Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 216 Reinforcement

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The three of them chased after them for less than half a mile, Shen Quan suddenly choked out a mouthful of blood, his footsteps finally seemed to be vain, so he slowed down, Xian Qing lightened his toes, and the two rose and fell in front of Shen Quan, and swung the dust with his backhand. The latter faced the door.Shen Quan leaned back with his upper body, bent his knees to the ground, and slid forward to avoid the blow.Later, Jing Lanzhou rushed over, "Ling Hezhi" shot like the wind, and pointed towards the Yingu point of Shen Quan's leg.Shen Quan's slipping force has weakened, he knew that he couldn't avoid this finger, he suddenly put his left hand on the ground, and kicked Jing Lanzhou sideways with a chain piercing leg.Jing Lanzhou didn't rush, and hit the Yongquan point on Shen Quan's left foot with an elbow hammer with his right arm. Shen Quan let out a muffled snort, and slid forward a few feet. Sore, numb and weak, I can't stand up anymore.

Shen Quan leaned against the tree and panted heavily, still sneered to himself, "Brother Jing, it's not an act of a hero for you to besiege a certain Shen." At this time, Luo Yushu had also caught up behind him, and stood side by side with Xian Jing, his face serious Said: "Your excellency in martial arts, Luo admires it very much. But today we are not competing in martial arts, but to arrest you and send you to the official. If brother wants to fight alone, I am willing to accompany you after you recover from your injuries." Shen Quan panted. The cry became more and more anxious, and he coughed several times: "You two are so unreasonable! This girl is obviously from Wuwei Palace. You two are court officials and sons of famous families. Why don't you arrest her, but you only stare at Shen Mou?" ?”

Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said: "How can the courts be settled in the disputes of grievances and grievances in the rivers and lakes? Your Excellency colluded with the treacherous king, wanted to demote the ministers of the pillars, and even conspired to disrupt the artifacts. These are all related to the livelihood of the people, but we can't sit idly by." Ignore it. Is the big event you told me at Baoen Temple that day true or false?" Shen Quan said with a smile: "Shen has a bad memory, so I don't know what Brother Jing is referring to."

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "It's okay for Senior Brother Luo to know about Emperor Jianwen's affairs. After all, Miss Xian is the leader of Wuwei, but it's not easy to reveal it in front of her." He stopped talking and said: "In this case, I have to offend more Just as he was about to step forward to touch his acupuncture points, he suddenly heard the sound of a sharp weapon piercing through the air, and behind a row of jujube trees not far in front of him, four huge iron wheels gleaming with silver flew out, heading straight for Jing Lanzhou. come.

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he saw this, he didn't dare to catch it with his bare hands, and jumped back a few steps.Luo Yushu held out the long sword in his hand, and was about to go forward to shoot it down, when the four iron wheels flew in front of Shen Quan, their momentum suddenly slowed down, and with a whining sound, they turned their heads and flew back.I saw a red shadow flickering behind the tree, four people jumped out and reached out to catch the iron wheel, each took a few steps, and stopped in front of Shen Quan, all four of them were wearing yellow crowns and ocher robes, they were the four people I saw in the Wujiang market The leading fan monk.

Luo Yushu took a closer look, and saw that the silver wheel in the hands of the four monks was a four-sided iron shield with a diameter of more than two feet, and a circle of thin serrated blades were formed on the edge of the iron shield, which looked extremely sharp. Famous monks who can use this kind of strange weapons are definitely not mediocre." He knew that some exquisitely crafted hidden weapons and unique techniques can indeed change directions in the air, just like Gu Qingzhi used the flying swallow and silver shuttle to attack Shen just now. But the four shields are thick and heavy, and they can fly back to the hands of the four monks after being thrown. It can be seen that the other party's kung fu is strange and probably difficult to deal with. This person?"

Among the four monks, the first person from the left came out and returned the salute: "The four of my brothers and sisters are all disciples of the Holy Monk Zanshan King, the national teacher who empowered Lingzang. This trip was hired by Layman Shen to come east, and I want to take good care of him. May I ask Layman Gao My surname is big, I don’t know what’s wrong with Layman Shen?” I saw him in his 40s, with a square face, wide mouth, big earlobes, and a very kind complexion.

Luo Yushu's heart trembled, and he thought to himself: "The five great religious kings of the western regions, Wusizang and Duogan, were all appointed by Emperor Taizong in his early years. Among them, King Zanshan of Lingzang is the closest to the Central Plains. Shen Quan actually has contacts with them. I don't know what's the plan?" He cupped his hands and said, "Luo Yushu in Xiahejian is a military officer in office. Shen Quan violated the criminal law of the Ming Dynasty and was guilty of several crimes. I'm going to arrest him. Since you are a high-ranking disciple of Zanshan Guoshi, can you give me some advice? French name?"

The lama said: "The little monk is Deyu, the eldest disciple of Nange, the second king of Zanshan. These three are my junior brothers Sangbu, Wangqiu, and Dorjie. Layman Shen built roads and bridges in my Lingzang and repaired Buddhist temples. He is my teacher's friend who has forgotten his years, and a first-class benevolent person; it is even more trivial to distribute money to help the poor, and to donate bequests. Although my tantric disciples should not interfere in the official affairs of Zhongyuan, Lay Shen Shen The four of us face each other with our arms tied, I am afraid that my teacher's good intentions will be hurt, and I also deeply bear the great wish of Layman Shen to worship the Buddha and do good."

From the left, the No. 3 black, skinny and capable monk Wang Qiu smiled and said, "Brother, what can I tell them more? With the four of us here, who dares to touch a hair of Shen Daguan?" On his right hand is the red face named Sang Bu The chunky foreign monk shouted: "This time my senior brother came to the south of the Yangtze River, and let the warriors from the Central Plains teach me the power of Tantric martial arts!" Not as good, but Xian has already decided to protect Shen Quan and not allow Jing Lanzhou and others to capture him.Dorjie on the far right was slender, tall and thin, and kept silent all the time.

Luo Yushu thought to himself: "It's hard to control Shen Quan, but he killed these lamas halfway." Seeing that the opponent's weapon was weird, he thought to himself: "This shield looks very powerful, Senior Brother Jing will suffer a lot from fighting the enemy with bare hands, how about Let me take the lead." Slowly said: "I have military affairs in mind, even though the four are eminent monks from the Western Regions, they should not intervene arbitrarily." Wang Qiu sneered: "You are a general of the Ming Dynasty, how can you control us? "Luo Yushu frowned and said: "Since this is the case, I will definitely offend you!" With a horizontal stroke of the long sword, he stepped forward and pierced Wangqiu. The point of the sword was still a few feet away from the opponent's chest. The shield blocked Wang Qiu's body, and the blades on the two shields intertwined, locking Luo Yushu's long sword.

Wang Qiu raised his sword and shield behind the two of them, and threw it towards Luo Yushu's door.Luo Yushu's long sword flicked, and his inner strength spread everywhere, Sangbu and Dorjie felt their arms were hot, their shields couldn't close tightly, and they fell a few steps to the side.Luo Yushu swiped the tip of his sword upwards, and slashed across the edge of the flying knife wheel, but saw a burst of sparks, and the knife wheel turned around and roared towards Wangqiu. Qiu has worked hard on this sword and shield for decades, his feet stepped back, his palms closed suddenly, and he firmly caught the iron shield flying in front of him. Even so, the tip of the shield was only a few inches away from the front door Yao Yao couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

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