but also an iron rod was knocked down from the top of his head like a mountain.

Jing Lanzhou had seen the two Beggar Clan disciples circling behind Yue Su to launch a surprise attack earlier, so he knew that the latter was in a bad situation. Now seeing Lang Haitong's punch was fast and hard, and it matched the copper stick thrown just right. It has been practiced for a long time, and he said in his heart: "Master Lang's Wulang Bagua stick is indeed very accomplished, but if there is no other companions joining forces to attack, Miss Yue would not be afraid of this move of 'meteor chasing the moon'. The two of them were fighting alone. This move is unfair." Just as he was about to help Yue Su out of the siege, he suddenly saw the latter raise his left hand, and the two four-bag disciples screamed in pain, turned over and fell down.In her hand, the long whip was still wrapped around the copper stick, with a flick of her wrist, the cooked copper stick turned around in mid-air, and hit Lang Haitong on the shoulder who was rushing forward.

Originally, Lang Haitong used his special skill suddenly, he succeeded with a single attack, he was secretly happy, but unexpectedly, the situation changed suddenly, the blow from the copper stick came at a very close distance, he was unable to prepare for it.At last, this weapon has been practiced in my hands for decades. When I was in a crisis, I raised my hand and pressed it, and most of the force was lost. The end of the stick still hit my left shoulder with a "snap". I can't move anymore.

Lang Haitong let out a muffled groan, and stepped back a few steps, and the cooked copper rod also fell to the ground with a clang.He looked up at the two four-pocket disciples, one of them was hit by a sleeve arrow in the throat, and he died of breath; the other had a slightly higher kungfu skill and avoided the vital point of the throat, but the arrow was deep in his chest, and he couldn't afford to be seriously injured.Surprised and angry, Lang Haitong shouted: "Good work! Lang's skills are inferior to others, you just kill me!"

Yue Su said coldly: "Why should I kill you? If these two people hadn't made a sneak attack from behind, they would not have lost their lives. Then you follow me to see the official!" Lang Haitong sneered: "What official? Are we begging Huazi to beg for food, are we also breaking the law?" Yue Su snorted and said, "You don't have to pretend to be confused with me. At the beginning of the year, a batch of official money was lost in Henan, and the adoptive father thought it was a case committed by Wuwei's demons. Recently, I followed the vine and found out that it was actually the work of the beggar gang. You group of beggars usually boast about being chivalrous and righteous, but in private, you are also the generation of thieves and dogs."

Lang Haitong was stunned when he heard the words, and then realized: "You mean the money that Henan Jiesi gave to Wang Zhen's old dog. Yes, this is done by our gang of beggars. This kind of greedy money, the gang took another Doing good deeds is called chivalry, what do you know?" Yue Su raised his eyebrows and shouted, "What do you say I am?" Lang Haitong sneered, "Did I not scold loud enough? If I repeat it again, I will only dirty my mouth." Jing Lanzhou said in his heart, "Although Rudder Master Lang acted recklessly, he is an unyielding hero."

Yue Su's face turned dark, and he said: "I didn't intend to kill people, why do you want to die!" He swung his whip and knocked Lang Haitong down on the head.Jing Lanzhou secretly said: "Not good!" Just as he was about to save someone, he suddenly saw the figure on the opposite side flicker, and a sword light slashed across, cutting off a small golden ball on the tip of Yue Su's whip.Yue Su said angrily: "Who is so bold!" The long whip swung horizontally and hit the man's chest violently.The man sneered, stretched out his left hand lightly, and grabbed the fast-moving long whip, seeming to pull it casually, Yue Su felt an internal force coming from the whip, unable to hold the handle of the whip, he was shocked backwards A few feet away, I used all my strength to stand on my feet.

Jing Lanzhou took a closer look, and saw that the person who came was a bony old Taoist in black robes. Although his beard and hair were white, his face was full of vigor. He was Taoist Yunyan of Wudang Mountain.He felt relieved when he saw this, and said to himself: "Since the Taoist chief is here, Master Lang Duo is sure to be safe. Senior Yunyan is a master of martial arts, so he will not care too much about young lady Yue, this young junior, and also to save me Put your hand in."

Yun Yan glanced at the disciple of the Beggar Clan who was dead on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "What a hot girl! Who are you?" Lang Haitong rushed to say: "Master Yun Yan, this woman is the traitor Wang Zhen She is the righteous daughter of her daughter, who is called 'Linghua Fairy' by people in the Jianghu." Jing Lanzhou said in her heart, "Master Lang Duo has been in Huguang for a long time, so he naturally knows the Taoist priest. Miss Yue still has such a nickname? What is the name like? Beautiful, but quite befitting of herself."

Yun Yan snorted, and said: "So you are Wang Zhen's goddaughter, no wonder you are so arrogant, but you are not allowed to act wild here. Wuhou Temple enshrines the loyal souls of famous ministers through the ages, and you are like a rat who has brought disaster to the country. Here, you still don't feel ashamed, dare to hurt someone?"

Yue Su just had a fight with this old man, knowing that the other party's martial arts are far superior to his own, and there is no chance of winning if he fights head-on, he said coldly: "I was ordered by the imperial court to thoroughly investigate the case of the theft of official money. , But you’re going to kill yourself, you’re no different from anyone else!” Yun Yan shook her head and said, “What kind of official is a woman like you? You said you were ordered to arrest someone, but you have a visit card on you?” Yue Su sneered and said: "I was ordered by my adoptive father to hunt down thieves and recover stolen goods. All the prefectures, prefectures, and counties must obey the deployment. What license documents do you want? Where did you come from, a savage Taoist, how dare you be so arrogant?"

Lang Haitong shouted: "This senior Yunyan of Wudang Mountain is still the senior brother of the head of the Yellow Crane. You are a young girl who is not dead, you are wise and go!" Yue Su said with a smile: "So it's from the Wudang School. Taoist, no wonder Kung Fu is so powerful. Wudang Mountain has always been sealed by the imperial court. If you can't get along with this girl, aren't you afraid of catastrophe in the future?" Yunyan stroked his beard and said: "People in the Jianghu take care of their own affairs, and other trivial matters , don’t worry about the poor?”

Yue Sudao: "Forget it, you're an idiot who relies on the old to sell the old, relying on your own martial arts to protect these court criminals, you will always regret it in the future. Give me back the whip!" Yun Yan laughed: "There are thousands of disciples from the Beggars' Clan. Wan Wan, are they all criminals of the imperial court? I’m afraid there won’t be enough room for these many people in the cell. Be careful and continue!” With a raised left arm, he returned the long whip that he had seized.

Yue Su stretched out his hand to catch the handle of the whip, the head of the whip suddenly turned around like a long eye and swept towards her face, it turned out that Yun Yan seemed to throw it at will, but in fact it was using a hidden trick, the remaining power on the whip was not exhausted, and he was still able to follow and chase a whip.Seeing that the other party was only a young woman, Yun Yan didn't really want to hurt anyone with this move, she just wanted to scare Wang Zhen's followers, and talk about it as a small punishment and a big warning.

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