Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 171 Challenge

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Li Zhuliang glanced at Chen Yusong, and said slowly: "Brother, in your opinion, who should we help?" Chen Yusong pondered for a while, and said: "Master Jiansheng, if we capture the four envoys of the Yao tribe for you, are you serious? Would you like to give me the innate palm formula?" Jian Sheng said: "How dare the poor monk lie in front of the two Taoist priests? The young palace master's temper is not unknown to the two, since the whereabouts of the two have been leaked, the palace master is determined not to talk to each other. Rong, even if the two elders go to the ends of the earth, Wuwei Palace will let you go. Instead of living in fear, it is better to serve the court in a timely manner, so that you will not lose your reputation in the future." Chen Li fell silent after hearing this, It seems quite moved.

Song Yun turned pale with anger, and shouted: "Junior Brother Chen, Junior Brother Li, the uncle's vengeance has not been avenged, and you are actually fighting with the imperial court eagle?" How can I catch up with you, Senior Brother Zhang? Besides, I didn't promise to help them."

Jing Lanzhou listened to the words of the people, it seemed that these three groups met on a narrow road, and Jian Sheng wanted to use the secrets of innate skills as bait to lure the two elders of Songzhu to join hands with him to deal with Wuwei Palace, thinking: "If the two elders really vote for the court, immediately Shun's wishful thinking is not bad, Daoist Songyun can't win against Chen and Li for a while, and I am not Ma Shun's opponent, the situation is indeed extremely dangerous; it's a pity that "Iron Claw Chasing Soul" can't guess after all calculations Seeing Mr. Su's change, with such a master in charge, the chances of winning are sure." Just as he was about to speak, Su Fenglou suddenly whispered to him: "There are other masters lurking on the tower. I don't know if it is an enemy or a friend. Be careful in everything. Go for the camera." Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard the words, nodded silently, and swallowed the words.

I saw Su Fenglou smiled, walked forward and said: "I have heard for a long time that Daoist Songyun is unrivaled in martial arts. I didn't expect to meet here by chance. I am really lucky. Su has the courage to ask the Taoist priest to teach me some tricks." As soon as the words came out, everyone was astonished. Jing Lanzhou never expected that Su Fenglou would challenge Songyun with words. He was shocked and said: "Senior Su, you... what do you mean?" Su Fenglou laughed Said: "Don't you understand what I say?"

Jing Lanzhou's back was sweating slightly, and he said: "At this moment, there are strong enemies around, and I hope that seniors will help the Taoist priest to resist the enemy first, and learn martial arts, so we can choose another good opportunity." Su Fenglou said: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. After the Taoist priest comes and goes, the dragon sees the head but does not see the end, so Su dare not lose time." With a tap of his toe, he landed lightly beside Songyun, and slapped the other side's door with his palm.

Seeing that he didn't declare his family name, Songyun couldn't help but make a move when he came up. For a while, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out, and he leaned aside and said, "Wait a minute! Pindao and I have never met each other before, so why did you get into trouble as soon as we met?" Su Feng Lou smiled and said: "Meeting an opponent at chess, meeting a good talent, there is nothing more joyful in life than this, so why bother talking about it?" Without letting go of his palms, he pushed out his palms in a row, attacking the key points on Songyun's chest.Seeing the opponent's aggressive moves, Songyun had no choice but to fight back.All the people present thought: "Taoist Songyun's martial arts are so strong that he is almost unmatched in this world except He Shuo and Si Guo. This person wants to fight with him without saying a word. Could it be that he is a lunatic?" Seeing that this old man surnamed Su actually possessed peerless martial arts, he was inextricably fighting Songyun within twenty or thirty moves, and they were all shocked.


It turned out that Luo Yushu and others escaped from the cave in Xishan that day, and Songyun took the two elders back to the entrance of the cave to settle accounts with Ma Shun. With the martial arts of the three of them, Jin Yiwei was greatly defeated. Fortunately, Sanying and Jiansheng won Taking advantage of the dense vegetation in the mountain, they fled into the bushes one after another, only to be killed by the second elder a few guards.Seeing that Zhang Yuqing's remains had been found, the two elders asked Songyun to fulfill his promise and teach him with innate skills and minds; Almost fighting, the two elders knew that it was difficult to win, so they immediately disappeared into the forest.

Songyun had no choice but to send someone to collect his uncle's body. He wanted to go back to Nanchang to inquire about Jiansheng's whereabouts. On the way, he met four envoys from the Yao tribe and talked about Lin Yuetai's stay in Taihu Lake.Originally, the four envoys were going to the market to buy some daily necessities, and they were about to leave for Nanzhi, when they happened to meet Jing Lanzhou, Qian Wenqin and others.That old man of Songzhu came to the Shengjin Pagoda outside the city that day. It was no coincidence that he bumped into Ma Shun's group by accident. The two enemies met each other, and they were extremely jealous, but neither was sure of victory. There was a stalemate for a while; Jian Sheng suddenly came up with a plan, he guessed that not all the people in Wuwei Gongjiang West knew about his apostasy, and immediately summoned the nearby church members with the firework signal of the Red Lotus Dharma Protector, intending to besiege the two elders of Songzhu, but unexpectedly, Songyun and the four envoys were attracted, and this formed the situation where the previous three groups of people confronted each other in twos.


Ma Shun saw that Taoist Songyun was entangled by Mr. Su who killed him halfway for no reason. It was a godsend opportunity, and without any hesitation, he shouted: "Everyone, come on, catch the traitor of the White Lotus Sect, the emperor will reward you a lot!" !" With a shake of the tiger's paw in his hand, he went straight to Jinglanzhou, and the two kings and Jiansheng also attacked the girls of the Yao tribe at the same time.Seeing the crowd fighting in front of the pagoda, the Songzhu elders, as long as senior brother Songyun fails to get rid of the entanglement of the old man surnamed Su in time, Jing Lanzhou and the four envoys of the Yao tribe will most likely lose. .

Everyone fought for about half a cup of tea, only to see that Su Fenglou and Songyun couldn't tell the winner. Although the drunken flower envoy was injured, the four female envoys of the Yao tribe, Kai Yuchan's swordsmanship, could only defend but not attack. Under the pincer attack of the Wang brothers and Jiansheng, he was not defeated; it was quite difficult for Jing Lanzhou to fight against Ma Shun alone. Resisting the enemy, he had no choice but to use his fish swimming skills to dodge and move as much as possible.

After another fifty or sixty moves, Jing Lanzhou became more and more difficult to support, his whole body was shrouded in silver light from steel claws, and his footwork gradually became sluggish.Seeing that Wuwei Palace's side is about to run out, Songzhu and Elders couldn't help but secretly rejoice, and secretly said: "It's best for you to fight to lose both, the Young Palace Master's side is of course weakened, even if Jin Yiwei wins, it will be the end of his strength, and I'm afraid we won't be able to win the innate talent at that time." The key to gong?" With this in mind, he calmly watched from the sidelines.

Songyun and Su Fenglou fought until they were beyond a hundred moves, and his heart became more and more startled, and he secretly said: "I can count people with the same martial arts as me in this world. Who is this Su, and how many martial arts skills are there?" Can't see the sect at all?" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Jing Lanzhou and the four envoys of the Yao tribe had all fallen, and became more anxious in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "This good friend, Pindao has never had any enmity with you, Your Excellency If you want to prove your martial arts, the two of us might as well have a good fight when we find him again, can you introduce Pindao to help your friend out of trouble today?" Su Fenglou said with a smile: "As long as the Taoist priest keeps attacking Jin Yiwei, your two junior brothers will definitely Joining the battle group, I am afraid that friends like you will not last long."

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