Luan Ling Qixia

174 - Iron Sword

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Su Fenglou stopped to watch, stroked his beard from time to time and said with a smile: "Tsk tsk, Mr. Ma's Songyang Divine Palm is really good, it really is a talent from the sky. Daoist Chang's Baguazhang is also good. Ah! This palm is only slightly off. What a pity, what a pity!" I don't know if I'm talking about Song Yun or Ma Shun.Ma Shun was quite annoyed when he saw him making sarcastic remarks from the sidelines, but was almost out of breath by Song Yun's fleshy palms, how could he think back?

On the other side, the elders of Songzhu saw that Su Fenglou had escaped from the battle group, but Ma Shun and Songyun fought, thinking: "How can Ma Shun beat Senior Brother Zhang? When Sanying and Venerable Honglian are defeated one after another, we will How can there be fate for the two of you?" The two of them had the same mind, and at the same time they swung their weapons in a feint at the opponent, and at the same time swept their bodies backwards.

Mei Qian flicked his wrist suddenly, and the nine-section whip sprang out like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter. The whip head passed through the thin rod on Li Zhuliang's abacus, tightly entwining his iron abacus.Li Zhuliang said angrily: "My good fellow, do you really want to miss old love?" With a forceful pull of her right hand, Mei Qian jumped into the air with the strength of this pull, and the two of them faced each other with one hand like a rabbit rising and falling in midair. After several palms, Mei Qian suddenly shrank his left shoulder, drew a semicircle with his left palm, and was struck from an extremely strange direction. Zhu Lao couldn't resist, and was hit on the shoulder with a bang, spit out blood with a "wow", and leaned back After flying a few feet, he rolled on the spot and ran southward.Mei Qian landed on her toes a few times, and followed closely behind.

Seeing this, Chen Yusong shouted: "Junior Brother, I'll help you!" He also ran after the two of them.Guan Motong said in his heart: "The three friends of Suihan's martial arts are equal, how can Lao Mei gain the upper hand so easily? There are probably ghosts in this." Turning his head to Songyun, he said: "Mr. Mei alone can't beat the two of them, I'll follow along Look." In just this short sentence, Sui Han's three friends had already rushed dozens of feet away, and their backs almost disappeared.Guan Motong let out a roar, and followed the footsteps of the three of them.

Ma Shun saw that the four elders fled away in a flash, and the landlord Su was acting insanely, weirdly and unpredictablely. He saw that there was more danger than good luck, so he had no choice but to shake his heart, waved his palm at Songyun, and said in a low voice: "Jiuyang Master, you are still here!" I hope you will let my brother go, and Jin Yiwei will not pursue the crime of deceiving the king in the Tianshi Mansion in the future."

Songyun's surprise was really serious, as if a thunderbolt had sounded in his head, he stopped suddenly, stared at Ma Shun for a long time with a livid face, and said in a deep voice, "Come with me." He also ignored the girls of the Yao tribe and others Fighting hard, we walked with Ma Shun more than ten zhang away.Seeing that the two of them stopped suddenly, Jing Lanzhou didn't understand why for a while, suffering from the sealing of the acupoints, she couldn't move half a step; Su Fenglou just watched the two leave with a smile on the side, and didn't speak.Seeing that he had gone far away, the people under the pagoda could not hear the two of them talking, so he stood still and turned around, "Master Ma, what do you mean by that?"

Ma Shun bowed his hands to him and bowed deeply, saying: "Master Zhang, I know that you have never met Ma and others, so you don't have to worry about showing yourself in front of all the officers and soldiers in Ganshui that day. During the reign of Changxuande, he was the heir to teach, and he went to the pilgrimage not only once, but now he also respects the real person after he ascended the throne. In addition to building a heavenly master's mansion in the capital, he also gave a generous legacy, which is incomparable to a prince. See It can be said that there are quite a few civil and military officials in the hall. After Ma was promoted to the command envoy, the Taoist chief has been deliberately avoiding the subordinates, but when I was the commander of the Jinyiwei, I had a relationship with the master. The Taoist thought I don't remember."

Songyun's heart clicked, and he scolded himself secretly: "I was too careless, and I was recognized by this person." Ma Shun said again: "When the real person was in the court, he was dressed in golden crowns and brocade clothes, and his elegant steps were as good as Now this outfit is very different, and more than ten years have passed since the incident, as the saying goes, the voice and appearance cannot remain unchanged. Previously in the dark night of Ganshui, Ma could not recognize it, but today he can recognize the appearance of a real person."

Song Yun waved his hand to interrupt him and said, "Master Ma, this matter is no small matter, are you not afraid that the poor Taoist will kill you?" He knew that he was a heavenly master of the righteous sect, but he had close contacts with Wuwei Palace. It is a serious crime of family punishment, let alone feigning death to deceive the emperor.This matter is related to the safety of the Zhengyihe sect, so Songyun's true identity is rarely known except for a few people, including the former old palace master of Wuwei sect, and the second elder brother Songzhu. Even Xian Qingrang, the other three elders, and monk Jiansheng The leaders are also unknown.Seeing that Jin Yiwei found out about this today, the Heavenly Master Zhang's family might be destroyed, he thought to himself that this matter is too important, even Song Yun, a senior martial artist, couldn't help but feel murderous.

Ma Shun saw a faint greenness on the other party's face, he felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly said: "The Master can rest assured, neither of my righteous brothers knows the Taoist priest, as long as Ma doesn't say anything about this matter." Heaven knows everything. If Ma had no sincerity, he wouldn't have the guts to make this request."

Songyun frowned and said, "Are you willing to keep the secret for the poor? Why should I trust you?" Ma Shun said, "It's not the first time that Ma has walked the rivers and lakes, so he won't talk empty words, and he would like to give you something. Take the Taoist leader." As he spoke, he took out something from his arms and handed it to Songyun with both hands.Songyun took a closer look and saw that it was a short black iron sword. He pondered and said, "What is this?" Ma Shun said, "This is the token of the sect's head. I would like to send it to the Taoist leader as a pledge. If Ma Daoist chief’s secret was revealed, and the Taoist chief can destroy this thing.”

Song Yun said coldly: "Master Ma, are you entertaining the poor Taoist?" Ma Shun said in a daze, "Why did the Taoist master say that?" Song Yun said: "Even if this iron sword is really the token of the head of the noble sect, Your Excellency is not the head teacher of the Songyang Sect, even if this sword is lost, what harm will it do to you? Besides, you have already devoted yourself to the imperial court to be a falcon dog, how can the token of the head of the Songyang Sect be in your hands? I'm afraid it's not the right way Got it. If you give this thing to the poor, don’t I get into a lot of trouble?”

Ma Shun shook his head and said: "Of course the Taoist chief's concerns are reasonable, but unfortunately there is one thing he couldn't say right." Song Yun frowned and said, "What's the matter?" Ma Shun said: "The current head of the Songyang School is none other than Ma." Song Yun sneered and said, "Your sect is obviously the 'Songyang Sword' Guo Pei who is in charge of the sect. It is well known in the martial arts world. Why do Master Ma deceive each other?"

Hearing this, Ma Shun sneered a few times, and a ray of resentment flashed in the corner of his eyes, and said: "The Taoist priest is a master of martial arts, so Ma boldly ask, how is Brother Guo's martial arts compared?" Song Yun thought: "So he He is Guo Pei's younger brother." Wei Yi hesitated, and said: "Pindao has never fought against the head of Guo, but according to the rumors in the world, respecting senior brother is not as good as you." Ma Shun nodded, and asked: "But senior brother Which talent is higher than mine?"

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