Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 217 4 King Kong

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Over there, Sangbu and Dorjie shouted loudly, each with a sword and shield to attack.Luo Yushu used one against two, and sacrificed a set of Huashan fast sword, after more than ten moves, he couldn't see the shadow of the sword in his hand at all, but saw the silver snake dancing and the stars flying like lightning, the attack was like a violent storm.Although the sword and shield in the hands of the two monks are both offensive and defensive, they are heavy after all. Under the pressure of this fierce fast sword attack, they feel a little clumsy, so they can't help but retreat again and again.

Deyu and other four monks are all outstanding experts in Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, and they are known as the "Four King Kongs" among Tibetan monks. At this moment, they are at a disadvantage in a two-on-one match, which is a rare thing in Tibet.Among the four, except for the big brother Deyu who has always admired the Chinese style and is well known among the Central Plains' master warriors, the other three have lived in the frontier for a long time, and they were praised by Shen Quan in the past. In the first trial of Fan Niu Dao, he was so overwhelmed by a young junior that he couldn't help being furious.Wangqiu saw that the defeat of the two had already appeared, and he didn't care about bullying the few with the more, so he joined the battle group with an angry shout, and the three monks fought three against one, and gradually became a stalemate.

Luo Yushu saw that Deyu was standing on the sidelines all the time, and he knew that most of the four monks had the highest martial arts skills of him, so he secretly said: "You must defeat this senior brother before you can attack Shen Quan." Swinging the five strings" stunt, the sword light crossed a "Zhi" character, the three monks only felt a strong force coming from the opponent's sword, unable to hold it with five fingers, the iron shield was released immediately.Luo Yushu swung the iron shield with the strength of the sword, and saw that the three shields did not land on the ground, but turned around the sword body like a lantern, and the silver light was dazzling, making people dizzy.The three monks had never seen such a miraculous kung fu, and they couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Luo Yushu suddenly raised the tip of his sword, and the three shields flew straight into the sky, reaching a height of several zhang, and then landed at the feet of the three monks with a few bang bang bang bangs, which were exactly the same.He didn't wait for the three of them to bend down to pick up the shield, and shouted: "Offended!" With a flick of the long sword, he pointed at Deyu to attack, and saw that he was about to stab him in the chest, but he saw Deyu standing with his eyes closed, as if in meditation.Seeing this, Luo Yushu withdrew his sword abruptly and asked, "Master, why don't you fight back?"

Deyu opened his eyes and smiled and said: "I don't think Luo Layman, as an imperial official, has such superb martial arts, and people from the Central Plains hide dragons and crouching tigers, which is far beyond my generation. It's just that we have an appointment with Shen Layman first, and we will definitely help him achieve success here." If my brothers and sisters are really not your opponents, I have no choice but to thank you with death." Luo Yushu frowned and said, "I don't know why Shen Quan asked the four masters for help?" Deyu said: "Our trip is due to At Layman Shen's invitation, come to Jiangnan to find someone for him."

Jing Lanzhou's heart moved, and he asked: "Is the person the master is looking for surnamed Lin?" Deyu said: "The surname is Lin? No, what we are looking for is..." Before he finished speaking, Shen Quan hurriedly stopped Said: "Master Deyu, this matter must never be said!" Deyu was startled when he heard this, and then stopped talking.Seeing this situation, Jing Lanzhou felt like a thunderbolt rang in his mind, and suddenly realized: "The person they are looking for is Emperor Jianwen!"

Deyu sighed, and said: "Lady Luo, there is an old saying among you that is to be entrusted by others and be loyal to others. Today, although I know that I am invincible, I have no choice but to offend." The serrated blade trembled slightly, making a low whining sound.Luo Yushu was startled when he saw this, and said to himself: "This monk has such profound internal energy, it's much stronger than his juniors."

Suddenly, Jing Lanzhou stood in front of Luo Yushu and said with a smile, "Brother Luo, just now you surprised everyone with one against three, you might as well take a rest now, and let my younger brother do it for this time." Luo Yushu saw He took the initiative to ask for a fight, hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Brother Jing, this master's martial arts is not trivial, you should be careful in everything." Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "Thank you for your concern, brother, I understand."

Deyu originally thought that the three people on the opposite side would be crowned with Luo Yushu's martial arts, but when he saw that the scholar showed his lightness, he couldn't help being startled, and said to himself: "Look at this man's skill, I'm afraid he is only on par with Luo Jushi." Asked: "I don't know the surname of this layman Gao?" Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "Master Jing Lanzhou is very polite."

Deyu had never heard of Jing Lanzhou's name before, and said: "Jing Jushi, my silver flower knife wheel is extremely sharp. The poor monk never fights with bare hands. What kind of weapon do you use?" Jing Lanzhou said. : "I'm not used to wielding knives and guns, so I'll try out a few tricks with my bare hands. If I lose to the master, it's because Jing is not good at learning, so I don't mean to be disrespectful." Deyu sighed: "Swords have no eyes. They will fight each other, but the little monk can't show mercy." Jing Lanzhou stretched out his hand and said, "Master, please go ahead."

Deyu hesitated for a moment, leaned forward, and with a "huh" sounded, he thrust his right arm forward, and the shield hit Jing Lanzhou's left shoulder head-on.Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "Let's check his martial arts first." With a twist of his waist, he used the Fish Swimming Skill to dodge and move around, but he was not in a hurry to attack.Deyu's feet followed like a shadow, and he attacked several times in a row, but he deliberately avoided the tip of the knife wheel, and only made the shield face to attack Jing Lanzhou.

Jing Lanzhou secretly sighed: "This monk is kind-hearted, he doesn't want to attack others, and he looks like an elder." He saw that although the opponent was fat, but his feet were extremely nimble, he performed the fish swimming skill again and again. With his superior kung fu, he still couldn't avoid the strong wind from the sword and shield, so he immediately used Mizong's palm force, seeing that the iron shield was attacking head-on again, he stretched out his hand and lightly pressed a palm on the shield.Deyu only felt a strange force coming from the opposite side, he knew that his palm was extremely strong, he stood on his feet, and was about to use his kung fu to resist, suddenly felt the opponent's internal energy dissipated suddenly, he couldn't help leaning forward.He was afraid that Jing Lanzhou would take the opportunity to make a surprise attack, so he quickly retracted the shield to protect his body, but suddenly there was another burst of internal force coming from the shield, Deyu was caught off guard, and stepped back several steps, only feeling that the true energy in his chest was scattered, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Deyu saw that the opponent only slapped a palm lightly, but he was able to raise it first and then restrain it, and even added a back force without leaving a trace. I was so impressed that I stopped fighting immediately, put my hands together and said, "Jing Layman's miraculous skills are exquisite, which really opened my eyes. I know that if I continue to fight, it will be difficult to win against the layman, but it is a pity that the water will be hard to recover, and I will not be able to swallow my words." , so I asked the layman to come in, and the little monk would kill me here, and I would never fight back, and it also fulfilled the friendship between me and layman Shen."

Seeing that Deyu was willing to die for Shen Quan, everyone admired his profound loyalty.Jing Lanzhou frowned and said, "Master's martial arts are not inferior to Jing's, so why do you lie and commit suicide? The country has its own laws, and we did not arrest Shen Quan for personal grudges. The justice of people's hearts is clearly visible. Master's words, Jing does not dare to hear It's not that he is overly modest, he has cultivated virtue both internally and externally, and his skill is indeed profound and unusual, just because Tantric martial arts are simple and unpretentious, and are not good at cleverness and adaptability, Mizong Palm is the pride of Gu Dongguan's research and development in recent years The stunt, the palm strength is erratic and unpredictable, it is really a superb kung fu.Deyu is not familiar with the principle of combining the false and the real in the advanced martial arts of the Central Plains, so he will suffer a loss in a fight. If it is about real kung fu, he would not be easily defeated.

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