Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 175 Insidious

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Song Yun couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard the words. It turned out that the Songyang School was established at the foot of Taishi Mountain. There have also been several outstanding figures. Among them, Guo Huanzhang, the father of Guo Pei and the head of the previous generation, was quite good at martial arts; but before his death, he passed the position of head to his son Guo Pei, who was mediocre and the disciples he trained were even more mediocre. In the past ten years or so, the Songyang School's reputation in the martial arts world has not been as good as it used to be.

Before he was 30 years old, Ma Shun joined the Jinyiwei, joined Wang Zhen all the way to the position of commander, he was still above Wang Zhen's two nephews.Songyun was favored by Xuanzong and Yingzong, and often lived in the capital for several months a year. He was worried that Ma Shun would find out that he was involved with Wuwei Palace, so he had no contact with him, and even avoided the two meeting each other. open.Seeing Ma Shun's question at this moment, he muttered to himself, "Your Majesty is capable and sophisticated, it is indeed a rare talent. If Your Excellency is in charge of the Songyang faction, its momentum will be much stronger than it is now." Suddenly the topic changed, and he said sharply : "It's a pity that you are a minion for a tiger, and you are despised by your righteous colleagues in the martial arts. Although the martial arts ability of the head of Guo is not as good as yours, he has never done such a disgraceful act."

Ma Shun snorted, and said with a sneer: "The Taoist teacher taught me well, my Senior Brother Guo is indeed a good gentleman! Back then, I was in the same discipline as him, and Master saw that I was quite qualified, and my martial arts were far superior to my brothers of the same generation. , It has long been decided to pass on the position of head to Ma. Brother Guo held a grudge, so he set up a poisonous plan to prevent Ma from taking over." Song Yun frowned: "What kind of plan is that?"

Ma Shundao: "Don't be afraid that the master will laugh at you. Brother Guo is more than ten years older than Mr. Ma. He has an only daughter under his knees, but his age is similar to Mr. Ma. The two of us often practice martial arts and swords together. We get along for a long time. It's inevitable that the two love each other." Songyun couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, and said: "Well, brother has become the old man, if you become Guo Pei's son-in-law, he doesn't have to compete with you for the position of head. "

Ma Shun said with hatred: "My elder brother is such a despicable villain, how can he be as open-minded as the Taoist priest? At that time, he threatened Ma not to be the head of the sect, otherwise he would marry his daughter to someone else." Song Yun frowned and said: " Oh, there is such a thing? If so, the character of 'Songyang Sword' is not high." Ma Shun said with a wry smile: "Back then, Ma was young and energetic, so he agreed impulsively. Brother was afraid that I would regret it later, and would Forcing me to do a few things that ruined my reputation and ruined my sect, my master expelled Ma from the Songyang sect in a fit of anger. position."

Songyun sighed: "You were a lover back then, and you were willing to sacrifice so much for the person you like. But since you have committed public outrage, how can you still marry Guo Pei's daughter? Your master would not agree." Ma Shun said: " It’s not that Ma didn’t expect this festival. His teacher was already seriously ill at that time, and Senior Brother Guo promised that as soon as he took over as head, he would retake Ma under the wall of the Songyang Gate and betroth his daughter to me. Even if others are dissatisfied with the head of the faction, they dare not speak more."

Songyun nodded, and said: "In this way, the head of Guo must have turned his back on what he said?" Ma Shun said bitterly: "It's not just that. After a while, the mentor passed away, and he passed on the position of head to his brother." On this day, my brother asked me for a drink in private, and said that he wanted to choose an auspicious day to accept me and re-arrange the gate wall, and then we could discuss the matter of marrying a daughter. Ma Mou was happy to drink a few more glasses, and was drunk by his brother. See you, brother I was so drunk that I swung my sword to ... castrate Ma." At this point, his complexion turned pale, his teeth were clenched, and his body trembled slightly.

Songyun said "ah", really surprised to the extreme, and asked: "Why didn't he just kill you, but did this?" Ma Shun sneered: "That's because he had some scruples in his heart. Master died of illness. Afterwards, Ma thought about it, and finally realized that he could not trust his brother. If he broke his promise, I could not think about it, so he sneaked into Songyang Academy one night and stole the iron sword from the master. This iron sword belongs to the sect It was passed down by the founder of Kaishan, and it is a keepsake of the heads of the Songyang School. Seeing this sword is like seeing the head of the sect. Brother Guo lost the iron sword, and the position of the head of the sect is not stable. Ma has no intention of competing for the head of the sect. This move is just to prevent accidents, as long as the senior brother keeps his promise, I will return the iron sword with both hands after the matter is completed. The senior brother guessed that I stole the iron sword, and he did not show it on the face, but secretly set up this poisonous plan to force Ma gave in and asked me to hand over the sect leader's token."

Songyun thought to himself: "These brothers and sisters are cheating each other, and they are not good things." He hesitated for a while, and suddenly his figure swayed. Without a kidney capsule, he said in his heart: "This man let me use my hand to control the vital points. Just now, I just exerted a little force on my palm, and he was already shocked to death. It seems that his sincerity is not in vain. He is even willing to tell such ugly things. Maybe I won't let out the news about my fake death." He knew that once this dark story spread, no matter how high Ma Shun's martial arts position was, his future in the court would be ruined, and it would be even more difficult for him to stand on the ground. To tell you this, it is determined to use this big secret in exchange to save your life.Song Yun was taught by Luo Zhongyuan when he was young. For decades, he has a clear mind and puts benevolence first in his actions. Although he knew that killing a horse at this time would be a one-and-done thing, it was hard to harden his heart. He nodded immediately and said: "You say you He is the head of the Songyang Sect, what does that mean?"

Ma Shundao: "That day, Ma was tricked by his senior brother, so he woke up halfway from the wine. Fortunately, he was very drunk before. Although the wound was bleeding profusely, it didn't hurt very much because of the numbness. Immediately, he started to fight with his senior brother. Come on, I will restrain him with several tricks. Seeing that I am in such a state of injury, it is impossible to get married with sister Ting again, so I forced my brother to draw up a note on the spot and put my fingerprint on it, stating that I will give up the position of head to the virtuous To me." Song Yun said in his heart: "It seems that this 'Tingmei' is Guo Pei's daughter." Shaking his head, he said: "You are already disabled, how can you still be in charge of the Songyang faction? Why don't you kill your senior brother Killed something?" Ma Shun sighed: "Ma has this intention, but he just hates that he can't do it. Although the brother is vicious, he is Tingmei's biological father after all, and I really don't want to be Tingmei's father-killing enemy."

Hearing this, Songyun couldn't help feeling in his heart: "Although Ma Shun has done a lot of evil, this life experience is really tragic, or maybe he changed his mind after encountering misfortune." Sighed: "Although you got Guo Pei's According to the handwritten evidence, I still can’t be the head of Songyang after all, can I?”

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