Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 186

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Jing Lanzhou saw that the beggar gang had arrived at an elder and two rudder masters, who were quite powerful, and clasped his fists at Chu Han and said, "Elder Chu, Jing is willing to guarantee with his life that the rudder master Chen was not killed by this girl. The matter is complicated and confusing, and it needs to be investigated carefully, and this junior is also willing to help with all his strength." The red-faced eight-pocket rudder sneered, and said: "Would you like to guarantee your life? You really have a good relationship with this witch!"

Jing Lanzhou said: "May I ask which rudder master of the Beggar Clan is your honorable master?" Chu Han said: "This is the helm master of Lang Haitong from the gang, who is known as the 'Zhe Mian Langjun' in the world. "Jing Lanzhou cupped his hands and said: "I have been famous for a long time." Chu Han said: "It was Lang Duozhu's brothers who discovered the whereabouts of the witch in Huguang. If you don't arrive in time, you can't kill the enemy for Lord Chen Duo."

Seeing this situation, the four bearers did not look alarmed, the leader asked in a low voice: "Master, do you want your subordinates to take care of these people for you?" Xian Qingrang said slowly in the sedan chair: "This The three of you are all masters in the beggar gang, you guys can barely deal with the two helmsmen, Elder Chu is very skilled in martial arts, if you are not an opponent, let me deal with it." The four of them bowed and said: " Yes!" Xian Qing made his figure flicker, stood in front of Jing Lanzhou, and said with a smile: "Elder Chu, hello!"

Chu Han felt a blue shadow flashing in front of his eyes, but he didn't see how the other party got out of the sedan chair at all. When he saw that the Mistress of Wuwei Palace was such a young and beautiful woman, he couldn't help being startled, and secretly said: "This witch is really a bit Evil sects, you have to deal with them carefully." As an elder of the beggar gang, his martial arts are much higher than the other three elders, and he is the only one inferior to Si Runnan in the gang, so he has always been quite conceited. I started to underestimate him.

In the next room, Lou Jian and Lang Haitong were already so angry that they were both well-known figures in the Jianghu world. Seeing that the other party sent a few servants carrying sedan chairs to deal with them, how could they hold their breath? Lou Jian's long sword clanged Unsheathed, he stabbed at Xian Qingrang's back with his sword, only heard a "ding", but a servant drew his sword and cut it away. When he stood and watched intently, three of the four porters wielded their sabers and one of them wielded a sword. Stand behind Xian Qingrang.

Lou Jian nicknamed "Xiaoxiang Kuaijian", his swordsmanship is very fast and fierce in the martial arts world, he just felt that the knife blocked by the opponent just now was ruthless, stable, and both offensive and defensive, and he was not mediocre, he couldn't help being shocked.Lang Haitong saw some clues, and without saying a word, he untied a cooked copper stick behind his back and stood shoulder to shoulder with Lou Jian.

Xian Qingrang completely ignored the people behind him, and said with a smile: "I've heard for a long time that Elder Chu's Yanling Qiushui saber technique is unparalleled in the world, today in front of Mr. Jing, the little girl will ask for a few moves, you and I can do as long as we want, so it won't hurt the peace. "Chu Han said: "There is a bloody enmity between you and me, how can we stop talking? Today, life and death are up to you, don't blame others!" He pulled out his waist knife and slashed at Xian Qingrang's face. The enemy's throat is extremely subtle.When Lou Lang saw the Elder Chuan Gong attacking, they both shouted angrily, and each raised their weapons to wrestle with the four bearers.

Xian Qingrang was about to fight back, but Jing Lanzhou slanted his palm from the side, forcing Chu Han to take two steps back, and said, "Elder Chu, the situation is unclear at the moment, and reckless actions are harmful and useless, I hope you think twice, senior." Chu Han said angrily: " Even if you are Mr. Si Guo's apprentice, how dare you meddle in the affairs of the beggar gang?" With a shake of his right shoulder, he slashed at Jing Lanzhou three times in a row, as if he had three arms.

Jing Lanzhou twisted his body, gently dodged three sabers with his fish swimming skill, raised Ling He with his left hand and pointed to Taiyuan acupoint on his wrist.Chu Han retracted the blade and slashed towards the opponent's tiger's mouth. The blade was still about a foot away from Jing Lanzhou's left hand. When looking at the knife in Chu Han's hand, he saw that the blade was like autumn frost, and the blade was faintly glowing with blue light, reflecting fine and clear water patterns.Jing Lanzhou blurted out praise: "Good sword! Senior, this magical weapon is rare in the world. I don't know what name it is?"

Chu Han was quite proud of hearing the words, and said: "I got this Guixi treasure knife from the mausoleum of King Zhen'an in Nanping, at least 500 years ago." Ominous to the Lord." Chu Han's complexion changed, and then he sneered and said, "I don't know how many villains have died under Chu's sword, and the old man is decapitated today, so what regrets?" He jumped up suddenly , danced more than a dozen saber flowers in the air, like iron trees and silver flowers, suddenly the blade turned, and all the saber flowers disappeared, and slashed straight at Xian Qingrang's head.This time, he changed from complicated to simple, the complicated seems to be dazzling, the simple is like overwhelming mountains and seas, it is extremely ingenious and unworkable, but the light of the knife has enveloped the vital points of Xian Qingrang's body, making it impossible to avoid.

Jing Lanzhou saw that Chu Han's swordsmanship was exquisite, and he had a precious sword in his hand. This sword was really extraordinary. He was about to block this move for Xian Qingrang, but suddenly saw her left wrist tremble, and somehow there was a whisk in her hand. The silk thread shone golden in the sunlight, and when he raised his hand and swept it upwards, it had wrapped around Chu Han's saber.Chu Han was taken aback, and with a little force in his hand, he expected that the other party's dust-whisk strands would be cut off all at once. Unexpectedly, although the gold wire was soft, it was extremely tough. With a pull, Chu Han's body was unable to take advantage of the strength in mid-air, and was immediately pulled straight down.Xian Qing made a quick palm with his right hand, and "slapped" it with Chu Han's left palm. Chu Han only felt a slight numbness on the left side of his body, and he couldn't hold his right hand.Xian Qing let the blow succeed, and immediately flew back a few zhang, holding the treasured saber and said with a smile: "Elder Chu, this is indeed a good saber of yours, I have temporarily borrowed it for a year or so, and I will return it later."

Chu Han's face was bloodless, and he said sadly: "What is your golden silk whisk made of that can block my sword?" Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "I'll teach you how to lose, this whisk is from Yilong Lake in Shiping Prefecture, Yunnan. The golden silkworm raised by Miao Man is woven from the silk. This golden silk is extremely flexible, invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to water and fire, and indestructible. It is really a rare treasure. However, it is extremely difficult to feed the golden silkworm, and it is very rare to weave silk. Well, this whisk alone has been used for ten years, and it is not wrong for your precious sword to be defeated by mine."

Chu Han trembled slightly, and said: "Forget it! The knife is here, and Chu will risk his life today, and he will die with you, a demon girl!" Standing on both feet, his body flew up in the air like a big bird, with the eagle claw in his left hand, With his right hand in a snake shape, he rushed straight at Xian Qingrang, a desperate move that completely disregarded his own safety.

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