Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 173

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Chen Yusong was about to step forward to stop him, but Mei Qian suddenly swayed, stood in front of him and said, "Brother Chen, I've offended you!" Chen Yusong sneered, "Brother Mei, do our three Suihan friends have a chance to do something?" Qian shook his head and sighed: "Time is fate, brother, let's make a move!" Pointing to Tanzhong acupoint on Chen Yusong's chest, the latter frowned, and gently raised his palm to open it.

Seeing this, Su Fenglou said to Songyun with a smile: "The Taoist priest and his younger brothers are not idle now, come on, let's fight again." Songyun said in his heart: "Look at your martial arts cultivation is also a master of a generation, how can you Like a rascal who only cares about me?" When he was about to part with him, the other party had already attacked with his fists and kicks, and the moves were all extremely exquisite, so he had to concentrate on fighting.

Ma Shun saw that these six masters were catching each other and fighting each other, and they had no time to care about each other. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and he waved his tiger claws and attacked Jing Lanzhou. A total of [-] masters fought under the Shengjin Pagoda, and they killed flying sand and stones, and the sky was dark. Tourists and pilgrims from far and near had already run away, and the tower door was tightly closed by the monk.

Li Zhuliang and Guan Motong fought for forty or fifty moves, they couldn't help each other secretly startled.Jun Jie's five elders have worked together in the Palace of Wuwei for many years, and it is not uncommon for them to compete with each other in martial arts, but this is the first time that they have fought with each other with real swords and guns.Li Zhuliang saw that the other party's moves were obviously very old and fierce, but his punches and palms were light and elegant, which was very pleasing to the eye. He secretly said: "I always thought that Mr. Guan's martial arts were elegant and free, and he suspected that he had deliberately crafted them. Although the moves are beautiful, they are real. When encountering a strong enemy, it is inevitable that superfluous will be added to the snake, but I don’t think he can still be so swaying when he is fighting the enemy with all his strength. Meishan Yiyin really deserves to be the number one marvelous person in the martial arts back then.”

Guan Motong also felt that the other party's martial arts were open and closed, and his internal energy was overwhelming, but he was full of positive and mellow Taoist internal energy. He did not fall into the pattern of spicy and domineering. I only think that I have practiced martial arts diligently for the past two years, and I may be better than my peers in the past. I don't want Mr. Zhu to be so brave and diligent." After fighting for more than ten moves, Li Zhuliang drew out his iron abacus and said: "You can't tell the difference between fists and feet. Let's compare weapons." Guan Motong said: "Hey, what kind of weapon is this?" He pulled out Ziwu Yuanyang axe from his waist, and the two of them fought together again.

Over there, Mei Qian and Chen Yusong have also fought for nearly a hundred moves. The two have known each other for many years and are very familiar with each other's martial arts.Chen Yusong secretly said in his heart: "Brother Mei is old and hot. I heard that he has been traveling around in the past two years, and his kung fu has not dropped at all." Although his martial arts are in the same vein as Li Zhuliang, but his brothers have different talents, Chen Yusong's martial arts are magnificent His simplicity is not as good as Zhulao's, but his ingenuity and adaptability are far superior, and Mei Qian's quick and erratic martial arts skills are just right for him.

Chen Yusong saw Guan and Li using their weapons at a glance, and said with a smile: "Brother Mei, how many years have you not used your nine-section whip?" , today I will practice with Brother Chen!" With a flick of his wrist, he untied a gleaming nine-section steel whip from his waist, the head of which was extremely sharp.Mei Qian tore off a piece of cloth from his sleeve to wrap the whip head, and said with a smile, "Let's go as far as we can, so don't hurt your peace." Huang Chengcheng’s brass compass, it turned out that he and Li Zhuliang had been hiding in the Yamen of the Chief Secretary of Henan Province for two years respectively as a Fengshui master and accountant.

Mei Qian was startled when he saw this, and asked: "What is this?" Chen Yusong smiled and said: "This is Chen's family member who eats, and this one is used to compete with my brother." After speaking, he raised his right arm and attacked go.His brass compass is very heavy, originally it is not in line with his martial arts, but after his hard training, he has found another way, lightness, agility, thickness and heaviness, which can make up for his own martial arts.Mei Qian's nine-section whip is a weapon that has been practiced for decades, in his hands it is like a dragon and a snake, and Song Lao can't tell the victory or defeat for a while.

Songyun saw these four people make a move, knowing that the martial arts of the five veterans in Junjie are among the best, and it may be difficult to tell the winner within a thousand moves. If he can't win quickly, Jing Lanzhou and the four Yao tribes will surely lose after a long time. Defeated, he turned his heart to the side and said to Su Fenglou: "I've offended!" With a wrong palm, he quickly spun circles around his body.Su Fenglou frowned and said: "Longxing Bagua Youshen Palm!" Song Yun smiled and said: "You know how to do it." He used this Bagua Youshen Palm to fight against Luo Zhongyuan back then, and this palm technique is unique to Dragon and Tiger The extremely superior martial arts in Maixuan Gong, Songyun's skill has become more and more refined as he gets older, and he often wins easily when fighting with others. The old man couldn't help talking about his youthful madness, which aroused his desire to win.

Su Fenglou's heart trembled, and he sacrificed a set of Qianye Tathagata palms of the Shaolin school. The power of the palms was vague and erratic, and took all the power of the eight trigrams palms that Songyun attacked from all directions.Song Yun swirled his palm like lightning, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency's martial arts are so high that veterans rarely see them in their life, but in order not to let people see the martial art, you deliberately use some complicated and complicated kung fu, so it will be difficult to beat." Poverty." The subordinates mobilized the Hunyuan internal force, and there was a crackling sound with each palm strike.

Su Fenglou and him aligned more than ten palms together, and gradually felt that the circulation of zhenqi was not smooth, and his arms were slightly numb, he thought: "Hunyuan Kung Fu is really powerful!" Slap Xiang Ma Shun who is fighting fiercely with Jing Lanzhou.Ma Shun was gaining the upper hand right now, and he was secretly delighted when he suddenly saw Su Fenglou falling from the sky, he couldn't help being frightened out of his wits, he hastily stretched out his right arm to meet him with a palm, only to hear the sound of a wave, his whole body was about to fall apart, He groaned secretly in his heart: "This old lunatic surnamed Su turned his back on him if he said he would turn his back on him, and my life is over!" Unexpectedly, Su Fenglou didn't take advantage of the situation to chase after him, and suddenly slanted a finger with his right hand, and clicked on the Qishe acupoint on Jing Lanzhou's collarbone, Grab his arm and jump away for more than ten feet.Jing Lanzhou was totally unprepared, and was restrained by his move. He said anxiously: "Senior Su, what are you doing?" Su Fenglou scolded: "Silly boy, you won't last long under his hands. The old man saves you!" You escaped from birth, are you still not happy?"

Seeing that Su Fenglou was acting strangely, Songyun couldn't figure out what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd for a while, but since the other party stopped pestering him, he was free to deal with Ma Shun, let alone think about it right now. Already unfolded the Eight Diagrams Swimming Palm around Ma Shunshi.Ma Shun fought two moves with Songyun on the bank of the Zhangjiang River that day, knowing that the other party's martial arts skills are excellent, and he is no match for him, he complained endlessly in his heart, so he had to reluctantly fight back.

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