Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 187 Fu Lu Shou Xi

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Xian Qingrang sighed: "It's just a weapon, why did you come here?" Raising his left hand upward, the Guixi Baodao shot out towards Chu Han's chest.Chu Han thought in his heart: "Even if I was pierced through the chest by the precious sword on the spot, I will still use the remaining force of this pounce to kill you, a demon girl, with my own hands." Suddenly he felt his feet stagnate, his ankles were entangled in the dust, and he wanted to move forward Half a point is not enough, I can't help but sigh in my heart, I close my eyes and wait for death.Jing Lanzhou suddenly jumped out from the side, lightly picked up the treasured saber with his right hand, and brought Chu Han back to the ground with his left arm, offering the saber with both hands: "Elder Chu has galloped in the rivers and lakes for decades, and there is no one in the martial arts who knows the old man If you don’t rely on this treasured sword, why bother with expensive things and sluts?”

Xian Qingchang's expression changed, he put away his whisk and said, "Are you meddling in my business again?" Jing Lanzhou said, "Miss Xian, if you kill Elder Chu here, wouldn't it mean that you have a grudge against the beggars' gang? The wise man will not do it." Xian Qingrang said coldly: "You have seen it with your own eyes, it is the stinking beggars of the beggar gang who are entangled with me, and it is not me who seeks their bad luck!" Jing Lanzhou said: "On both sides of you But there are misunderstandings, the girl is very clear in her heart. Since Chen Jinfeng was not killed by you, the most urgent thing to do is to find the real culprit who killed Chen Tuozhu and clear up the innocence." Xian Qingrang said with a sneer: "The beggar gang claims to be a decent gang , You want them to believe in me, the leader of the cult, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

Chu Han was silent for a while, took the sword from Jing Lanzhou's hand, and said, "Jing Shaoxia, thank you for saving this old man's life. It was really not thoughtful for Chu to show off his temper just now. According to what you said just now, killing Chen The real culprit of the helmsman is really someone else?" Jing Lanzhou said: "That's right, before the Yamen of the Henan feudal lord that day, all the disciples of your gang were injured by the traitors of Wuwei Palace. The one who led the two elders to die did not attack the brothers of the Beggar Clan, let alone harm Master Chen Tuozhu secretly. Miss Xian stayed in Kaifeng afterwards, and she could not go to Changge County to kill people."

Chu Han frowned and said, "The murder case in Changge County was not included in the Wuwei Palace. Among the six brothers who reported the letter that day, a three-pouch disciple was lucky enough to survive, and he insisted that it was Shaoxia who killed the other five people." What is the reason for this?" Jing Lanzhou thought to himself, "The five beggar gang disciples were clearly killed by Miss Xian's master, why did they say that I did it? Could it be... Could it be that the masked senior disguised himself as What do I look like?" I couldn't help but feel terrified, and said: "The junior was fortunate enough to meet the leader of your clan in Jiujiang the day before yesterday, and wanted to ask this brother to come out to confront him, but the leader of the clan refused."

Chu Han said: "This disciple is the only witness of the murder in Changge County. At this moment, under the heavy protection of our gang, he can't easily see others. Don't be overwhelmed, young hero." Jing Lanzhou said: "What did you say senior. We have always had a good relationship with the beggars' gang, if I hadn't rushed to save people, I would have investigated them on the spot."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a loud cry from behind them. When the three of them looked back, they saw that the copper stick in Lang Haitong's hand had been knocked to the ground. Holding his vest, his whole body was restrained and he couldn't move; Lou Jian had been fighting hard with the other two, and had suffered several minor injuries on his body.

Seeing this, Chu Han was secretly shocked, and thought: "Master Lang's Wulang gossip stick has worked hard for 30 years, and Lou Jian is one of the best players in the two lakes. How could he be defeated by a few servants carrying sedan chairs? These four people What is the reason for fighting against the two eight-pocket helmsmen of our Beggar Clan, and gaining the upper hand?"

Seeing this, Xian Qingrang smiled slightly, and shouted: "You two monkey bastards are so rude, what are you doing against Master Lang Duo with your sword? Don't hurry up and let go! Lose your salary and life, you two also stop!" The bearer who was fighting with Lou Jian heard the words and jumped out of the circle, and the two who restrained Lang Haitong also put away their weapons, clasped their fists and said: "Master Lang, you have offended!" Lang Haitong was ashamed, and Lou Jian Resentful, the two stood silently behind Chu Han, their hands trembling slightly.

Chu Han said in a deep voice: "There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the rivers and lakes, and heroes emerge in large numbers. What's the point of winning or losing for a while? Chu has already suffered a crushing defeat just now. If you two are unwilling to reconcile, you will commit the taboo of judging people by their appearance." Lou Lang and his wife Hearing this, his heart trembled, the two of them had fought hard with four servants just now, they failed to take into account Chu Han's situation, and saw that such masters as Elder Chuan Gong were also defeated, they felt terrified.

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "Elder Chu has a generous heart, the little girl admires it very much. It was just a fluke that I snatched your precious sword with a sudden cold arrow with the help of a golden silk whisk, so please don't worry about it. The four of my servants lost their fortunes and lost their fortunes." , Shushou, and Duanxi were all well-known figures in the martial arts before they joined the sect, but today they won only one and a half moves with two opponents, and the helmsmen of the Beggar Clan really lived up to their reputation."

When Chu Han heard the names of the four people, he took a breath and thought, "These four people have deliberately named some ominous names, and they are really evil. I don't know who they are?" Even though he was being polite, his words saved some face for the beggar gang, and the grievance in his heart also subsided a bit, and he said in a deep voice: "Now everyone in the beggar gang thinks that Chen Jinfeng died at the hands of the palace master. If the murderer is really found out, There are other people, our gang will not impose charges and wrongly accuse good people." Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "Thank you elder for speaking uprightly, the word 'good person', a little girl can never afford it, as long as she is not framed as a murderer, I couldn’t be more grateful.”

Chu Han looked a little embarrassed, and said to Jing Lanzhou: "The young man has made a contract with the leader of the clan, and the man will believe everything he says, so I will wait for the good news in Nanyang." Jing Lanzhou said: "Don't worry, senior. The case of the rudder master and the five brothers in Changge County died strangely, the younger generation will definitely investigate and find out, and give you an explanation." Chu Han nodded and said: "Brother Lou, Brother Lang, since Shaoxia Jing said so, We are finally not wronged by today's somersault. You should go back to the rudder for the time being and wait for orders. At this time of troubles, you still need to be prepared carefully." Xian Qing asked him to listen to him, and he was still very cautious about Wuwei Palace, and said with a smile: "It's easy to teach. Don't worry, Elder Chu, I'm worried about one thing after another right now, and I don't care about looking for bad luck from the beggars' gang."

Chu Han is a mild-mannered person. He cherishes Guixi's treasured sword like his life on weekdays. When he saw the treasured sword being taken away just now, he wanted to die with the other party in a moment of anger.He saw that although Xian Qingrang's speech was a bit evil, but he didn't look like a vicious person, he immediately said: "The grievances between the beggars' sect and your sect are not just one day, even if the girl didn't personally kill the disciples of this sect, it is hard to get rid of it. On that day You broke into the Kaifeng Conference alone, don't you want to destroy my brave sub-helm?"

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