Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 184

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Xian Qingrang's face changed when he heard the words, and he said coldly: "Brother Luo, I think you are not old, but your mind is muddled. Anyone who joins this religion must make a heavy oath not to be apostate for life, and those who break the oath will be punished by the heavens." , Don’t want to die, didn’t Chen and Li not take the blood oath back then? How can such unfaithful people be used again?”

Luo Kun sighed and said, "That's right, there has always been this rule in the religion, but in ancient times, those who achieved great things did not stick to the details, and the pardon of stealing horses showed the Lord's heart; if the two elders really have a heart of repentance, they may not be able to re-enter the house." The wall." Xian Qingrang said calmly: "Brother Luo, you mean that this seat is not the master? You are the old department of Mei Lao, right?" Luo Kun knelt down and raised his head, and said awe-inspiringly: "The suspect is dead. , Luo’s words are all for the sake of the teaching, and he has no regrets in his heart. If the palace master can’t trust Luo, please give his subordinates death.”

Xian Qingrang was silent for a while, then sighed: "Brother Luo, you have been with your godmother since you were young, you have watched me grow up, and you have saved my life. You are different from others, how can I not trust you? Get up, and let go of what you just said. I have to mention it again. You said you encountered a strange incident in Tongbai Mountain, what was it?"

Luo Kun apologized and got up, and said: "This subordinate is about to report. The day I begged the palace master at Taibaiding, but I heard that the palace master had gone to Henan, so I headed for Kaifeng the next day, but at the foot of the mountain, I ran into an unusual The man." Xian Qing asked: "Oh? Brother Luo is heroic, who is worthy of your four-character comment?" Luo Kun said: "It's just a coincidence that Luo has met this person in the early years , so I know his appearance, it is Zhu Diopei, the young prince of Prince Ning's Mansion." Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and thought: "How can Zhu Diopei, a prince and grandson, be in the mountains for no reason?"

Xian Qingrang frowned and asked, "Is he alone in Tongbai Mountain?" Luo Kun nodded and said, "That's right, the odd thing is that the other party recognized me immediately when he saw me, and greeted him: 'Brother Luo, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been?" The subordinate was surprised and pretended to ask: "Who is your Excellency and why did you recognize Luo?" Rituals of fasting and sacrificial offerings, once met at the house, how can I forget?'"

Xian Qing asked strangely: "What? The godmother and you went to the palace to have a wedding ceremony?" Luo Kun nodded and said, "In the second year of Zhengtong, Prince Zhuang Hui passed away. Deacon Gao Gong, Luo also followed around at that time, acting as a Taoist boy who attended the scriptures, so he met the prince and his grandson. The prince was disfigured and mournful, but the young prince was unscathed and calm. All the affairs, big and small, are handled by him alone, and it can be said that he is well-organized and well-organized, and his talents are far ahead of the rest of King Ning's descendants."

Jing Lanzhou couldn't help interjecting, "Isn't this little prince not grieving at all after the death of a dear relative?" Luo Kun glanced at him, and said: "This fellow is born in such a way, he dares to ask your surname Taifu for advice? Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "I forgot to introduce him. This one is Mr. Si Guo's disciple Jing Lanzhou Shaoxia. Mr. Jing, this brother Luo Kunluo, has been my godmother's confidant for many years, and also my right hand." Subordinate." Luo Kun changed his face and said: "It turns out that he is a senior disciple of Gu, no wonder he is so handsome." He said in his heart: "This Jing Shaoxia is handsome, and my righteous brother was very good at a moment. I just don't know him How did you meet the Palace Master?" Jing Lanzhou didn't dare to reveal that she had known the other party's name long ago, and only exchanged a few words with him.

Luo Kun went on to say: "I was also very puzzled at the time, thinking that even if the grandson is a calm and experienced person, his father died in his prime, it would be too indifferent. Could it be that he doesn't even have the slightest blood relationship? That's why , Luo was deeply impressed by the appearance and expression of the little prince. Although it has been a long time since he has grown much older than before, he can still be recognized at a glance. I saw that he knew his subordinates, so I had to kneel down and salute him. The little prince was very polite and said that he came out to visit mountains and rivers this trip. I am neither a member of the palace, nor is Tongbai Mountain the land of Prince Ning. , Unknowingly happy in my heart, the two of us went to the Hehe store at the foot of the mountain together to find a wine shop, and prepared to have a drink. The little prince claimed that there is nothing wrong with wine, and I was not convinced when I heard it, so I wanted to fight him for wine. "Jing Lan Zhou said in his heart: "Brother Luo is broad-minded and heroic, and he is indeed a heroic demeanor in the words of Senior Brother Luo; Qian Wenqin's praise of Zhu Mianpei's elegance and respect is really not false."

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "Brother Luo has a thousand bells' ability, and he is the most powerful person in our sect. I'm afraid the young prince has found the wrong person." Luo Kun waved his hand and sighed: "This subordinate also thought the same way at the beginning. Who knows there is a sky beyond the sky, my little prince." Although the prince is weak in appearance, he is a rare hero in wine, and he is equal to his subordinates in chess. The two of us drank from noon to night, from a cup to a big bowl, and then to an altar. It is said that he drank more than ten jars of wine, until he drank all the stocks of several wine shops in the town, but the little prince was still not drunk. At that time, his subordinates were very drunk, so they dragged him to the neighboring villages and towns, where they drank from midnight until midnight. In the early morning of the next day, the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark. To tell you the truth, Luo has never drank so heartily in his life, and it is really joyful."

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "You two fight to the end, who will win?" Luo Kun said: "We drank until the second day when the sun was dim, and my subordinates were already tongue-tied, and said: 'Little Prince , They all say that wine has a bad taste, Luo is really willing to bow down today." The little prince looked as usual, and said with a smile: "You can drink wine for a thousand days, and you have to drink it without getting drunk. Brother Luo is called a sage in the cup." I said: "My little prince, you are a noble man, and you can condescend to drink these village brews with Luo. I am really grateful." It is a joy in Xiao Wang's life to have a drink with brother Luo. Why bother that he works in Qingzhou and is the governor of Pingyuan?" I couldn't bear it any longer, so I lay down on the wine table and fell asleep."

Min Yuan laughed beside him and said, "There is actually someone in the world who can drink brother Luo down, which is really an eye-opener for Min." Luo Kun said: "To tell the truth, Brother Min, it's not that Luo has never been drunk, but I drink myself There is a problem. I am so drunk that I can't open my eyes even though my mind is in a state of confusion, but my ears still have some light. Talking to one person, the man said: "My lord, you can send a capable person to handle this matter. Why do you have to climb mountains and wade by yourself, making it so hard?" People from my grandfather? It’s more reliable to do it yourself.” The man said: “Now what is the next step of the little prince?” The little prince said: “One depends on the good fortune of the tree sea, and the other depends on the patience of the grand master. If the Tartar does not die, it is his luck; if this man dies, it is the luck of the world.'”

"Although the subordinate was drunk at the time, he still had the matter of the sea of ​​trees in his mind, and he thought in a daze: 'Why did the little prince talk about the sea of ​​trees? How did he know this tartar?' I wanted to ask, but I was suffering I was exhausted and couldn't even move my mouth. The little prince said again: "I can take care of the palace by myself. How are you doing?" The man said: "This matter can't be done in a day or two, let me take it slowly Persuade elder brother.' The little prince said: "Don't forget, there is a powerful character behind your elder brother." The man said: "Little prince, you can rest assured about this, I have my own measure." The voices behind the two As it got lower and lower, the subordinates couldn't hear clearly. When Luo woke up, the little prince had already left without saying goodbye, I was in a daze, and I rested for another night before I left, and then I met Elder Mei in Henan."

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