Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 185

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The more Jing Lanzhou heard it, the more frightened he became. It turned out that Shuhai's injury in Tongbai Mountain had a lot to do with Zhu Mianpei, the grandson of Prince Ning's residence.I saw Xian Qing let Tie Qing face say: "Brother Luo, you said that the day the Mongolian special envoy was injured by the sword, the descendants of King Ning were also in Tongbai Mountain, and they also recognized the sea of ​​trees? Why haven't you reported to this seat for such an important matter for many days? Luo Kun bowed down and said: "Palace master forgive me, firstly, my subordinate was very drunk at the time, although I vaguely remembered a few words after waking up, I dare not say how convincing it is; It is vague, even if the subordinates send a letter to the Palace Master, it is difficult to explain it clearly, so until today, I dare to try my best to explain it."

Xian Qing let himself ponder for a while, then turned his face and said: "Brother Luo is also reasonable. Right now, Mr. Jing and I are going to Suzhou for a big event, and the educational affairs in Jiangxi will be taken care of by the two altar masters, Tang and Min, together with the wonderful envoy of the Yao department." , if there is any important matter that is not as good as passing on to this seat, it can be done at the discretion of the Tang Tanlord and at a low cost. Brother Luo, although the mysterious envoy of Youbu had a little disagreement with you before, it was because of a misunderstanding, and everyone is in the same enemy Qiu, please don’t hold grudges against your family. Get up.” Luo Kun got up and thanked, “It’s natural, Palace Master He Xiao ordered.” Xian Qing said: “Brother Luo, please go to Suzhou first, and inform Mr. Huangqiao early. Take care of everything, Mr. Jing and I will be there in a few days." Luo Kun then bowed to the three of them and left the temple under orders.

Xian Qingrang said to Min Yuan: "Master Min, right now our sect is most respected by you in Nanchang City, and you will be in charge of the congregation before the Lord Tang arrives, so don't make any trouble." Min Yuan said: "The master is joking. , Daoist Songyun and Elder Guan are both in Nanchang at the moment, and Min is incompetent, how dare he give orders?" Xian Qingrang said slowly: "Is there any joke about this?" Order." Xian Qingrang waved his hand and said, "You go down too." Min Yuan responded and exited the back hall.

Jing Lanzhou saw that he and Xian Qingrang were the only two left in the Houge, and couldn't help but said, "Miss Xian, there is something I have never asked you. Shuhai, a tartar who set foot in the Central Plains, was ordered by Yexian, and I am here to tell you Wang Zhen, a treacherous minister, bribes, you must know about this, why does Wuwei Palace send people to escort along the way?"

Xian Qingrang said indifferently: "My lord, do you think our sect is working for Wang Zhen, or is colluding with Wala?" Jing Lanzhou pondered for a while, and said: "Ma Shun and his gang are always enemies of the girl, and you will not be on the same side. Then Why did you send someone to protect the sea of ​​trees? I honestly can’t explain it, and I can’t figure it out in my heart.” Xian Qingrang sighed softly: “I can’t explain the inside story to you right now. In short, our religion has neither colluded with the enemy nor betrayed the country, nor did it cooperate with treacherous ministers. Don't you feel relieved that the gang of thieves are colluding with each other?" Jing Lanzhou wondered, "But what is the purpose of the palace master's move?"

Xian Qingrang was silent for a moment, and asked: "Young Master Jing, do you want to go by water or land when we go to Suzhou this time?" Jing Lanzhou saw that she deliberately changed the subject, and knew that it would be useless to ask, so he said: "Although the water route is fast, the land route But passing through my Huizhou, Jingmou has been away from the villa for more than a month, so he should go back to pay homage to his teacher and confess his love." Xian Qing's expression changed, and he said, "You want to go back to Zhucuo Villa? Then let's go our separate ways. I dare not go to see Senior Gu." Jing Lanzhou smiled and said, "My master is not a tiger that eats people, why should you be afraid of this." Xian Qing said: "I would rather run into ten hungry tigers than teach me to run into them." Mr. Si Guo, you can go by land, but you have to go to Longhu Mountain with me first."

Jing Lanzhou wondered: "What are you going to Longhu Mountain for?" Xian Qing said: "Go as soon as I tell you, just ask where?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Since the girl is running around for my affairs, Jing should accompany her. But there is one thing right now, Brother Zhu Chief is still seriously injured and bedridden in the inn, I have to go back and take care of him." Xian Qing let his face change slightly, and said: "How could I forget this person! Quickly take me to see the godmother who relies so much on him What does the right and left arm look like?"

The two returned to the inn, but saw that the room was empty and there was no one there. Jing Lanzhou called the waiter to ask, but Zhu Yi had paid the rent and left on his own.Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "Brother Zhu suffered serious internal injuries, where can he go?" Then he thought that the other party was resourceful and acted safely and properly, so he was not very worried.

Xian Qing asked Zhu Chief to disappear in a blink of an eye, and said with a smile: "What a Venerable Qinglian, he is really powerful!" After the two of them had a short rest in the inn, four people dressed as child servants brought a green gauze sedan chair over At the entrance of the inn, Xian Qing swayed his body, then hid in the sedan chair, and said: "Please, sir, lead the way." Jing Lanzhou saw that she was very restrained in her speech in front of others, which was very different from when she was alone, so she couldn't help laughing. After untying the green mule, the group of people headed towards the southeast of Longhu Mountain.


The resort of Longhu Mountain is less than three hundred miles east of Nanchang, just past the Jinxian and Anren counties.The four bearers were like dumb, Yu Tu didn't say a word, but their legs were very strong, they always followed behind Jing Lanzhou's green mule.The group of people didn't go to the shop at night, they just looked for a place to stay in the wilderness, Xian Qingrang rested in the sedan chair, the four of them each guarded the four corners of the gauze sedan chair, Jing Lanzhou went a little far away and lay down in his clothes.After doing this for two days, I arrived at 24 Xianyan, which is more than ten miles west of Longhu Mountain, at noon on this day. Hair can be learned.

Jing Lanzhou passed by Xianyan, seeing the beautiful scenery here, he couldn't help but stop to admire it, and was about to continue eastward, when he saw a person standing along the stream in front of him blocking the way, about fifty or so years old, although he was dressed as a beggar, he was not very dirty Dirty and tattered, the clothes were bleached and bleached, with only a few patches here and there.His beard and hair are still black, but his eyebrows are completely white, his eyes are full of energy, and he is carrying nine cloth bags on his back.Jing Lanzhou's heart was shaken, he got off his mule and bowed to him and said, "Junior Jing Lanzhou is at the gate of Zhu Cuo Villa, and I have seen Senior Chu."

This beggar is none other than Chu Han, the "white-browed god beggar" Chu Han, one of the four elders of the beggar gang. He glanced at the sedan chair behind Jing Lanzhou and sighed: "Jing Shaoxia, I heard that you made friends with monsters earlier." Rebellion, I still don't want to believe it in my heart, so how do I know it's true? Your teacher is famous all over the world, are you determined to get along with this witch from Wuwei Palace?" Jing Lanzhou cupped his hands and said, "Senior Chu, Miss Xian's trip is Seeking medical treatment for Luo Daxia's granddaughter has no other intentions, I hope you can do it conveniently."

Chu Han sighed: "Jing Shaoxia, after all, you are not deeply involved in the world. How can you take what these evil spirits say? You are still carrying five lives of the gang. I know that the leader of the gang has made an oath with you. The beggar gang puts faith first. , before this matter is thoroughly investigated, Chu will never break his word; but the demon girl killed Dayong's sub-helm Duozhu Chen, how can I let her go? Today, the demon girl's blood will be paid for!" Before the words finished, behind the sedan chair Two more people stopped Jing Lanzhou and waited for the retreat. When Jing Lanzhou looked back, one of them was Lou Jian, the rudder master of the Jiangxi sub-rudder who had met earlier, and the other was the red-faced stork-cheeked man, also the eight-bag rudder master of the Beggar Clan.

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