Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 254 Arson

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Zen Master Shuangye saw Su Fenglou's haggard appearance and blood-stained clothes at a glance, and said in surprise: "Why is this layman?" Su Fenglou said with a miserable smile: "I disturbed each other late at night, the abbot is not to blame. Due to Su's carelessness, the Huo Court became a mess. My Luoxing Tower is already on fire because of a traitor." Chan Master Shuangye was startled for a moment, then clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha! There is no self and no one, so why worry about all living beings? Wu Tanyue gave up his skin, After rebirth in bliss, why do laymen suffer so much? When the heart is set, it will become a pattern; .”

Su Fenglou shook his head and said: "Su's heart is in a mess today, and it is difficult to study Buddhism together with the great monk. These are friends from the rivers and lakes below, and they want to spend the night in the Zen forest. Can the master make it easier? The four of us are separated from each other. I have something important to do, so I won’t bother you.” Chan Master Shuangye glanced slowly over You Tianwu and Guan Dong, and sighed, “Amitabha, the four benefactors all have murderous looks on their faces. Good." Su Fenglou said: "The Great Monk really has a unique vision, Su will inevitably kill tonight."

Zen Master Shuangye pondered for a while, and said: "Su Tanyue, the poor monk has known you for more than ten years, and I really can't bear to see the layman go astray without knowing it. Tanyue has been plagued by demons for many years, and it is important to save yourself and self-denial when you are alive. , Don’t forget to take prudence as the key and tolerance as the key, why did you lose your mind so much today that all your previous achievements have been wiped out? You must know that doing good or evil is only a moment of thought, please think it over.” You Tianwu said impatiently: “There is a grudge. If you don’t report that you are not a gentleman, why do you just talk about it? Benedict, let’s settle the score with the boy surnamed Shen!” Su Fenglou nodded, Zen Master Chaoshuangye saluted, and walked together with Tianwu and Guan Dong. Headed towards Nanjing.

Zen Master Shuangye watched the four people go away, stood there for a long time, shook his head and sighed softly, and said to Luo Yushu and others: "We do not accept female guests in the inner courtyard of our temple, and the mountain house at the south end is also the property of our temple, so we wronged several benefactors to come here. I will rest for one night." Several people thanked the abbot, and the little novice led them to the guest room to rest.Xian Qingrang asked Jing Lanzhou, "Mr. Su went to seek revenge on Shen Quan, why don't we go and have a look?"

In fact, Jing Lanzhou didn't want to go to Shen Quan to settle the old debt, but he saw Luo Yushu's refusal just now, knowing that the latter didn't want Lin Yuetai to be involved, if he and Xian Qingrang went with Su Fenglou, only Gu Luo would be left Being by Lin Yuetai's side was really too risky, so he said: "Miss Xian, with the martial arts of Senior Su and the four of them, even big things can be handled, we don't need to go to make trouble."

Xian Qing resigned: "That being said, I'm still a little worried. Shen Quan is cunning and treacherous. If Mr. Wu from Luoxing Tower is really killed by him, I'm afraid that the other party has already set a trap and is waiting for us to take the bait. "Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said: "Shen Quan is certainly treacherous, but which one of Mr. Su and the others is a fuel-efficient lamp? Regardless of martial arts or resourcefulness, they will never lose to the other party."

Xian Qingrang bowed his head in thought for a moment, and said, "No, I have to go to them. Right now, Elder Guan is not around, so I'm a little worried. Is the Qianxin Zhai you mentioned in Lufei Lane?" Jing Lanzhou nodded and said, "That's right. Miss Xian, you... are you really going?" Xian Qingrang smiled and said, "With the three of you guarding Dr. Lin, there will be no trouble here, and I will come as soon as I go." After saying this, he left the temple in a hurry.

Seeing Jing Lanzhou's concerned expression, Luo Yushu said, "Brother Jing, why don't you go and have a look together. Master Xian is right, and just now Guan Mo Tong made an excuse to leave. I'm afraid there are ghosts here." Jing Lan Zhou said: "Brother Luo, I'm worried that this is Shen Quan's trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain. The other party deliberately urged us to go to the city to seek revenge from him, but secretly plotted against Senior Lin."

Luo Yushu said: "Shen Quan has not recovered from his serious injuries, even if his subordinates kill us, we will still be able to withstand the enemy. Right now, Mr. Su is in a trance, I do feel a little uneasy, you and Miss Xian go to see the situation together Good." Jing Lanzhou was indecisive when he heard the words, but for some reason, there was a faint sense of ominousness in his heart.


Qixia Temple is still [-] to [-] miles away from Nanjing City, Xian Qing let the temple go, walked all the way along the foot of Zijin Mountain, and in the middle of the night, he arrived outside the Taiping Gate by the Xuanwu Lake in the north of the city.That Xuanwu Lake is where the imperial court's yellow books are located. All the people's household registrations, Dingkou, field houses, vehicles, boats, and livestock are all recorded on the record. It is built every ten years for the imperial court to check and approve money, grain, tax and labor in various places. Idlers and others are not allowed to approach without reason.

Xian Qingrang hid in the dark, seeing soldiers still patrolling the lake in the middle of the night, he thought to himself, "I wonder if Mr. Su and the others have entered the city?" Going a little east to a deserted place, he climbed up the city wall with a slight breath.Her lightness kung fu is already very good, and the gecko swimming dragon kung fu has already achieved six or seven successes. Although the city wall of Nanjing is several feet high, she climbed it without much effort.There is a low hill just inside the city wall, which was originally the western extension of Zijin Mountain.

She went down the mountain and walked along Taiping Street to touch the small teaching ground, avoiding the watchmen and soldiers who were watching the night all the way, crossed the Taiping Bridge in the south, and turned west through Erlang Temple and Yanling Lane. Huowa Lane, which is separated by alleys, suddenly heard the sound of gongs, drums and banglings from the west, and some people kept shouting for firefighting.Seeing the red flames in Lufei Lane, Xian Qing thought to himself, "Mr. Su and the others started attacking so quickly?" He sneaked over from the back alley, and saw many nearby people, together with Huoding officers and soldiers, gathered in a house on fire. Outdoors of the pawn shop, each with buckets, rattan buckets and fire hooks in their hands, tried their best to put out the fire, but the fire was too big to be extinguished for a while.

Behind the front of the pawn shop is a big house, and the inside has also been burnt to blackness.Xian Qing let his heart know that this is Shen Quan's residence, and he vaguely heard voices coming from the courtyard. He was slightly startled, and quietly turned to the back door where the fire was slightly less intense, and climbed into the courtyard wall, only to see flames spreading all around. , bursts of heat waves are coming, and the chest is very uncomfortable.

Xian Qingrang walked around from the garden on the east side to the middle courtyard of the house, hid behind the wall and poked his head to catch a glimpse of Su Fenglou and the other four standing together in the courtyard.Guan Mo Tong sighed: "This time, the landlord has been thrown for nothing. This kid has already left his family, not even half of his body is seen. It's a pity for such an exquisite house." Su Fenglou snorted and said: "The monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away, so can he still hide from the old man for a lifetime?"

Dong Yangao said: "Brother Su, you don't even know if someone else did it, so why are you so determined to kill him? Brother has always acted carefully, but this is not like what you usually do." Su Fenglou sneered and said: "Even if it's not for my old servant, this kid has offended Su a lot, I wanted to settle the score with him." Dong Yangao sighed: "With your brother's martial arts, it's strange that someone dares to provoke you. "

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