Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 255

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Su Fenglou shook his head and said: "This kid surnamed Shen is not an ordinary character. I will know in the future. I think this person has been prepared for the relocation of his family. I think it will be difficult to find him in a while. I will go back to the Abode first." Discuss." You Tianwu said: "Don't worry, benefactor, since you know Xiangguan's name, are you still afraid that this kid will escape to heaven? If I catch him, cut him up carefully!" Su Fenglou sighed, and turned around with You Tianwu Go to the garden.

Xian Qing asked several people to come towards his hiding place, and was about to find another place to hide, when he suddenly saw Guan Dong and two people following behind Su Fenglou, they looked at each other, their figures flickered, and each left and right palmed out with all their strength. To Su Fenglou's back, the palm wind was strong and violent, blowing the surrounding flames up and down.All of a sudden, there was an elbow and armpits, a thunderstorm on the ground, it was no less than Jiansheng's sneak attack on Luo Jiayan that day, and Guan Dong's martial arts were far superior to Jiansheng's, the speed of their strikes and the strength of their palms were not comparable to the latter, Xian Qingrang wanted to speak out The warning has also completely fallen short.Su Fenglou only felt that his back was windy, no matter how good his martial arts were, this time he was caught off guard, and he was about to be plotted against, a green shadow flashed in the flames, but You Tianwu rushed forward with all his strength, only to hear two bangs and bangs There was a loud noise, and he used flesh and blood to block Su Fenglou's two palms. There were several clicks, and several ribs on the back of the "Viper Anaconda God" were broken, and his short body "slapped" heavily. fell to the ground.

In the midst of this flash of lightning, Su Fenglou rushed forward suddenly, and when he landed, he turned around and faced the two of them, with a face as white as snow, and said coldly: "Okay, Dong Xieshizhai The village master and Bin Junshi are indeed well-deserved!" Seeing that the blow was missed, Guan Dong and the others stopped chasing, stopped and stood where they were, laughing sneeringly.

Su Fenglou saw blood spurting wildly from the mouth of "Viper Anaconda God", so he hurriedly took out a pill from his bosom and stuffed it into his mouth. belly.He stretched out his fingers and pointed at several acupuncture points on You Tianwu's chest, slightly stopped his vomiting of blood, stood up and sneered a few times, and said, "Mr. Dong, I know that you are not really hiding in Yixing. Back then, the Palace Master Tang invited you out Shan, you want to take the position of vice-leader just like you did in the Shanzhai before. You can take the second position in Xiishi Village because you are good at leading troops to fight. It is true that talents are rare in the Qingzhou Rebel Army, but in Wuwei Palace. It is useless to wait for the Jianghu gang; Tang Palace Master does not want to set up the position of deputy leader, but only invites you to be the elder protector. You know that your martial arts cannot suppress the rest of the people, so you shirk and refuse with excuses. Now the "Three Friends of Suihan" are making trouble , it is a good time for the staff to wait for many years to get a high position in the middle and high schools, do you also completely ignore the old friendship with the Tang leader for a copy of "The Last Chapter of the Medicine Cauldron?"

Dong Yangao said with a smile: "As long as we get the Posthumous Articles, Junshi Bin and I can get rid of the three friends and help the palace master regain the position of leader. This is considered a great compliment to the leader of Tang. How can it be said that Dong is disregarding his old friendship?" Su Fenglou sneered and said: "If the posthumous article falls into your hands, the two of you will be the principal and deputy leaders of Wuwei Palace, but who will be the official leader and who will be the deputy leader of the two of you will inevitably hurt you a lot Brain." Dong Yangao smiled and said, "I don't need to worry about this matter. Brother Su, who are you, how can you know such details about the village and the church? Brother Bin and I got together to think about it. For a long time, I don't have a clue."

Su Fenglou sighed: "The two of you had a long talk at Yuanwai's home last night. It turned out that you were discussing how to kill Su and snatch the last chapter. No wonder you Shenjun and I went to the city to take revenge, but the old monk Shuangye said that even you The man also had a murderous look on his face, and he really had good eyesight, only because Su was careless for a while and didn't think of this. It's a pity that you plotted against Su, so what will happen now?" Dong Yangao said with a sneer: "We originally wanted to send my brother straight to the west. It's the same if you kill You Aozi first. Although your martial arts are high, you are not an enemy with the joint efforts of a military adviser and Dong." He said and took a step forward.

Su Fenglou said indifferently: "That's right. With the martial arts of the two of you, joining forces is indeed better than Su. It's a pity that the two of you have calculated thousands of times, but I didn't expect that the old man saved the life of the 'Viper Boa God'." Dong Yangao sneered and said: "So what? The surname You, thanks to you, has lived for more than ten years, why don't you go to see Lao Tzu, the king of hell?" Su Fenglou shook his head and said: "Back then I cut off my arms with all my might. You saved You Tianwu's life, and taught him martial arts carefully, do you two really think that Lord Youshen never repayed Su Mou?" He slowly raised his hands, only to see that the palms of his hands had turned into black under the firelight. The pale blue color seemed indescribably strange.

The faces of the two of them changed drastically when they saw this, Guan Motong said: " have learned You Tianwu's Jade Phosphorus Palm?" You are unparalleled in the world, you might as well come down and teach me two moves." Guan and Dong looked at each other and thought: "If You Tianwu uses this green phosphorus palm, it can handle it well, who would have thought that someone surnamed Su would know this evil martial art It is not difficult for the two of us to join forces to defeat each other, but it is difficult to avoid getting poisoned palms on the body; even if we can kill Su, it is difficult for us to survive, which is very embarrassing."

Yesterday, Guan Motong and Dong Yanggao had a secret talk at Dong Manor's long night, and they tried their best to persuade the latter to join forces with him to deal with Su Fenglou, who had the highest martial arts among the group. He only needs to get rid of this person first. After all, you are young and inexperienced, so you can slowly design and break it.The two agreed that once the plan was successful, they would share the "Medicine Cauldron Legacy" in Lin Yuetai's hands together, but in fact they each had their own agendas, and they were secretly planning how to monopolize the secret book when the time came.Just now when they saw that Su Fenglou was determined to seek revenge on Shen Quan, the two immediately understood and proposed to accompany him together, hoping to wait for an opportunity to end the other party's life in the city of Nanjing, and afterward they could put all their brains on Shen Quan; The conspiracy was revealed, and they were not too panicky, thinking that their own side would not be afraid of two against one, but who would have thought that the other party would actually practice You Tianwu's Bi Phosphorus poisonous palm, the two of them couldn't help but feel very afraid.

Su Fenglou saw the expressions of fear on the faces of the two of them, and said with a sneer, "It's better to strike first, since the two of you are unwilling to take advantage of this, Su has offended you!" Hearing a crackling sound, sparks and sawdust splashed everywhere, and several fist-sized fireballs flew towards the opposite side with the wind of the palm.Guan and Dong saw that the fireball was as green as a will-o'-the-wisp in a tomb, it was obviously contaminated with the poison in his palm, how dare they take it hard?Dong Yangao clapped his palms continuously, the backs of the palms were still facing outwards, and crackling sounded wherever the force of the palms hit, and scattered the flying fireballs three to five feet away, leaving only a few wisps of green smoke in the air, which could still be faintly smelled A fishy smell.

A trace of panic flashed across the faces of Guan Dong and Dong Yangao, and Dong Yanggao said with a chuckle: "Brother Bin, this poisonous palm kung fu is really evil. This time, the two of us are probably on the wrong side of chess." Guan Motong sighed: "Success is up to God , That is also helpless. Master Su is a master of martial arts, we will meet each other in the mountains and rivers, and the future will be long, let’s say goodbye for now!" The figure flickered, and the "Nine Steps of Lingxu" was performed under his feet, and he had turned over from the roof.Dong Yangao laughed, put his feet slightly on the ground, followed Guan Motong and jumped out of the courtyard wall, his movement was extremely fast, and his lightness kung fu was not much less.

Su Fenglou didn't chase after seeing this, and was about to lean over to check You Tianwu's injury, when he heard a soft voice behind him, "Master?" He couldn't help being shocked, and when he looked back, he saw Xian Qingrang standing under the moon gate of the garden, shining brightly. The teardrops in his eyes kept rolling around his eyes, and he looked like he was about to cry.The two looked at each other for a long time, Su Fenglou sighed softly, and said, "Qing'er, why are you here?"

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