Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 172 Uncle Mei

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Song Yun frowned and said: "Your Excellency and Jing Shaoxia came to the tower together, are you two friends?" Su Fenglou shook his head and said, "Not really." Song Yun asked again: "Could it be that Jin Yiwei asked you to come to help Punch?" Su Fenglou snorted and said: "Although Su is not talented, he still disdains to be with the imperial court's hawks and dogs." While answering in his mouth, he did not relax his hands. Various palms, fists, and fingerings made it unpredictable. Straight dazzling.

Songyun saw that although his moves were complicated, they were all to the point, and he didn't really kill, so he couldn't help but feel a little relieved, and responded: "A man as tall as you, if you want to come here, it's definitely not the way of the government. Today, the old man has a heart Pang Yu, I didn't have a good fight with you. I have a merciless request. I don't know if your lord can give me a helping hand and take care of Jin Yiwei and other good players for me? If my two juniors act rashly, they will all be in the hands of the old man. Afterwards, I will make another appointment with you to fight against him for three days and three nights, wouldn't it be hearty?"

Su Fenglou closed his hands when he heard the words and said with a smile: "The Daoist Master's wishful thinking is overwhelmed, and he actually wants Su to act for you? Well, why don't I find an opponent for your two juniors first, so that the two of them will not be put on the sidelines. Just watch the play." Suddenly he leaped more than ten feet out of thin air, climbed the bottom cornice of the Shengjin Pagoda and jumped up the corrugated corrugated roof, and after a few steps up, he crossed the vermilion railing on the second floor, and slammed a palm into the Ruyi door opening on the tower body.Song Yun was completely puzzled, when suddenly he saw two figures jumping out from the second-story tower, and each palmed Su Fenglou in the air.The latter touched the area with his palm, and the two were pushed outward by him, and they fell to the ground under the tower almost at the same time. When Songyun looked intently, it was Guan Motong and Mei Qian.

When all the people present saw the appearance of Guan Mei, they couldn't help but "ah", and stopped fighting.The four girls from the Yao family were overjoyed, and Zhuo Shui envoy said: "Elder Guan, Elder Mei, you are here too!"

Su Fenglou lightly jumped down from the second floor of the pagoda, wiped off the dust on his body, and said with a smile: "You two elders, the fighting is so fierce down there, but you two are leisurely hiding on the pagoda, staying out of it, not knowing what to do." What's your plan?" Guan and Mei's expressions changed upon hearing this.

Songyun said displeasedly: "Old Guan, what are you doing sneakily in the tower? Why didn't you come down early to help?" Guan Motong looked embarrassed, and said: "I didn't see that you are going to lose, I'll be on top first Let's see what happened." Wei Yi hesitated, then turned to Su Fenglou and said, "Who are you, and why do you know that we are hiding in the tower?"

Before Su Fenglou could answer, Mei Qian sighed softly, and said, "I'll introduce Brother Guan. This Mr. Su Fenglou, the owner of Luoxinglou on Qixia Mountain in Yingtian Mansion, is a rare expert in martial arts." Jing Lanzhou thought: "It was Elder Mei who taught Senior Brother Luo to invite Mr. Su to Nanjing that day. The two of them naturally recognized each other. Elder Mei wanted to invite Mr. Su out of the mountain to prevent Guan Motong from harming Senior Brother. It turned out that Elder Guan didn't know Su. senior."

Su Fenglou laughed and said: "Uncle Mei, I haven't seen you for many years, how is your old man's health?" These words penetrated into the ears of everyone present, and everyone who heard it was shocked, Jing Lanzhou said in surprise: "Senior Su, you What did you call Elder Mei just now?" Su Fenglou said with a smile: "Elder Mei is Su's aunt and uncle, what's so strange about me meeting him to say hello?"

Mei Qian said indifferently: "Thanks to the landlord, Mei has been free for the past two years, but he has lived comfortably." Su Fenglou stroked his beard and smiled: "I also heard that my cousin is at ease recently, I am afraid that today But they are very idle. Right now there are two big traitors from Wuwei Palace here, do you want to arrest them?" The elders of Songzhu changed their expressions when they heard the words, and stared at Su Fenglou, thinking in their hearts: "I have never heard of the old Mei has a cousin who is so strong in martial arts, he deliberately led the fire on us, I don't know what his intention is?"

Li Zhuliang sneered and said: "I don't think there are such strange people in the martial arts world. Li is seldom seen and heard, and he doesn't know famous names, so he wants to ask for some advice." They are rare masters, but Songzhu's two elders lost to their senior brothers several times in the past, all because the three of them practiced in the same school, and the two elders' own martial arts were greatly restrained by the opponent's Hunyuan kung fu; Apart from He Shuo and Si Guo, there is absolutely no third person who can stand up to the joint efforts of his two senior brothers, so Li Zhuliang is not too frightened when he sees Su Fenglou.

Chen Yusong suddenly grabbed him and said, "Junior Brother, Master Su's martial arts are not inferior to Senior Brother Zhang's, so why are you looking for trouble!" He saw that although Su Fenglou and Mei Qian were called uncles and nephews, after all, the enemy is unknown at this time. If Guan Mei and the others really make a move, my senior brother can also resist the enemy. As long as Su Fenglou still holds Song Yun back, Ma Shun and the others still have a good chance of winning; The master of Xinglou challenged, once Songyun freed his hand, Jin Yiwei would be defeated immediately.He had no intention of helping Mitaka, but if Jiansheng fell into Songyun's hands, his strategy of fishing in troubled waters would not work, and the secret of innate skills would come to naught, so he rushed to stop him.

Li Zhuliang said angrily: "Senior brother, I know you are afraid of my bad things. Even Tongxian has come to Jiangxi now. This Su must be the master arranged by the Palace Master to deal with us. What else can I say?" After all, he ranks among the five elders, and is a first-class talent in martial arts and scheming, so how can he fail to see the strength of the current situation?It's just that he believed that Su Fenglou was also sent by Xian Qingrang to deal with him, and that he challenged Songyun just now was probably acting in front of everyone, so he couldn't help but step forward to fight.

Guan Motong said in his heart: "Right now the Ox-nosed Taoist and the mysterious envoy of the Yao tribe are here, if I don't take action again, I'm afraid these little girls will go back to the Palace Master and sue the old man." In Jiangxi, Mei Qian has never mentioned to himself that there is such a cousin, but this mysterious master who suddenly appeared was not sent by the palace lord, and he thought to himself: "I don't know what the origin of this Lord Su is. Once the hand is handed over, Jin Yiwei's entire army will be wiped out in a blink of an eye, and when the boy surnamed Jing asks me about Shi Hepu's whereabouts, it will be difficult to answer." Immediately, he took a step forward to stop Li Zhuliang, and said with a smile: "Elder Li, we have two Haven't seen you for more than a year? My brother is still in full bloom, congratulations."

Li Zhuliang's complexion changed, and he said, "Brother Guan, do you want to take me?" Guan Motong said: "The five elders of Junjie were all brothers in blood, but it's a pity that you two betrayed the palace lord and broke the contract in the future. First of all, Guan XX is only loyal to the sect today." Li Zhuliang laughed loudly and said: "What a loyal guard! Forget it, you and I will be separated for two years, let's see how my brother enters the country today!" To Guan Motong.

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