Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 133

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Luo Jing and the two were shocked when they heard the words, and said: "Senior, you... what did you say?" Shi Hepu sighed: "Guan Shishu and his mentor followed the master to learn art together, but their temperaments are very different. Teacher Su Huai has a heart of hanging pots, worshiping under the ancestor's door is only to study medicine and save the world, but the uncle aims to learn the master's peerless martial arts and use it to dominate the martial arts. After that, the teacher has learned the true teaching of the master's medical skills, and the uncle is also the same Be brave and diligent, and eventually become a generation of masters. However, the uncle is narrow-minded and often blamed by the master, so he thought it was my mentor who provoked him, so he was not liked by the master."

Luo Yushu was skeptical when he heard the words, and said: "The younger generation has had a relationship with the respected master uncle on several occasions. He is indifferent and elegant, not like a narrow-minded person." Shi Hepu sighed: "It's not that Shi is disrespectful to the elders of the master. The master uncle has a deep plan. Although he looks loyal on the outside, he hides the city government and is extremely scheming. Since he was resentful towards his mentor, the master ancestor dared not do anything wrong in Japan. My mentor had to stay away from Xichuan all the way from his hometown in Shandong, so he happened to save Daoist Gu of the Bashan Sect in Baoning Mansion."

Luo Yushu sighed: "The two of them have been in the same family for decades, even if there is discord between the brothers and sisters, at most they don't communicate with each other, why do you respect the uncle so hard?" Shi Hepu said: "Uncle Guan Shi It is not for other reasons, but for a wonderful book left by the master. This book is called "The Legacy of the Medicine Cauldron". There are dozens of essays on the essence of martial arts in the Qihuang Thaumaturgy of Raising the Dead and Returning to the Skeleton, including the most profound principles of martial arts that the master has learned throughout his life. Hiding privately, Uncle Guan, due to his limited talent, was unable to exhaust the profound martial arts that his master had cultivated all his life, but mistakenly thought that his master was partial and refused to teach him the unique knowledge."

Jing Lanzhou wondered: "This is unreasonable. Even if Elder Guan thinks that the master is biased, Senior Lin's martial arts are obviously not as good as him, so how could he have learned the unique skills of Senior Ji? This suspicion is unfounded. "

Shi Hepu sighed: "My teacher devoted himself to medicine, so he didn't care much about learning martial arts. Later, on his deathbed, the master passed the "Yao Ding Yi Pian" to his teacher, and asked his teacher to pass on the method of green bag in the book to the future generations. The martial arts secrets contained in the book, my ancestors knew that my master's martial arts were not yet mastered, and it was difficult to understand the mystery of them. Even if I wanted to practice, I was unable to grasp them. The profound meaning was passed on to the uncle. Uncle Guan felt angry because of this, and repeatedly asked his teacher for "The Posthumous Chapter". I hid and didn't see the sun for more than ten years."

Luo Yushu murmured: "I heard that Elder Guan once broke into the palace at night. Could it be that he wanted to ask the senior about the whereabouts of this strange book in Master's hand?"

Shi Hepu smiled wryly and said: "Uncle Guan has searched for his mentor and found nothing, so he will come to ask Shi. Shi lied that his mentor had passed away, so naturally the uncle didn't believe it. The two of us said that we were deadlocked and we fought immediately. How can I win?" Uncle Master? Just a few moves and he was restrained. Uncle Guan turned my house upside down, but he didn’t find any clues about my teacher and the "Yao Ding Yi Pian", so he left in a huff. Shi thought this was the case I have kept it from the past, but unexpectedly, Uncle Guan came to the door again, without saying a word, he shot and severely injured me, leaving me alone. Shi was bedridden for many years before he could get up, but The left lobe of the lung was damaged, no matter how much it was adjusted, it could not be recovered, causing severe coughing all day long, unable to improve Qi luck at all, and turned into a cripple with no martial arts." Luo Jing and the two were moved: "Is there such a thing? They both thought in their hearts: "Shi Hepu himself is one of the best genius doctors in the world. The ancients said that Lu doctors are not self-governing. It is true."

Shi Hepu sighed: "Back when Shi killed the thirteen chief robbers in Chiyan Village, many of their relatives and subordinates wanted to seek revenge from me all the time. If the news of my loss of martial arts spread, I'm afraid there will be no more Shi in Jianghu. A certain place, so I live in fear every day. One night, I had unbearable pain in my chest. After I fell unconscious, I opened my mouth and performed surgery to remove the bloody lesions accumulated in the canopy one by one. When I woke up, the wound had been sutured, and my teacher had disappeared. I only left a letter on the table explaining how to prescribe and recuperate. Since then, my health has improved day by day, and everything returned to normal in about half a year, and my luck was no longer hindered. When I was happy, Uncle Guan came to my door a few months ago, and I realized that he deliberately refused to give A certain life only beat me half to death, because I believe that only my teacher can heal this injury in the world, and I also know that because of his old man's temper, he will never sit back and watch his beloved disciple suffer and ignore it. To test whether the teacher is still alive."

Luo Jing and the two were shocked for a long time, they only felt that the vicious scheme and the cruel method of this method were beyond human imagination; Never expected him to be such a gloomy and ruthless person.

Shi Hepu continued: "Fortunately, I have suffered a few times at the hands of my uncle, and this time I have already prepared myself. I dug a secret escape route at home, and I managed to escape in the crisis. But my uncle's martial arts schemes are far away. He is better than me, and he is an elder of Wuwei Palace, with eyes and ears all over the place, although the world is big, where can Shi hide? He had no choice but to flee to Nanchang and seek refuge with the prince."

A thought suddenly came to Luo Yushu's mind: "Could it be that Elder Guan instructed me to find Dr. Shi, and he wanted to use our hands to find Senior Lin? Elder Mei taught us to go to Nanjing to ask Mr. Su to deal with Lin Yuetai's enemies. What exactly are you talking about?" You Tianwu or Guan Motong?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help sweating slightly on his back.

Shi Hepu finished talking about the past, hesitated for a while, and sighed: "The mentor often said that he had received great kindness from Luo Daxia in the past, and now that the descendants of the Luo family are in trouble, Shi should serve as his order to drive away. It's just that the two of them already know about Master Guan. In this grievance between my master and my apprentice, I hope that I can lend a helping hand in times of crisis, so as to protect my teacher from being harmed by my master and uncle; as for Shi Mou's life, it is really not a concern."

Luo Yushu hurriedly said: "Since I want to invite my senior to come out of the mountain, even if I risk my life not to do so, I will never let others point a finger at respecting master and apprentice." He said in his heart: "Even if Lin Yuetai's big enemy is really his junior brother Guan Mo Tong, we have invited Daoist Songyun to come forward to help us earlier, he is extremely skilled in martial arts, and he is also a good friend of Guan Motong, Elder Guan will sell his face to some extent. I just don’t know who is Mr. Su, the master of Luoxingxing?" Thinking of this, I just feel that there are a lot of strong support, and I can't help but feel at ease.

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