Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 256 Master and Disciple

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Xian Qing couldn't help the tears welling up in her eyes, and said in a trembling voice, " are really my master?" She had seen her master use the "biphosphorus palm" when she fought against Luo Yushu and Jing Lanzhou in Kaifeng before, and she saw Su just now. Fenglou can actually use this skill, thinking that the two of them are very similar in body and martial arts, he couldn't help but believe that the owner of Luoxinglou in front of him is the masked mentor who taught him martial arts for many years.Su Fenglou knew that he couldn't hide it, and sighed: "Qing'er, I didn't expect you and I would recognize each other under such circumstances, you... don't you blame me as a teacher?"

Xian Qing asked: "Master, it turns out that the disciple had already seen the true face of your old man in Lushan that day in Nanchang. You...why do you keep hiding it from me? Why are you not allowed to tell people about you teaching me martial arts?" Su Fenglou was silent for a moment, and sighed: "I don't want your godmother to know about this." Xian Qingrang said tearfully, "Then why?" However, her adoptive mother has always supervised and disciplined her very strictly, and she seldom stays with her. It is hard to say how close she is. Apart from practicing martial arts, he never talked about other things, but this masked man has devoted himself to teaching his superb martial arts for many years, and he shows concern in every gesture. Xian Qing is grateful in his heart, and has long regarded this master whose name he does not even know as his foster father generally.She thought to herself: "No wonder I saw Mr. Su for the first time in Nanchang City, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of kindness in my heart. It turns out that he is my master."

Su Fenglou said: "Qing'er, there are some things that the teacher can't say to you right now, you just have to keep in mind that the master did this for your own good." Xian Qing made Wen Yan's heart ache, tears fell down , Said: "Why is it for my own good? Godmother, she left me. Master, you don't even want to tell me your name. The disciple is alone in the world and has no relatives. What good is it?" Since then, she has been designated as the Young Palace Master of Wuwei Palace. Apart from supervising her in literature and martial arts, Tang Sai'er also teaches her the strategies and tactics of the past and the present and the way to control her. Sitting firmly on the position of palace lord, Xian Qingrang has been precocious since she was a child, and she is quite scheming; but after all, she is only a girl in her early twenties. Although she usually deliberately shows herself as the palace lord, she has experienced frequent drastic changes recently. I was so wronged that I played petty sex in front of my master.

Su Fenglou smiled and said: "Xiao Nizi loses her temper, we have been master and apprentice for several years, why did you dare to speak to me like this? Is it so easy to deceive with the face of a master?" Xian Qing couldn't help laughing through tears.The friendship between her master and apprentice is very deep, but Su Fenglou had always covered his face in black before, and did not show off his anger. The Lost Star Lord laughed at Yan Yan, was kind and amiable, and knew that this person was actually a mentor, and was surprised and delighted, and somehow showed his true feelings in front of the other party, barely concealing it.

Su Fenglou said: "Okay, crying and laughing, what does it look like? Besides, I'm not the only one who misses you now, doesn't that kid Jing Lanzhou also have affection for you?" Xian Qing blushed, remembering That day in Zhenze Town, the intimate behavior of the two of them was secretly seen by him, and he spat: "You old man is laughing at me again! You always followed us all the way, but you pretended to be a ghost in Nanchang that day, and deliberately asked us to meet in Suzhou. See you." Su Fenglou shook his head and said, "That's not entirely true. It took a lot of effort for my teacher to find out Lin Yuetai's whereabouts, and only then did I accidentally learn that Zhu Yi and Shen Quan were also planning to write the posthumous chapter .”

Xian Qingrang was slightly startled, and said: "The Venerable Qinglian said that he was only here to save Shi and Pu Tue, did he really come for the "Yao Ding Yi Pian"?" Su Fenglou frowned and said: "This person's behavior is mysterious, and He is your godmother's confidant in the past, if he can't be your right-hand man in the future, he will be your great enemy. But he is very loyal, his character is not inferior, he is not on the same level as Shen Quan." Shen Quan was mentioned in the words, and his face was covered with a layer of blueness.

Xian Qing asked: "Master, You Tianwu plotted against you just now to save you from the two thieves, he... can he still live now?" Su Fenglou sighed: "You Tianwu has a golden silkworm treasure that you bought from the Miao chief in central Yunnan. The clothes are coming out of the same place as the golden silk whisk in your hand. If he doesn't have this precious clothes to protect his body, he will have to pay for a few more lives. Whether the downstream god can survive now depends on his own good fortune and Doctor Lin’s trick. The fire here is too big, let’s rescue him back to Qixia Temple first.” Immediately, he picked up the unconscious You Tianwu on his back, sneaked away from the fire scene with Xian Qingrang, and still crossed the city wall from the north of the city.Seeing that he was carrying a wounded person on his back, Xian Qingrang was still light and nimble when performing the Gecko Swimming Dragon Kung Fu, and couldn't help but ask: "Master, when will I be able to practice your kung fu?" Su Fenglou said with a smile: "Wait for you At the age of being a teacher, it's almost the same."

The two walked along the mountain road looking northeast, Xian Qingrang asked: "Master, did you plan to lead us to Yixing to find Dong Yanggao?" I heard Jing Lanzhou talk about it on the boat the day before yesterday, so I thought of finding some helpers for you. This was a temporary idea for the teacher, and now it seems that this move is probably a big mistake. Dong Yanggao's human rights are swaying his heart , mercenary, but this kind of person also has its place, as long as it can satisfy his appetite, he will be willing to do things for you. It's a pity that the teacher didn't expect this person to be greedy, but he was persuaded by Guan Motong to covet Speaking of the martial arts in "Yao Ding Yi Pian", I underestimated his ambition."

Xian Qingrang was silent for a moment, and said: "In this way, the disciple has two more powerful enemies on his way back to teaching." Su Fenglou said: "Qing'er, you don't have to worry too much. People like Guan Motong and Dong Yangao, You only know to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages all your life, follow when there is power, and go when there is no power. You and them will neither be eternal friends nor eternal enemies. Even the three friends of Suihan can't get out of this circle. The current situation is somewhat unfavorable to us, and you feel that anyone wants to step on you, and if the general situation returns to your hands later, these people will clump together again. That's right. Qing'er, you don't need to think about other things now, you just need to find out the two secrets of 'Yan Xia Dan Yue Bu' and 'Autumn Cicada Kungfu' as soon as possible, add your godmother's jade toad swordsmanship, and you will be the world from now on Invincible, no longer need to be controlled by the five elders, and there will no longer be such troubles."

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