Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 218 Soaring Fire Dragon Formation

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Sang Bu and the other three monks saw that their senior brother conceded defeat in less than twenty moves, they were all shocked.Although the four of them are disciples of King Zanshan Nange Jianzang, Nange Jianzang is very old. In recent years, most of the martial arts of the three monks have been taught by Deyu. This senior brother can be said to be half of the three of them master.The three of them knew that their senior brother's martial arts were far superior to their own, and even he thought that his skills were not as good as his own, and thought that just now he was fighting three against one, but the opponent snatched the weapon away, and they felt disheartened. All kinds of ambitions were instantly extinguished.

Shen Quan sighed suddenly, and said quietly: "Master Deyu, Shen appreciates your kindness. If these heroes want to be captured, they will not be captured and beheaded. You and I have a long life, and we will see each other for a long time. Why did the master sacrifice his life for Shen in vain?"

Deyu sighed: "Shen Layman, my senior brother was ordered to come east. I wanted to thank you for your love for many years. If I can help you fulfill your wish, it will be considered as fulfilling the entrustment. Now that this situation has happened, what face do we have to go back and see you?" Master?" Shen Quan smiled slightly and said: "Master, don't worry, Shen has no other strengths, but he is born with a hard life. The number of winners and losers is uncertain at the moment, and it is still unknown who will win the battle." Luo Yushu couldn't help seeing him uttering wild words. They all frowned slightly, and thought: "This person knows that even if there are four monks helping him, he is definitely no match for the three of us. Why is he still so determined? Is it just a bluff?"

Shen Quan glanced at the three of them, and said with a smile: "Brother Jing, Mr. Shen said earlier that whenever my brother is in danger, there will always be noble people to help, and my younger brother is as good as God. I didn't expect that your two friends are so powerful in martial arts. Needless to say, brother is a descendant of the Heshuo Hero, forgive Shen for being ignorant, but I don’t know who this fairy-like girl is?"

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "You really want to know?" Shen Quan shook his head and said: "Young lady is a member of Wuwei Palace and possesses such skills, how hard can it be to guess? Shen heard that your religion has twelve magic envoys, so They are twelve young girls with strong martial arts, and each of them has practiced unique martial arts, which is very rare." Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "Do you think I am the twelve miraculous envoys?" Shen Quan laughed and said: "Shen Quan Even though my eyes are clumsy, I have been doing business for many years, and I am finally a person who knows the goods. If I can find eleven young women who are as good as the girl in the world, I will immediately abolish my martial arts and capture them without a fight. I will never interfere with the affairs of the world. , Never break your word."

Xian Qing let his eyes flicker, and said: "So, you have already guessed it?" Shen Quan said with a smile: "I am just curious, as a girl, how can I get along with Brother Jing, Brother Luo, and 'Tie Yan Silver Spear' Are these people walking together in a grand manner?" Xian Qingrang said indifferently: "The schemer avoids harm and benefits, since you call yourself a businessman, why bother to ask?" Shen Quan's expression changed, and he said: "Young lady also wants the one in Lin Yuetai's hands. Things?" Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "In Lin Yuetai's hands, this thing is like a child crossing the market with gold, why can't I fight for it?"

Luo Yushu was startled when he heard the words, and secretly said: "Listening to the two people's answers, they both have a heart for Dr. Lin's "Yao Ding Yi Pian". I thought it was enough to be wary of Guan Mo Tong alone. It's much more dangerous, we need to be careful about whether Master Xian is a friend or an enemy."

Jing Lanzhou knew that both of them were interested in "The Last Chapter", Xian Qingrang listened to Su Fenglou's words in Nanchang that day, and wanted to see "Yaoding Last Chapter" as a fragment of the second volume of "Qianlong Xinchan". Does it contain the light skill of "Yan Xia Dan Yue Bu" to cooperate with Yu Chan's swordsmanship; and once the "Yi Pian" falls into Shen Quan's hands, there will be troubles in the martial arts from now on, and I am afraid that disasters will not follow. Then, his body sprang out like lightning, and he used "Linghe Finger" to touch Yunmen and Qihu acupoints on Shen Quan's left shoulder.

Deyu was startled when he saw this, and was about to stop him when he heard a loud noise like a sky crashing and an earth cracking ten feet away, and saw a burst of flames rising into the sky, and there were several crackling sounds in the billowing smoke, and four or five dwarf mulberry plants broke down at the waist. , the upper half of the trunk, branches and leaves were on fire, and they rushed straight towards Jinglanzhou, just like several fire dragons flying in the air.The fire tree was still more than ten feet away from Jing Lanzhou, the latter felt a wave of heat coming towards him, and he couldn't feel his heart palpitating, so he jumped back to dodge.

Immediately afterwards, several bursting noises were heard, and several fiery trees flew towards the place where Luo Yushu and the others were standing from different directions, forcing the three of them several feet away.More than a dozen fire trees danced like golden snakes, gliding in mid-air for a while, and fell to the ground one after another due to their stamina. Thousands of gold stars were flying in all directions, and a wall of fire was instantly ignited on the ground, separating the three of them from Shen Quan. Li Huo could only vaguely see Shen Quan's twisted and blurred face, and there was a burst of unruly laughter from behind the wall of fire.

Xian Qingrang let out a cold snort, and said, "With such a little heresy, you just want to get away?" Just as he was about to jump over the fire wall, he suddenly heard a few soft chi-chi sounds, and the ground near the fire wall emitted five colors of thick smoke at the same time, blue, yellow, Five streams of red, white, and black smoke rose into the sky, and diffused in the woods in a blink of an eye, and there were dense and colorful clouds everywhere, an indescribably strange scene.Luo Yushu smelled a strange smell in the smoke, and he couldn't see anything a few feet away, so he winked at Xian Jing and the two of them, they understood, and the three of them stood leaning against each other, covering their mouths and noses, and focused on defense, lest someone would be in the thick of it. Sudden attack in the fog.

After half a cup of tea, the five-colored smoke dissipated slightly, and everyone could look at things, and saw a mulberry forest that was still green and lovely just now, and now it was covered with dead branches and scorched leaves, and the scattered trunks on the ground were emitting green smoke, and they were burnt into pitch black The bark of the tree peeled off layer by layer, exposing the yellow-brown tree core inside, emitting bursts of scorched odor; several flames in the scorched soil have not been extinguished, and they keep jumping up and down, making the sound of splitting and peeling.Luo Yushu raised his eyes and saw that there was light smoke all around, Shen Quan and the four foreign monks had disappeared.

The three of them each breathed their internal energy, but luckily they did not appear to be poisoned, but seeing that Shen Quan tricked them into escaping again, they couldn't help looking at each other, recalling the situation just now, they all felt incredible.Luo Yushu pondered for a while, then sighed: "Luo has been in Liaodong for many years, even when the two armies were fighting, and he has never seen such a strange scene."

Suddenly hearing the sound of horseshoes behind them, the three of them turned their heads and saw that it was Shao Yantang and his wife leading a group of family members to arrive on horseback, and Gu Qingzhi was also among the crowd.Sang Muhua saw Jing Lanzhou at a glance, his expression changed slightly, and he was calm again in an instant.Shao Yantang saw the vision in front of him, and asked in surprise: "What's going on? Were the three of you injured?" Luo Yushu cupped his hands and said, "Please worry about seniors, we are all safe and sound, but it's a pity that Shen Quan escaped again. Mr. Senior has just been drugged by Shen Quan, is he alright now?" Shao Yantang sighed: "It's all thanks to the help of a few of you, the old man is fine."

Gu Qingzhi suddenly let out a "huh", dismounted and took a few steps forward, looked around for a moment, and said, "This...isn't this the 'Fire Dragon Formation' of our Thunderbolt Hall? How could it be set here?"

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